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WrestleMania XXX speculation + discussion


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  • Paid Members

This might seem a little early to start such a thread, but this is WreslteMania fucking 30 we're talking about. We're approaching Survivor Series and this is often the time when plans for WrestleMania and potential big matches start to become clear. You have to think that for such a monumental show there has to be some ideas in place for what is going to go down at the showcase of the immortals. Though also, I think it could be interesting to see what ideas are floating about now and how they may change between now and 'Mania, as plans can so often drastically change in this timeframe and this 'Mania is certainly one that has potential for drastic changes depending on if outside talent is brought home.


Which brings me to my first discussion point - WrestleMania is notorious for being the one show to bring the really big names in (mainly from the past) and this being the big three zero you imagine this will be the case more than ever. Although I find it interesting most feel that way and that it is looking that way. The previous decade 'Manias have actually been quite the opposite and focused firmly on the future. With Bryans push around SummerSlam I began to think history may repeat itself somewhat (which it still might) with Punk and Bryan as Eddie and Benoit. With talk of so many guys appearing at this 'Mania who don't feature regularly on WWE TV it feels they could be in danger of doing too much of that and neglecting the talent they need to build toward the future in favour of that. Ryback massively suffered from plans for The Rock being stuck to, could rising talent suffer in the same way with this show? They need to get the balance right between the two for me. I always think that's something a good quality WrestleMania presents, homages to the past but really establishing new talent at the same time. WrestleMania 21 is one show and probably the last show that really got that balance about right in my mind.


So who should come 'home' and who potentially could for WrestleMania XXX? I've seen/heard talk of all these lads:










And that's without mentioning that Brock, Triple H, HBK, Vince, Undertaker and perhaps The Rock are all likely to be on the show. I can't imagine all of those guys will be there, but you never know. A lot of those are due to the dire straits TNA are in, the idea that Jeff Hardy or Kurt Angle might be back might be quite unlikely, but there definitely seems to be some interest from WWE in having those first 3 guys at the big dance. If all of those guys are on, that seems a bit much and may leave little room or time for the talent of today and tomorrow to feature. So if these guys do come 'home', how will they feature and what are the potential matches being talked about right now and being hinted and worked towards on TV.


There's these matches I've seen being discussed and others that TV may be hinting at:


John Cena vs Randy Orton


John Cena vs The Undertaker


Undertaker vs Sting


Triple H vs Daniel Bryan


Triple H vs Shawn Michaels


Daniel Bryan vs Shawn Michaels


Undertaker vs Goldberg


Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar


The Rock vs Brock Lesnar


Stone Cold vs Triple H


Stone Cold vs John Cena


as the potential big matches and others on the undercard:


Goldberg vs Ryback


Cody Rhodes vs Goldust


Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns




So where would that leave CM Punk? I've thought the current big angle on TV since SummerSlam would lead CM Punk back into the title picture and hark back to his infamous 'Pipe Bomb' where he talked about Triple H and Stephanie having control of the company. I thought he'd be getting involved after the Heyman angle was up and he still may do between now and 'Mania and could possibly be a potential Rumble winner I suppose. But will that even give him a title shot at the show or will there be shenanigans and a unification match? If there were to be a unification match, I wouldn't be against them doing a nod to WreslteMania X and having a World title match, a WWE title match and then a unification match.


I hate the idea of most of the Goldberg matches and really, I could do without him there. I don't want to see him vs Undertaker or Ryback for sure. Although i'd be up for them giving Goldberg vs Brock another go, ten years later. That should have been epic first time around and it still could really. Could be easily made as well, Goldberg is just about the only person Brock has never managed to beat isn't it?


I love that The Shield have just began teasing a split on TV. I think the timing is just right, if they keep it slow-burn and subtle that is. If they do and it all blows up in the run up to 'Mania (perhaps in the Rumble as LaGoosh suggested) that could be a great addition to the card and give them a chance to shine and really establish one if not all three of them going forward. I'm also happy that Big E has turned face and looks to be getting a steady push. Come 'Mania time it could be the time for him to really stamp his arrival too. I really think Reigns and Langston are the next guys. Both their upside is just massive. I'm seriously excited about these lads and I think 'Mania XXX should be the time to cement them.

  • Paid Members

It seems the big storyline will be Triple H v Vince McMahon's hand picked opponent, for control of the company. Their no. 1 pick for that slot was/is Steve Austin, but the reports are Austin probably won't bother - he's happy and loaded, so he'll only do it if he fancies risking buggering up his neck for that old buzz. Going by the TV, they may have convinced HBK to fill that spot. I'd probably be more up for that combination if Shawn Michaels didn't comeback every few months and act and look like a bollock in camo. I'd much rather they do Cena v Triple H.


Meltzer was saying the other week that The Rock starts filming a new movie a few weeks after 'Mania. Given how he always breaks down, these days, he may not be wrestling. I'd be amazed if WWE didn't try and use his profile for a non-wrestling gig for the show, especially if they're looking for extra publicity for the network (if the do start it next year).

It seems that they've scrapped Rock/Lesnar and now have Lesnar/Taker penciled in instead, that could change mind.


The one old face I REALLY want to show up is Hogan. For me, it's what will truly make this show feel like the biggest nostalgia show of all time.


Have a legends gauntlet mid show, gets a load of bodies in , let entrances cover lack of action in ring, ending with hogan slamming and pinning king kong bundy . People will buy mania regardless, screw the tattooed swimmers , I'd rather see Goldberg squash Gillberg than anything involving kofi, axel or 3mb.

  • Paid Members
Bit wacky, but why not do a "30 Years of Wrestlemania" battle royal. Pick a guy from each Mania to represent it. I'm sure there must be enough still mobile guys who can pull it off?


I'd go for that. I still love the WM17 Gimmick battle royal and that one they did on Raw for 15 years was it.


I'm not sure we'll get anywhere near the number of names people are expecting. Still, let's speculate anyway.


Hogan - We know if you work it right he's capable of producing a great singles match, I'm not sure the 'E would want to do that though. There's plenty of fun tag options involving Cena, Warrior and so on, but its getting the younger guys in that match right that might be the difficulty. I wouldn't put Cena in a nostalgia tag, he's both the face of the WWE and the best wrestler they have, you figure on him closing the card. I think something involving Hulk against a heel Punk would be fantastic but its not happening. Orton could slot into this position. He's used to it. Hype Hogan up for weeks as coming home and then having him squash the Real Americans after they cheat to win a match or something seems the safest bet.


Sting - vs. Taker is an option. I don't think the feud will be as good as people think if its Crow Sting vs. The Undertaker. They'll probably have a good match but they're too similar for me in terms of character for the build up to be all that. Not that it matters much. I also really want them to do Taker vs. Cena to close out the show because that still could be fantastic but time's rapidly passing on it and if its not this year than it might be never. I'd imagine Trips wants a match against Sting but I'm not sure it'd tie into the current angle too well, unless Vince does another "bringing in the poison" angle and brings Sting in as his pick against HHH. Which would be fun, and they'd probably have an alright match but then Bryan doesn't seem to get his moment against Hunter. On the other hand I think I'd rather see (although I don't expect it to happen by any means) HHH vs. Sting and HBK vs. Bryan. With that scenario you get Undertaker vs. Cena which is bound to be a legendary main event, you get your Triple H match with added Sting and you get the "catch-as-catch-can" (ahem) classic match that WWE sometimes seem to like whacking on these cards ala Jericho vs. HBK. Again, this isn't the way I expect it'll go, this isn't the way that people will think is 'best of business' but its the card I'd be more interested in.


Goldberg - I'd be very surpised if we get Goldberg vs. Taker, Goldberg vs. Austin or Goldberg vs. Lesnar. The first is probably a tough sell to Taker, the second a tough sell to Austin and the third a tough sell to people who didn't like the first Lesnar vs. Goldberg match. I thought it was alright actually but hey ho. I don't even see a need to put Goldberg in a match. Just have him kill some fuckers. May as well be Ryback.


Warrior Like I say, maybe a tag with Hogan which I think is something Ian originally mooted. The problem with the names is a lot of them feel ideal for surprise run ins. Hogan waddling down to the ring to take out the Real Americans, Warrior charging to take out anyone, Goldberg storming out to kill some fuckers, Austin hitting stunners. Its a shame Vince looks as ill as CM Punk because Vince getting beaten up by Hogan, Warrior, Austin and Goldberg would have been a laugh otherwise.


Austin - I don't think he's ever wrestling again. A special guest referee spot wouldn't surprise me.


I dunno, my ideal card just for laughs would be:


The Internet Explodes

Undertaker vs. Cena


HHH Pretends to be Ric Flair

Sting (w/Flair) vs. Triple H


Punk Looks Worse Than The Old Fogies (Austin refs for a bit than just stunners some fuckers and drinks beer)

Hogan/Warrior vs. Orton/Punk


Wankers Don't Know Who to Wank For

HBK vs. Bryan


Too Good For a Moronic Title

Goldust vs. Cody Rhodes


Its For Fucking Children You Muppets Battle Royal

The Boogeyman, Jim Duggan, Kane, Papa Shango, Not Doink, Jake Roberts, DDP, The Goon, Santino, Rikishi, Too Cool, Sin Cara with detachable arm, Rey Mysterio with detachable knee, Ryback, 'I'm sorry sir' Hurricane, X-Factor with the greatest entrance music of all time, KAIENTAI, Rico, Eugene, "Fuck This" Mark Henry, Slaugther, Lawler, Michael Cole plus other people with character! Hosted by spcial guest broadcasters Kevin Nash and Scott Hall.


AND the other bland fuckers do some stuff.


There's no way its happening though. And I'm not really sure it should.


If Hogan and Warrior team up, it'd surely be to squash the Real Americans. Probably a similar deal to the bit Hogan did with Hassan and Daivari a few years ago.


That might make the most sense but I have a perverse desire to see Punk do one of his pipe bomb things on Hogan. Seeing Punk say something like "Warrior how can you even trust Terry, he wouldn't even sell for you" and the crowd not reacting followed by Hogan and Warrior saying completely mental things and the crowd losing their shit would be good for a laugh.


Simple tastes.


I said last year just after WrestleMania 29 that at the next Mania we could see Vince vs Triple H for control of the company. 30 is a nice round number for Vince to bow out on and hand things over to Triple H and Stephanie but its been said that Vince will never retire which for some reason I can believe but then again Triple H and Stephanie aren't getting any younger and if Vince stays in power for another 10 years that's going to make Triple H 50 or there about's? and I can't see him still wrestling at that age so I don't know its about time Vince stepped down I think he's running out of creative steam. WWE needs a makeover and I think Triple H could be the guy to provide that (with Vince still in his ear no doubt)


Or we could see a similar thing to WrestleMania 16 a fatal 4 way with a McMahon in each corner...just an idea.


I'd like to see Cody vs Goldust with Dusty Rhodes as the referee orrrrr the same match but Dusty in the corner of Goldust and Ric Flair in the corner of Cody. Have Cody as heel and go over and the build up would hopefully involve some dynamite promo's feat Flair and Dusty squaring off delivering some fun and entertaining nostalgia, which is always nice for the older fan. End of the match could be Cody going over but Dusty and Flair trading blows. Dusty and Goldust clear the ring with a couple bionic elbows, with theatrics and all (maybe even a shattered dreams to Flair) so Goldust gets a much deserved nice last ovation before he leaves. Cody gets the win with Flair as his manager going forward giving Cody the rub and polish on route to the WWE Title with help from Flair. In the build up you could have Flair (if he agreed) talk about loosing his son Reid and that how Cody has filled that void in his life and have the storyline that Cody is embarrassed by the Rhodes family i.e. a homosexual kind of brother and a Dad who paraded around in polka dots for the amusement of Vince McMahon and how he always wished his Dad was Ric Flair, lots of emotions to play off adding some real interest in the build up. I think it sounds good...do you?


For the Undertaker match I wouldn't want him against and already an established star or Sting or Goldberg, a match like that is a perfect chance to give a much needed rub to a young star who has potential to step up in the main event, WWE needs to start elevating its younger stars while guys like Undertaker are still fairly able to 'make them famous' even a obvious loss to Undertaker at WrestleMania in a gruelling match could do wonders for someone like Dolph Ziggler, Antonio Cesaro or someone like that. With Triple H at the helm more than ever these days hopefully this will happen, I know Triple H is all for building younger talent. I don't want to see a guy from NXT however come in and leap frog the likes of Ziggler and Cesaro however a slow build is better for NXT guys when they jump to the main roster it gives time for fans to buy into them and understand who they are and for the wrester to find there feet and see what works as far as gimmicks etc.


If your going to have big stars on the card like The Rock or Goldberg or Austin or someone of that level then use them as a tool to build young talent, fair enough a big star vs a big star might draw higher ratings and attendance but in the long run its not going to benefit anyone.


I'd go for the title unification mini-tournament as well.


World title: John Cena vs Sheamus

WWE title: CM Punk vs Randy Orton

Final: Cena vs Punk




Big Show (representing Vince) vs Triple H

Undertaker vs Lesnar

Daniel Bryan vs Shawn Michaels*

Goldberg vs Ryback

Reigns vs Rollins vs Ambrose for the US title

(EDIT: Cody Rhodes vs Goldust as well)


Battle Royal to fit the other half-decent names on (Henry, Del Rio, Ziggler, Mysterio, Kofi to do a fancy highspot etc) with the winner becoming number one contender to the new undisputed champion. But I like the idea of the 30 Years of WrestleMania battle royal as well... You could probably get most of the current names into that. You can definitely find at least one person from each WrestleMania who should be able to do it, with a decent mix of stars and guys who the stars can eliminate:


WrestleMania 1: Hogan

2: Piper, Brutus, Valentine or Bundy

3: Steamboat (and various others if he can't)

4: Jake, Honky or DiBiase

5: Brutus, Jannetty, Honky or Red Rooster

6: Dusty, Haku, Duggan or Jake

7: Slaughter, Martel, Virgil or The Mountie

8: Flair, Sid, Skinner, or Repo Man

9: IRS, Beefcake, Tatanka or Scotty Steiner

10: Adam Bomb, Mabel or Doink

11: Diesel

12: Sabio Bega

13: Vader or Animal

14: Mark Henry

15: Billy Gunn

16: Road Dogg

17: William Regal

18: Kane

19: Chris Jericho, Booker T or Matt Hardy

20: Rikishi

21: JBL

22: Rey Mysterio

23: The Sandman

24: John Morrison

25: Kofi Kingston

26: The Miz

27: Alberto Del Rio

28: Dolph Ziggler

29: Fandango

30: It'd have to be someone new, i reckon. Bray Wyatt, maybe? Who else has debuted since WM29?


Pre-show: Either a Wyatts six-man tag, or a four-way tag match.


*If Michaels doesn't fancy it, I'd change the title tournament to Cena vs Orton and Punk vs Bryan in the semis.

  • Paid Members
Bit wacky, but why not do a "30 Years of Wrestlemania" battle royal. Pick a guy from each Mania to represent it. I'm sure there must be enough still mobile guys who can pull it off?

That's as good an idea as I've heard regarding WrestleMania. Even have Gene Okerlund and Jesse Ventura as guests to announce it. You could have something like this.


1. King Kong Bundy

2. Greg Valentine

3. Hillbilly Jim

4. The One Man Gang

5. The Red Rooster

6. Brutus Beefcake

7. Sgt Slaughter

8. El Matador

9. Tatanka

10. Adam Bomb

11. Bob Backlund

12. Savio Vega

13. Vader

14. Road Warrior Animal

15. Hardcore Holly

16. Rikishi

17. Ron Simmons

18. The Hurricane

19. A-Train

20. Scotty 2 Hotty

21. Davari

22. The Boogeyman

23. Tommy Dreamer

24. Hornswoggle

25. Santino

26. Drew McIntyre

27. Michael Cole

28. The Great Khali

29. Fandango

30. El Torito


EDIT: Oh, bugger. Pitcos yanked me off at the last minute. I went solely for shit gimmicks and people who would cost $300 an appearance.

  • Moderators
I'd like to see Cody vs Goldust with Dusty Rhodes as the referee orrrrr the same match but Dusty in the corner of Goldust and Ric Flair in the corner of Cody. Have Cody as heel and go over and the build up would hopefully involve some dynamite promo's feat Flair and Dusty squaring off delivering some fun and entertaining nostalgia, which is always nice for the older fan. End of the match could be Cody going over but Dusty and Flair trading blows. Dusty and Goldust clear the ring with a couple bionic elbows, with theatrics and all (maybe even a shattered dreams to Flair) so Goldust gets a much deserved nice last ovation before he leaves. Cody gets the win with Flair as his manager going forward giving Cody the rub and polish on route to the WWE Title with help from Flair. In the build up you could have Flair (if he agreed) talk about loosing his son Reid and that how Cody has filled that void in his life and have the storyline that Cody is embarrassed by the Rhodes family i.e. a homosexual kind of brother and a Dad who paraded around in polka dots for the amusement of Vince McMahon and how he always wished his Dad was Ric Flair, lots of emotions to play off adding some real interest in the build up. I think it sounds good...do you?


No No No No No. While I'm all for Cody vs Goldust (and chances are it's going to happen anyway), all that stuff sounds really really exploitative. Terrible stuff that I'd keep well away from it all. Absolutely no need to bring up Flair's smackdead son and Cody filling that void. That's really horrible stuff, and it's not exactly PG.


Just do Cody vs Goldust. It's Brother vs Brother. That's all it needs. If it's all about giving Cody that polish I'd keep Flair away from it, as he wouldn't get a rub from Flair. Indeed, it'd just become about Flair vs Dusty and Cody and Goldust's issue, whatever it'd be, would end up even further in the background. It wouldn't do him any favours at all as regards looking the bigger star. If anything, Flair going around wooing and throwing his suit off would show up Cody even more as not being the super charismatic main event player he'd need to be to be anywhere near the WWE title.

I can see Cena/Orton Unification match, HHH/Bryan and Lesnar/Taker being the headline matches personally.


Can also see these 3 matches happening plus Cody vs Goldust.

Would like to a US Title triple threat with Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose.

Bit wacky, but why not do a "30 Years of Wrestlemania" battle royal. Pick a guy from each Mania to represent it. I'm sure there must be enough still mobile guys who can pull it off?


I like it. As has been said before, loved the X-7 Gimmick Battle Royal, and it's an excuse to use directionless guys like Santino and Khali etc who show up on PPV's from time to time as filler no-one cares about. They could represent more recent Mania's while you get some true legends and good nostalgia stories from older ones.


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