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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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There's a dunce at my office that knows I like wrestling who always watches everything live and asks me if I've seen it the next day. He reads all the rumour sites and believes absolutely everyting. He came up to me Wednesday morning asking if I'd seen Smackdown all excited telling me someone had "gone off script". Turns out he meant Miz' remark to Renee. He's told me that the office are fuming and going to strip him of the title asap and that Ambrose is going to batter him.


They must be fuming. It's only number 2 on their "Top 10 moments on Smackdown this week" YouTube video.

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People might have actually given a toss about the cruiserweights as well. Neville seems to have succumbed to the cruiserweight apathy already.

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Another good Smackdown last night.


Thought the main was better than it should have been and Corbin came out looking a monster and end if days was still protected. Only slight problem is they really telegraphed the result with the Rumble announcement.


Alexa Bliss' arm just urghh.


Miz was once again fantastic and although I could happily have an Ambrose free WWE this is at least interesting. I hope they keep the belt on Miz for a while and use him to help get someone over.


Tag match was top notch and they covered Slaters slip well.


Seemed to fly over again. I'm really enjoying Smackdown at the moment

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Can't add much to the above. Tag and WWE Title matches were really good. Was massively surprised by Alpha winning the belts though. Did not see that coming. Funny, they focused in on the crowd as normal looking for the next Miz girl and the two people they found, a middle aged hillbilly and a tiny little girl were both giving Alpha the thumbs down!


That Cena promo to open was a game of two halves and I didn't like it. Second half when he was super-sell Cena, it was great. First half when he was Mr SNL it didn't work. Mostly because of that fucking stupid "stop talking and let the crowd chant" thing when the crowd were completely intelligable. Even Cena had to admit he had no idea what they were on about. Just stop it.


Great closing staredown though. Right out of the HBK/Bret Hart build from 1996.

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Good to see Cena has the crowd eating out of his hand as always. My O/H was watching the tag title match with me, and she said "That was a bit of a mistake" about the Orton/Harper "miscommunication", to which I simply said "It begins".Bliss Vs Becky was another solid match. Miz was on top form, as always. Renee getting involved in his feud with Ambrose adds an interesting dimension to it, especially when I presume she'll turn up as his equaliser to counter Maryse's presence at ringside. That Triple Threat main event made Corbin look like a beast. I still never thought Ziggler had a chance, though. I can't help but think Corbin was a little slow breaking up that pin attempt after the superkick which meant AJ had to kick out. That finish was brilliant apart from Ziggler's seeming inability to take the End Of Days properly. The staredown with Cena was pretty awesome.


Another solid episode. Smackdown continues to be better than Raw.

Good to see Cena has the crowd eating out of his hand as always. My O/H was watching the tag title match with me, and she said "That was a bit of a mistake" about the Orton/Harper "miscommunication", to which I simply said "It begins".Bliss Vs Becky was another solid match. Miz was on top form, as always. Renee getting involved in his feud with Ambrose adds an interesting dimension to it, especially when I presume she'll turn up as his equaliser to counter Maryse's presence at ringside. That Triple Threat main event made Corbin look like a beast. I still never thought Ziggler had a chance, though. I can't help but think Corbin was a little slow breaking up that pin attempt after the superkick which meant AJ had to kick out. That finish was brilliant apart from Ziggler's seeming inability to take the End Of Days properly. The staredown with Cena was pretty awesome.


Another solid episode. Smackdown continues to be better than Raw.

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Tag match was good when it came down to Alpha vs Orton and Harper. Hopefully they can go longer next time. Main event was really good. Corbin looked great.


Women's match was fine. Bit sloppy towards the end when they was trading nearfalls. Who's the woman in the mask? Tamina? Mickie James?

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Tag match was good when it came down to Alpha vs Orton and Harper. Hopefully they can go longer next time. Main event was really good. Corbin looked great.


Women's match was fine. Bit sloppy towards the end when they was trading nearfalls. Who's the woman in the mask? Tamina? Mickie James?

I'm sure she was black. So not Mickie. I was thinking it could be Ember Moon. Simular sort of size. Not sure they would bring her up from NXT yet though. Naomi has also been absent from TV recently, but I don't think they would turn her heel.

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I can't see Ember coming up. Not without feuding with Asuka. I don't think we need another heel turn so I can't see it being Naomi. So I'm leaning more towards Tamina as she's reportedly back to full health. Mickie was just my wild card as she's apparently going to Smackdown.

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That was surely too tiny to be Tamina? I had assumed it was Mickie James. So..Alexa's arm.. will she be taking time off after that dislocation?? Or.. is she like, double jointed or some shit and it was an angle, that was so bizarre. I'll see if Talking Smack gives me answers


Delighted for American Alpha, great little match. I hope the Orton-Wyatt stuff doesn't just immediately crumble now but that was a hell of a put-over job. Orton has been utterly class since his return when I didn't think he still had it in him.


Cena felt heel in that opening segment. Teases. Triple threat match well paced and bags of fun other than that big botch where Corbin was presumably supposed to pull the ref out of the ring on a 2 count but didn't do it on time and the match lost loads of its momentum.

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