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Foley is Crud


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Undertaker's from the Hogan/Hayes/Flair school of ageing, isn't he? He looked fifty in the attitude era, he looks double it now. It's because he never got any sleep. Even in the early nineties, he had bags under his eyes nearly as bad as you'd see on CM Punk.

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I hope @WWE treads VERY carefully with this @WWEDanielBryan situation.Feels eerily similar to the story that derailed @ZackRyder's career.


Full bollocks from Mick's Facebook below :


"Whether Daniel Bryan - WWE Universe knows it or not, NOW is the time that the fiercest fighting takes place for a WWE champion - and it has nothing to do with the action in the ring. Now is the time to step up and shoot down horrible ideas that can derail even the most promising of ideas. I used to joke that Daniel was the exception to the rule that every top guy in WWE has been perceived at one time or another as a pain in the neck - largely for their willingness to step up and call the creative team out on bad ideas when they see them. That thing I saw tonight - that thing with Daniel and Brie Bella - WWE Universe and the car? That was a bad idea - one that never should have seen the light of day.


I have said on several occasions that I used up my ammo when it came to complaining about WWE storylines when I went to bat for the #YesMovement in the aftermath of the Royal Rumble. I'm going to do my very best to do just that. But I'll first ask everyone involved - Daniel, Brie, Hunter, Steph, Vince, etc., to take a good look at the nearly identical storyline that ran Zack Ryder's promising career off the rails...and do everything they can to avoid that same horrible stretch of track."


"Went to bat" - deluded twat. Nobody cares that you overreacted to the Rumble.


I'd say Ryder losing the US title after a pathetically short reign to a loser like Swagger and fawning over (and summarily being treated like shit by) Eve like a complete gimp did more damage to him than any interaction with Kane, personally.


And sure, Bryan should refuse to do what the writers ask him to do on TV. Surefire way of him dropping the title at the next PPV and wrestling Ziggler in pre-shows by SummerSlam.

Edited by air_raid
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I'd say Ryder losing the US title after a pathetically short reign to a loser like Swagger and fawning over (and summarily being treated like shit by) Eve like a complete gimp did more damage to him than any interaction with Kane, personally.


The Ryder situation was completely different... mainly because (it seemed to me) that WWE wanted Ryder to fail. They gave him the belt begrudgingly, and then got the belt off him quickly AND buried him in midcard obscurity too.


I honestly believe they want Bryan to succeed. He has the full backing of the company and Im sure that when it is all said and done, Bryan will have a very respectable title reign.

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Zack Ryder was kinda funny in his YouTube vids, but I seen him live a few times and even though he got anice reaction when he entered the arena it was tumbleweed time when the match started. I'd compare it to Chavo Guerrerro or Charlie Haas, it's an unidentifiable void in connecting with the crowd once the bell rings. Conversely Daniel Bryan is great in the ring.

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I thought the main reason Ryder failed was that he was actually fairly fucking terrible. So Daniel Bryan should be fine on that count.


He's no Daniel Bryan, sure, but I genuinely felt for Ryder. For years the WWE has harped on about their wrestlers getting themselves over. And he did. After he won the us title WWE completely cut his legs out. Like I said, he was no technical marvel, but hey, wrestling has had lots of subpar guys who manage to have some success. Just feel for the guy that he put in so much effort for nowt.

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You do know all that merch he sold wasn't manufactured by him, right? They put all sorts on the market and his made far more money than someone of that level of talent had any right to. If they wanted to, he could have been in FCW as soon as the gimmick got over. But they didn't. He had a nice little run and his act totally ran its course.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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You do know all that merch he sold wasn't manufactured by him, right? They put all sorts on the market and his made far more money than someone of that level of talent had any right to. If they wanted to, he could have been in FCW as soon as the gimmick got over. But they didn't. He had a nice little run and his act totally ran its course.


No. They had him drop the belt so that they could take him off TV and have him host a YouTube show on their newly launched YouTube channel.


Look, I get it. Not everyone can get pushed at.the same time, but dosent mean I can't feel for him.

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It's a bit of both from where I sit. Where do you go with a character like that? The death for Zach Ryder was WM28 when he got kicked in the balls by Eve. He was made to look like a fool. Had he of thrown a bucket of pig slop over her or somethign to that effect, that would have been another thing, it would have been a triumph for him. But then what? He was a goofy character. Somebody who carried himself like Ryder is reserved for the low card spots - which he could have kept for years with success like Santino. But reports spread that he had a bit of an attitude backstage as he wanted more which is why his legs were totally cut after that.

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You do know all that merch he sold wasn't manufactured by him, right? They put all sorts on the market and his made far more money than someone of that level of talent had any right to. If they wanted to, he could have been in FCW as soon as the gimmick got over. But they didn't. He had a nice little run and his act totally ran its course.


Wouldn't that have just made the "We Want Ryder" chants worse? I seem to remember a few segments being hijacked by those.


I don't think anybody is saying that Zach Ryder could've been the next Cena or whatever but that storyline killed him, and it just seemed so unnecessary. It's not like Cena or Kane really benefited from it did they? Eve wasn't exactly a great long term investment either.


Bryan'll be okay though. He's been turning shit into honey since he got to WWE.

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Those chants only got going because they put him on TV and you'd get CM Punk and John Cena referencing him in promos. You don't get over solely on your own, and he didn't either. He got over to a degree through his youtube show, but its when they started showcasing him on Raw when he started to get the big chants. And it showed that when they stopped putting him on TV, he popularity died because all his popularity was was a fad. There was no hijacking shows like when CM Punk left. Ryder disappeared and they forgot about him.

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If Mick can't see the difference between the Ryder bollocks comedy act getting more spotlight than it deserved running its course, and the current Bryan situation then he needs to go and get his scruffy head examined.


''Who would like the honour of paying for Mick Foley's CAT scan today?''

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Zack Ryder could never have been more than a mid card comedy act and nor should it be. Ryder himself caused this bymaking his character such a massive geek in things he made himself. He was a geek. Geeks shouldn't be on, or anywhere near the, top.

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It has been Mick's schtick throughout his career to get himself over playing the victim against a corporate company and an evil top star playing politics. That is what helped get him over as this lovable cult following underdog. This only worked when he was the underground hardcore favorite working all across the U.S. before getting a big break and when he was rising up the card in WWE. Now that those days are behind him and the mystique of Cactus Jack is gone he comes off so desperate and pathetic.

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