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Tag Teams who don't get enough love


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Oh yeah.. I remember Fifi. It was a wildly varying different shit-scared poodle every week. Just a terrible idea to try and control an animal in that environment.


The French Tickler was a great little taunt. What was that double team finisher they had?

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The x-factor trio had the best music in wrestling, and yes while that is a mild exaggeration everyone who dislikes it is entirely wrong.


I really loved Cade and Murdoch, although mostly for Murdoch if I'm honest. What's he up to these days? New Japan should bring him in.


I love quite a lot of the post original tlc crew tag teams, although they seem entirely mental. Hurricane and Rosey were great, there was somehow a David Taylor and William regal tag team on WWE television which at the time seemed a little bizarre, MNM were actually interesting, la resistance were fun, three minute warning were fantastic. Obviously not all these teams were knocking about at the same time but I think the brand split probably made the tag team division look much weaker than it would have done otherwise. Although then we might not have had the unamericans (I think it was them) against JR and Lawler in a main event. Or that strange battle between the heat and raw announce teams.

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The x-factor trio had the best music in wrestling, and yes while that is a mild exaggeration everyone who dislikes it is entirely wrong.


Ah no! No, c'mon now! Rick 'The Model' Martel had the best entrance theme, followed by Sid and Diesel.

X-Factors music just screamed apathy. I believe that theme song was the catalyst for what was deemed "X-Pac Heat". I genuinely don't think people were sick of X-Pac, I really believe that theme tune was so grim and ear hurtingly tuneless, people would sit there and wish it - and those associated with it - away.

Much like McIntyre's first theme. Grim.


I was listening to the Piledriver album in the car on the way to work this morning. Strike Force really had it sewn up with that theme tune, didn't they?

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Jimmy Hart singing Girls In Cars live at the Slammy Awards while still playing his heel character with a load of girls he wouldn't mind shagging was amazing as well. What a man Jimmy Hart is.


Jimmy Hart was responsible for some of the best songs you'll hear in wrestling. Ridiculously underrated for his contributions to the WWF in the 80s.

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Old Sky Channel footage too! /sadcunt


The appearance of Strike Force and the girls fucking off with them adds a whole new murderous element to St. Jimmy's line straight after that of "All you girls have gone a bit too far, I'm not safe behind the wheel of my car. You girls have a serious effect on meeeeee."

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The French Tickler was a great little taunt. What was that double team finisher they had?

The one thing that made the French Tickler unbearable was listening to Tazz 'singing' like a fucking div whenever he did it. "OH it's the French Tickler, I love this! I am a French Man..."

I think their finish was a double Farooq-esq spinebuster, wasn't it? I remember them doing that.


The video to Strike Force's Girls In Cars is even better.

Yes it is, I love that video. And the song. Completely irrelevant to the team, but superb nonetheless. Up there with All American Boys.

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