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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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Seth Rollins run with the title last year was much, much worse than Owens current run. The biggest positive of his face run so far is we no longer have to listen to his horrible HAHAHA bad guy pantomime laugh.

He'll still bust that out from time to time as well, normally after calling Jericho a sparklecrotch. Damn, at least Reigns only said "tater tots" and "sufferin succotash" on one night, he didn't then proceed to run with it for weeks. Owens called out Rollins' annoying laugh a couple months ago, that alone makes his reign better if it's the only thing he did

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I don't get Sparklecrotch, like what is it supposed to imply? The only thing it says to me is that Rollins is looking at the other guys crotch....

That night Jericho had some glittery trunks on. He's since changed gear as the character has developed, so it doesn't even make sense anymore. 

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I don't get Sparklecrotch, like what is it supposed to imply? The only thing it says to me is that Rollins is looking at the other guys crotch....

That night Jericho had some glittery trunks on. He's since changed gear as the character has developed, so it doesn't even make sense anymore. 


thats what I mean though, even then it just says Rollins was staring at his crotch area...just seems like one of those jokes somebody would make and it'd instantly backfire on them?


"hah, whats up sparkle crotch?"

"...Are you staring at my junk mate? I mean it's cool, but I don't swing that way..."

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Sparkecrotch got chanted the first one or two times Rollins used it, which probably played a part. 


People complaining about Ziggler winning the title shot when he has no chance of beating AJ doesn't make much sense, because the other three don't either. Hopefully, Undertaker will appear after the match and start building to the Rumble. Cena's back that night as well, so he's surely either announcing he's got a title shot, or he's entering the Rumble. If Cena's in the Rumble match, the title shot has to be going to Undertaker or Ellsworth.


Konor from the Ascension looked pretty good in that battle royal. I wish they'd focus a bit more on feuds in the tag team and get more of the teams away from jobber status. Use the Headbangers, Spirit Squad and Cryme Tyme as enhancement teams to get the likes of the Vaudevillains, Ascension and Breezango over as something other than total losers. I wonder if Mojo gets a new tag partner now? As it stands, if Slater and Rhyno are splitting, are American Alpha the only babyface team?

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That's first WWE weekly show I've stayed up for in a while and definitely the first I've not went to bed during in a long time. Just a great, fast moving episode of TV - I was messaging my mate during it and commented that it felt like an attitude era with how fast the show was moving and everything that was going on.


As soon as I knew AJ v Ellsworth was on first, I was hoping AJ would destroy him to be honest, I'm not on board with the Ellsworth love-in so this was brilliant and I don't remember seeing the ring spot AJ done after the match before either. The way he threw him to the announce table looked brutal as well. I hate Ziggler so wasn't happy to see him and his shite new look but then they gave me Corbin to get me right back into it. Dolph must be the stupidest guy in wrestling putting his title shot on the line. Glad that it's now a triple threat next week such is my hatred of all things Dolph.


I can't remember everything that happened in between so I'm just going to skip to The Miz. It's so childish to think his line was great because we all know about Renee and Ambrose but there's just something about bringing reality into the situation that makes things so good - Renee was great in her reaction as well. The Miz also helped the fans get into Apollo a little bit more here which was good to see. He really is the top heel in the business at the moment.


Thought Nikki Bella could have reacted a little more but I liked Carmella's bump and Natalya's promo.


The more I see of Luke Harper, the more I wish he had got the title shot. Alexa Bliss is great too, her reactions are top notch both during and after the match.


Mojo can fuck off and I've no idea why Ellsworth and Carmella are together but hopefully it turns into something good.


Next week is absolutely packed, can't wait for it.

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Really enjoyed last night's show.


The Bliss vs Lucha Dora match was fun. Bliss has great facials (that sounds wrong).


Carmella I thought was good on the mic again and drove forward the story well for Nat and Nikki. Although the Cena advert after the ad break was a weird choice.


Miz was once again awesome and his match was top. The post match interaction with Renee was fun. Not really interested in a feud with Ambrose but if anyone can make me care it's probably Miz.


Mojo is fast forward TV for me just so irritating.


I know why they did what they did with AJ but I wish they'd built up the Ellsworth match during the night. Show the videos of James winning 3 times and a highlight reel from his talking smack and other promos. Make it feel big time then have aj destroy him.


Overall another good show and the match ups felt fresh.


Next weeks Smackdown looks a lot more interesting than Roadblock.

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It was a great episode. Ellsworth getting destroyed was a long time coming, and brilliantly done. I'm intrigued to see where the thing with Carmella is going, I wonder whether he's going to be made over to fit with her style a little bit. That could be funny.


I still couldn't help thinking "You're not going to win" when Ziggler was facing AJ, then I popped when Corbin came out and gave him an End Of Days. I didn't realise quite how much of a hoss he was until I saw him standing almost a foot taller than Ziggler.


The Luchadora/Becky thing was pretty obvious, but Becky did a great job not looking like Becky Lynch under a hood until she had to and I love the Becky/Alexa thing at the moment. Alexa does have great expression and is playing the cowardly heel wonderfully. The Natalya turn was very well done.


The Miz/Crews/Renee thing was gold. Miz is absolutely amazing and the commentators sold it beautifully as well. Ambrose & Renee Vs Miz & Maryse? Renee at ringside to counter MAryse's presence? This could be a great angle, especially his run in after Ambrose's match It's no wonder he's a shoe-in for best heel this year.


The Ambrose/Wyatts thing was pretty good and is setting up a Shield Wyatts match, or making people think they're setting up a Shield/Wyatts match somewhere down the road.


Mojo and Hawkins were there.


The main was good, set things up nicely for next week, but Ziggler's Shawn Michaels hand-me-down tights annoyed the piss out of me. He needs a serious gimmick overhaul.


Raw dragged again this week. If it wasn't for all the money they were getting for it Raw would benefit from losing that extra hour, I think as you can tell they have to pad. Creatively Smackdown feels like it has more direction as well. There are more feuds going on, and more compelling stories.

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That bloody Ellsworth...he has flipped me again when i thought i was done with the twat. In such a short match he was great, the little things like the look of "i might actually hit this" on his face when he set up no chin music and the sell job after that, he looked dead, flat out dead from that forearm that finished him. He made the most out of his minimal screen time.


Miz was great. Corbin was good, take ya shirt off though pal. Cracking show all round.

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