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The biggest falls from grace


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More or less for the reasons Jakes stated above, she was pushing IC title wins, beating guys left right and center. Even kicked vinces ass on raw. The sky was the limit.


Now shes making rambling youtube videos about NXXT and doing hardcore porn.

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I hate to say it but Kane


Was a literal MONSTER when he debuted and for a while he continued to be awesome, then won the WWF title, then lost it 23 hours later, since then he's had a few good runs but he gets changed from monster to anger management guy to monster to suit wearing guy..


Alberto Del Rio otherwise. They pushed that dude to the moon and then he soon lost it all, including his job. Wa Wa Waaaaaaaaa



I don't think Kane has fallen from grace.   He's been with the company for 20 years now.  He's gone from shit dentist, Fake Kevin Nash, but then went on to play a defining role in the Undertaker character development.  


Granted he might not be to everyone's taste these days, but he's part of the authority.  He gets film roles.  He's booked on every Raw, and has moments where he still looks pretty strong.  And when he gets the mask out for one last push as the "monster" it will be sold like Iron Man, Hulk and Thor have just merged into one freak


Fair point actually. He should'a stayed at top level is my point, but i guess with HHH, Austin, Rock, he didn't stand a chance, but you can't fault dude for hanging in there. Props to you good sir

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He's since gone on to be involved with the running of AAA and is still a central figure in some of their company wide storylines. He's done pretty well for himself. When you consider the health problems he's had and that he can't have an in ring career anymore he's probably in a good a spot as he could hope to be. Supposedly he was involved in bringing Pentagon Jr, Drago and Fenix into Lucha Underground which has been pretty popular online (and has really helped Pentagon Jr back in Mexico too). He must have played a part in getting Rey to return to AAA too which until a few weeks ago seemed like it was the beginning of something really special for the promotion.


I dunno, doesn't seem like a terrible fall to me. He does tend to look really ill whenever he shows up though so swings and roundabouts I suppose.

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xpac was great at one point now he is barely recognisable and a mess



Here he is about 16 years ago...



and here he is in the last couple of years...


Other than getting a bit out of shape and obviously aging at the normal rate, he's virtually the bloody same. It's hardly an Ultimate Warrior/Undertaker "wasn't he played by three different blokes?" situation is it!

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We sort of discussed this in the minor news thread, but Kurt Angle is up there. WWE don't even want to talk to him now, even though Angle returning to face the current roster would be good business. In under 20 years he went from Olympic Gold Medal winner to slurring drugged up mess.

Personally, I don't think I've ever been turned off by a wrestler more than Kurt Angle over the last 7 years or so (excluding child killers, obvs). If asked "who's your favourite?" Kurt Angle would have made my top 5 a few years ago, but now I won't pinch a loaf if I hear he's on the telly.

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xpac was great at one point now he is barely recognisable and a mess



Here he is about 16 years ago...



and here he is in the last couple of years...


Other than getting a bit out of shape and obviously aging at the normal rate, he's virtually the bloody same. It's hardly an Ultimate Warrior/Undertaker "wasn't he played by three different blokes?" situation is it!


To be fair, X-Pac's fall from grace came in the early to mid '00s. Pornos, suicide attempts and the like really took away from the talent he had/has. Since then, the bloke's picked himself really well.

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I dunno, doesn't seem like a terrible fall to me. He does tend to look really ill whenever he shows up though so swings and roundabouts I suppose.

He's absolutely fucked by the sounds of it. He was speaking of trouble with his kidney anti rejection medicine recently. He looks really bad both facially and he's got marks all over his legs and arms. These big brown circles, which dont paint a pretty picture of his health. He sounds like he might need another kidney replacement eventually. Which almost killed him the last time.


To stay in the game for so long, Konnan has done wonders really. He's in AAA and in Lucha Underground. That's two more paydays than 90% of his old WCW mates are getting. Konnan hasn't been out of work ever I dont think. He was in EMLL, AAA, ECW, then WCW, Promo Azteca, Puerto Rico, WWA, TNA, back to AAA. He's had his face on TV for years in one form or another. Also, he's not a dumb guy (even if he sounds it sometimes). He fucked TNA in court by all accounts. Like took them to the cleaners after suing them for racial and health reasons. His contract is online from his days in TNA, and he was getting paid $500 a show. For a guy who was pretty much running their hottest angle in 2006 and was doing announcing for the Mexican broadcast, that's way, way under paid.

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Well, yeah - walking out on your contract and refusing to come back is pretty instant, I suppose. Not so much a fall from grace as jumping off the cliff of grace.

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Not sure if this qualifies, but CM Punk going from longest reigning WWE Champion in quarter of a century to fired on his wedding day (in just over a year I might add) is a pretty steep drop-off, whatever the reasons behind it were.


Another one I disagree with.  


Punk's the last WWE guy to "cross over" into the mainstream. His move to UFC has got people talking.   He's been smart with his money.   He's not got any vices or addictions that are going to eat into his life savings.   Maybe, if the UFC thing tanks, and maybe if the WWE Lawsuit ends badly for him, he might need to put himself out on the Indy Scene for a year or two down the line, but its still a long way from being Randy the Ram Robinson.  


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I dunno if he crossed into the mainstream as such, when he appeared in the crowds at ball games and the like the commentators would take the piss of him saying stuff like "He's the champion?". I mean UFC's probably not as mainstream as it was a few years ago, seems to carry less steam behind it these days.

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I dunno if he crossed into the mainstream as such, when he appeared in the crowds at ball games and the like the commentators would take the piss of him saying stuff like "He's the champion?". I mean UFC's probably not as mainstream as it was a few years ago, seems to carry less steam behind it these days.


Fair comments.   Still, Punk's a mile away from threatening to murder Ryback over Twitter or summat.  

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It's definitely not as mainstream now. Around 2009/2010 was probably the most mainstream UFC was, when Brock Lesnar was champion, Kimbo Slice was on Ultimate Fighter etc. Before that it was probably 2005/06ish when they had a boost from TUF 1's success and Chuck Liddell's popularity. I remember you'd get all sorts in the crowd at UFC's back then. Dolph Lundgren, George Clooney, Pamela Anderson. There were even talks to do a Joe Rogan vs Wesley Snipes fight in the UFC. Now it's mostly just local sports figures of whatever city they're in.

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