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WWE Elimination Chamber 2015 Discussion. *SPOILER ON WWE APP*


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Christ, that was a bad show. 4 boring matches, 1 good one, and a decent main until the worst finish ever. All in front of a dead crowd.

I've just read your post. Extremely negative. You really can't enjoy wrestling IMO if that's your thoughts on the show.

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What a night! The Big Guy finally won some gold. Cena v Owens was alright too, but Ryback.


Seth Rollins may very well replace The Miz as my least favourite WWE champion over the last 8 years. Can't be arsed with him, currently.

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I don't know if the microphones on the cameras/ring were turned right up tonight but you could hear so many spots being called. Cena and paige being the main culprits.

If you watch the IC title chamber match again, you can hear practically every word Ziggler said.

Cena has always been bad for it, lately he's been fucking awful for when he's has the STF on though. Last night was the same, he might aswell have just said "I'm going to call the spot now!" before going to Owens ear.

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These cracking Cena matches are in danger of losing their shine. Already after the last month or two, it's got to the point of him beating someone with an AA first time being a shock.

Internet: "Oi, John, you're shit and you can't wrestle"

John: :(


Internet: "Oi, John, stop having brilliant matches every week"

John: "Make up your fucking mind"

Not really what I said now, is it?


I'm a Cena fan, the guy is the ultimate workhorse. There's just the same formula to every match since the whole US Open challenge began, as I said they're great matches individually but when you're watching them every week it just starts to lose appeal somewhat. Not every match has to be a nearly moment, that's partly why people find Lesnar's matches so refreshing and they're not happening every month so it's not diluted.


I get the idea of it showcasing the Lower-midcard/adding prestige to the title but every fucker and his dog shouldn't be kicking out of the finisher of the biggest star in the business near enough every single match (every match people get out of the STF too) - very selfless of Cena but IMO should be saved for the big matches, like you'd only see people kick out of a Rock Bottom in a big WM or SS match usually.


People kicking out should be a big moment, like diving to the outside used to be a massive thing but now you see it about 3 or 4 different times on one episode of Raw and it gets fuck all reaction. Do that too many times too soon and people are going to stop giving a shit, it's the nature of the business.

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I really enjoyed it for the most part. It was no NXT Takeover but it was never going to be. Owens Cena was ace. Main event was good, Neville was Neville. I never notice the calling spots thing due to two kids drowning it out. The Dean Ambrose black and white promo reminded me of Piper for some reason.


Aside from Owens Cena the best bit for me was my £5 layout on a patent on Owens / Neville / Ambrose getting me £44.

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diving to the outside used to be a massive thing but now you see it about 3 or 4 different times on one episode of Raw and it gets fuck all reaction. Do that too many times too soon and people are going to stop giving a shit, it's the nature of the business.



This I totally agree with, also, what were they thinking giving away the Roman Reigns big dive on Raw just before Wrestlemania? The first time should've been against Lesnar at Mania.

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I quite enjoyed that.


The tag title chamber match had some fun nonsense in it, and Cesaro looked super smooth. JBL referring to Kalisto's big spot with "That was dumb" was fucking atrocious, but in general I enjoyed the match. They managed to get me cheering for the Prime Time Players by the end... even though they were a bit stupid in eliminating Cesaro & Kidd and leaving themselves at a 2 on 3 disadvantage when they could have helped them oust New Day and be left with a fair fight. Oh well. I don't mind New Day retaining one bit, I thought they were garbage to begin with but I've grown to really like them as antagonists. Which is hard for me to admit because it's Kofi.


The Divas match wasn't one of the better ones but I still got invested in it because I love Paige.


Cena vs Owens was different from what I expected. I was alarmed at some of the stuff Cena was allowed to kick out of, feeling it was going to make Kev look weak at how much stuff he threw at Cena and still couldn't beat him... but then in the end, he won. So all the stuff Cena kicked out of was still wearing him down to the point that eventually, Kevin Owens was the better man. Fine, lovely. Only drawback.... Cena wins the rematch. Bit obvious. But hell, who cares, really. Did I enjoy the match? Yes, lots. That's all that matters.


Neville vs Bo was just kind of there. There was no attempt to work the "injured" leg by Dallas, even when he was on top. In truth, I spent most of the match distracted by some of Bo's expressions that looked very creepy and my mind wandered thinking that he should be with his bruv in a rebooted Wyatt Family. Or Fabulous Rotundeau Brothers.


The Intercontinental title chamber fell apart. There was lots of stalling because I think they all forgot what they were meant to be doing. Truth eliminating Barrett was depressing as fuck. I'm always going to think of Truth as a loser, watching him pin anyone with any upside always makes me think "pointless" and the Lie Detector is both a shit name for a finish and a really, really, really shitty finish that should never pin anybody. It would have been shit in the 80s. At least Tito Santana's flying forearm looked like it had some impact behind it, Ron just twirls around and lightly grazes you as he passes. I was pleased enough that Ryback won, but there was more shit commentary as they all missed the point of Sheamus intentionally jamming the lock with his cross - Lawler even thought he had used it to UNLOCK himself initially. Terrible.


Rollins/Ambrose built to a good little thriller in the end, although from the moment the second ref appeared, I jadedly thought "And there's your cop out." I still got quite the buzz when I thought Ambrose had actually won and for a couple of minutes I thought it was going to stand, and I was very happy. That reaction made me not really care all that much when they pulled their Dusty finish out of their arse. He can Honky his way out of a few more predicaments for me, not every champion gets to be hard as nails, especially when he's a heel. I also thought they did a real good job of building to Reigns' save at the end, to the point where at least on this night, Corpus Christi seemed genuinely pleased to see him. If "popular by association" by having him buddy up more with the unilaterally popular Ambrose is the path to shut up some of the boo boys, so be it.


Did I miss something? Feels like I did. Anyway, first show I've watched on a delay without skipping anything for ages, and I enjoyed most of it.


Paige is beautiful. I love her. I really really love her.


Yes. I'd say what I truly feel about the wee porcelain princess, but its not worth taking the chance that Zak and Roy figure out where I live and come beat the shit out of me.

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I hated Cena/Owens. May not be a popular comment, and I REALLY try to look past Cena's obvious flaws, but by god he was awful. His "you can't see me" missing by 6 inches, his bumping on the base of his spine, the punch in the corner flying over Owens head, his shouting the spots....that fucking double tackle spot followed by that spinning powerbomb.....I feel he really had an off night. Sure he out Owens over and made him, but his actual execution was abysmal at times.


As for the rest, I skipped the divas except for Nikki Bella entrance, the tag match was ok, Cesaro is phenomenal though ( that corner dropkick ) and I'm glad The Big Guy won, as there was no one else in the match I was inspired to see hold it, especially Barrett and Ziggler.


For me it was a pretty poor show, with the ending to the main coming a mile away after the music hit and they all hung about.



I agree with you, but for opposite reasons. 


As a wwe fan who gave up on NXT about 12 months ago - I've never really seen owens. Watched him with an open mind when him came in despite my first impression being "Who's this out of shape jobber". Honestly his wrestling style reminds me of Tank Abbott. It was Owens that was audible calling spots at the start - and John carried him through a sub-par match. And more than anything, the finisher annoys me. It's got to be the most opponent assisted finisher since Petey Williams' spinning jumping piledriver. Why this guy is being pushed is beyond me - I see nothing in him. 


Right now it seems anyone saying anything anti-owens gets flamed - but hey. Just my opinion. 

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I hated Cena/Owens. May not be a popular comment, and I REALLY try to look past Cena's obvious flaws, but by god he was awful. His "you can't see me" missing by 6 inches, his bumping on the base of his spine, the punch in the corner flying over Owens head, his shouting the spots....that fucking double tackle spot followed by that spinning powerbomb.....I feel he really had an off night. Sure he out Owens over and made him, but his actual execution was abysmal at times.

As for the rest, I skipped the divas except for Nikki Bella entrance, the tag match was ok, Cesaro is phenomenal though ( that corner dropkick ) and I'm glad The Big Guy won, as there was no one else in the match I was inspired to see hold it, especially Barrett and Ziggler.

For me it was a pretty poor show, with the ending to the main coming a mile away after the music hit and they all hung about.




I agree with you, but for opposite reasons. 


As a wwe fan who gave up on NXT about 12 months ago - I've never really seen owens. Watched him with an open mind when him came in despite my first impression being "Who's this out of shape jobber". Honestly his wrestling style reminds me of Tank Abbott. It was Owens that was audible calling spots at the start - and John carried him through a sub-par match. And more than anything, the finisher annoys me. It's got to be the most opponent assisted finisher since Petey Williams' spinning jumping piledriver. Why this guy is being pushed is beyond me - I see nothing in him. 


Right now it seems anyone saying anything anti-owens gets flamed - but hey. Just my opinion.

I'm sorry, but if you see nothing in Owens then wrestling has passed you by or you hate it so much that you can no longer find any joy in it. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but for fucks sake.

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I love wrestling, have done for 25 years and it still brings me a lot of joy. The Internet is comparing the guy to lesnar ffs, I just don't see any positives in him. He's not got the look, the mic skills, the talent or anything new. Only reason I see him getting a following is for the same reasons in modern society that Chico makes the final on x-factor or rage against the machine makes Christmas number one. We as humans build things up, and then tear them down with our fickle nature (Cena) and then thrive on creating an underdog and backing the least likely option as a successor as this makes us feel empowered (Owens). Count me out of that in this case.

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moving swiftly on from that absolute shiter of a 'just my' opinion..


as much as I enjoyed the tag chamber match, can't help feeling it was pretty badly booked. Would've liked to have seen more 4-on-3 before PTP pinned Cesaro, and question the decision to do that, but I think they might have missed a trick with the Luchas. Why did the Ascension get 2 pins? They're big lads but are they gonna be here next here? Luchas entering first and being in the final 2 or 3 teams would've been quite exciting

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I'm sorry, but if you see nothing in Owens then wrestling has passed you by or you hate it so much that you can no longer find any joy in it.


Oh come on, that's utter bollocks, internet wrestling fan snobbery of the highest order. Maybe Owens just isn't his particular cup of tea?


Only reason I see him getting a following is for the same reasons in modern society that Chico makes the final on x-factor or rage against the machine makes Christmas number one. We as humans build things up, and then tear them down with our fickle nature (Cena) and then thrive on creating an underdog and backing the least likely option as a successor as this makes us feel empowered (Owens). Count me out of that in this case.


Errrrr...... no, really, really no. That's also bollocks. There are plenty of people that saw something special in Kevin Steen/Owens long before he was programmed with or even working in the same company as John Cena. Don't be afraid to just admit that Owens isn't your particular cup of tea. We can't all like the same guys, and your opinion can be different from the popular one without accusing the rest of us of giving a shit about X-Factor or something.


Oh, one thing I forgot to ask: how long has Natayla been dressing like a dominatrix for?


Not long enough.

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