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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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That Battle Royal annoyed me far more than it should. The Fashion Police or whatever they're called were the only full team left. Instead of forming an alliance, Breeze then just stands idly by while his mate is eliminated in a long sequence. Then Breeze immediately forms an alliance with the big one from Ascension. Road agent wants shooting.


Enjoyed Jason Jordan getting a moment in the spotlight before being chucked. Their pop seemed non-existent on entrance though. They're messing up here.


Luke Harper randomly appearing was baffling but I'll take Harper in a main event anytime.


Don't like Ziggler but as it's just setting up a TV main event in two weeks, it's OK. However the guy who couldn't win the IC Title being #1 contender makes no sense.


I liked that fat bloke. Made Apollo Crews a million times more watchable. They need to hire him.

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That fat bloke is a stand-up comedian called Fluffy. He turns up on Austin's podcast sometimes. Well, I heard him on it once.

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Ziggler needs to go away for a year before I'll even care about him again.

A while back it was talked about on here of sending him to NXT for a bit. Not as a punishment or anything like that, just to freshen himself up. He'd have the Full Sail lot eating out the palm of his hand, but it will give him some new guys to work with and give the rub to while he establishes a new direction for himself. In the last year alone he's been a Steel Panther reject and a 90s Shawn Michaels knockoff and neither have done anything for him and he hasn't elevated anyone. All he's done is feud with The Miz again in the non-Main Event version of Orton/Cena with a daft career ending stipulation that was never going to happen which broke Miz's Intercontinental title reign for no reason whatsoever. Nothing he does means anything

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It baffles me BreezeAngo are still called BreezeAngo. I've thought of so many different names for them since they've teamed up. Gawjus Guyz, the above mentioned Fashion Police, and the one I'm deciding I will now always refer to them as; The Sexy Cops. come on WWE, TRY


also the two deserve mic/segment time as they are great value, do a trade with them and the Club, and have them in mini-feuds in the Raw division

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It looks like they are going to keep stalling Ellsworth's title shot as a gimmick going forward. They should;ve had Ambrose win the fatal 4 way match only for Ellsworth to screw him over on the 27th again.  Fucking Ziggler.


I'm liking Bliss more each week.  She really makes the most of her character.


I still think that Eva Marie will be revealed as Nikki's real attacker.


And just to round off, why is Tom Phillips even at the announce table? He only chimes in when it's time to plug the Network or give the sponsors a shout out.

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It looks like they are going to keep stalling Ellsworth's title shot as a gimmick going forward. They should;ve had Ambrose win the fatal 4 way match only for Ellsworth to screw him over on the 27th again.  Fucking Ziggler.


This could be a nice bit of character for Ellsworth.


I'd take it one further though, he should run-in on Ziggler and anyone else who gets a title shot before he gets his. They could be victim to a run-in, arguing that he's the true #1 contender. Each week he can piss more and more people off before he finally gets a pasting.

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It looks like they are going to keep stalling Ellsworth's title shot as a gimmick going forward. They should;ve had Ambrose win the fatal 4 way match only for Ellsworth to screw him over on the 27th again.  Fucking Ziggler.


I think Ajs Injury also played a Part in the Match being postponed as well


EDIT: I do agree though its actually a better story being played out this way and being delayed for who knows how long

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Ziggler? For fuck's sake. No one even buys the remote chance he'll become champion.

I didn't buy that for any four of them, tbh. Unless he faces Taker no ones taking that belt off AJ til Mania. Still would've preferred Harper or Miz though

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Another solid Smackdown. Loved the AJ Miz interaction at the start and if we have to Ambrose that's more how I want to see him.


Becky and Bliss is being booked perfectly and according to the Mrs, Bliss has a 'proper bitch face' whatever that is. Smackdown is really handling the women's division well.


Ziggler going for the strap is meh. If we are after a filler feud I probably would have chucked Slater in there.


I have zero interest in the hype Bros

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It's weird for Ryder cos he's actually somewhat over on his own, decent in the underdog role and his IC title win was a nice, if baffling moment.. but that tag team is a utter crowd killer. something tells me Mojo can wrestle, not going off a lot, just bits and pieces, like when he brawled with Joe on NXT before being squashed he looked decent. i also like that he does THA POUUUUUUNCE. PERIOD. in his moveset, but it should be his finisher. but the character's never not gonna be annoying as piss. the only value in him is seeing what weird spot he'll do next time to make himself look like a tit...just what was that dance thingy he did at Survivor Series? he's not really suited to this era at all. his act is all crowd-participation stuff that audiences dont bite for cos we dont give a toss and we've never had a reason to. if he wrestled in full american football gear or something, I'd have assumed he'd time-travelled from 1996


Looks like we may not get that match anyway, Ryder had to be helped out after the battle royale and the Usos (one of them was out with a minor ankle injury and will return soon that's why they weren't in the battle royale) were appealing to Daniel Bryan on Talking Smack that they should be given the #1 contenders spot. heel v heel or not, more-or-less done two years ago or not I'd much rather have them than Hype Bros

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Thats a good excuse to sack of Mojo then. He's the worst.


In all fairness, if he acted seriously, he might be quite intimidating, but all that "I'm a teenager from the 2000's" shit he does, is so infuriating! 

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