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Best things to watch on the network?

Jimmy Boy

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More matches have revealed (nothing that would be spoiled for future TV as it stands right now):

*WWE Divas Title Match-

Paige vs. Naomi vs. Nikki Bella

*WWE Tag Team Title Match-

Cesaro and Tyson Kidd vs. The New Day

*Brock Lesnar vs. Kofi Kingston

*Chris Jericho vs. Neville

*John Cena and Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane and King Barrett

*The Lucha Dragons vs. Los Matadores

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Why is Lesnar facing Kingston? I understand why hes appearing, he was making the trip anyway etc but surely they would have been better using him against a bigger name? Granted, due to Lesnars agreement, only a quick squash is a possibility ala his match with Big Show at the Rumble but it feels very wasted.

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Why is Lesnar facing Kingston? I understand why hes appearing, he was making the trip anyway etc but surely they would have been better using him against a bigger name? Granted, due to Lesnars agreement, only a quick squash is a possibility ala his match with Big Show at the Rumble but it feels very wasted.

Probably to chuck all 3 New Day around and look bad ass.

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According to Meltzer, Lesnar wanted to go with Brad Rheingans to visit Masa Saito, who I think isn't too well (but may have misremembered that.) He realised that if he did a match while over there, he could claim the flight etc as a business expense. It wasn't actually planned as one of his contracted matches, so he worked out a deal with WWE to do a glorified squash rather than 'waste' a match that could be on a big show. That was before they had the idea to put the show on the network.

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He was going to Japan anyway, the post above even explains it all.


Is Jericho just doing random house shows these days? I'm actually looking forward to that Neville match.


Yeah, he pops up every 3 months or so, does 2-3 weeks of house shows then goes back to his stuff away from wrestling.

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Being a kid was great, because fuck me the Attitude Era was awful watching a lot of it back. The first few months of DX turning (April-May 1998) is an absolute shitfest. They are so incredibly unlikable it's astounding. X-Pac is possibly the most irritating shit in the world, hanging out in his trackies looking like a right scruff, grabbing his bollocks and making weed references. In ANYTHING but wrestling, DX would have been a hilarious bad parody. The Outlaws are starting to go somewhere which is good and Chyna says nothing (which actually makes her pretty good tbh) and Triple H is an abomination. He's like DX's older uncool brother, who cracks shit jokes in that awful Cunt Triple H voice he used to have, and hangs around with his younger mates because he has a valid ID.


It's really funny in retrospect seeing how LOD were treated as old shite against DX, and yet in one promo, Hawk absolutely schools them in a promo. It's sometime in May, and DX are out being weirdos, crotch chopping so much that your pretty much convinced these lads will eventually commit a sexual assault (which they eventually did in late 99, you remember that?). They come out, act like cunts and call Hawk an old man. Hawk comes out. The problem, THE MASSIVE PROBLEM with DX, is that they smirk and lol through everything and sell fuck all, and they don't really ever lose, but they're clearly going babyface so... UGH FUCKING RUSSO


Anyway, Hawk says this in his Hawk 'welllllll' voice.


Hawk: Little Man... I'm talking to you.

X-Pac: Why don't you talk to THIS... RIGHT... HERE...(grabbing his bollocks)

Hawk: I can't see it!

*Crowd pops

**Trips isn't having Hawk win this (which he fucking did as well) so he gets the mic

HHH: Heyyy Hawk, you've got one yourself, why don't you find it.

Hawk: I'm shaking in my boots.


LOD leave, so X-Pac finishes with this corker


X-Pac: After we kick your ass LOD, you and Skanky (I presume Sunny), can tuck it, buck it and SUCK IT!


DX were fucking shit. Bunch of weirdos and their uncool older mate. Weird, weird lads. This better change, I recall something being good eventually.

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