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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Hunter's a weird one. He almost needs Steph by his side to keep him a proper heel at the moment.

Absolutely. He is Mr NXT and portrayed as the man behind the Cruiserweight Classic as well. There's no way the smarts are going to boo him. He's become their hero and the antithesis to the evil that is McMahon and Dunn in their eyes.

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Jason Jordan is a Vince McMahon wet-dream - if anyone should have been turned on by "main roster hating" internet fans it would be him. A good looking, well spoken ethnic powerhouse of muscle and athleticism. Vinny would be all over that shit and these sad, hardcore internet fans should be booing him out the door like a second rate Roman Reigns.

When Roman Reigns was in Jason Jordan's position - and a lot higher too - plenty of your "haters" loved the guy. Then he got pushed above his station and above some favourites and the worm turned.


I hope you're right about Jordan though. He's got the lot. I hope he can avoid being Cena'd.

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Jason Jordan is a Vince McMahon wet-dream - if anyone should have been turned on by "main roster hating" internet fans it would be him. A good looking, well spoken ethnic powerhouse of muscle and athleticism. Vinny would be all over that shit and these sad, hardcore internet fans should be booing him out the door like a second rate Roman Reigns.

When Roman Reigns was in Jason Jordan's position - and a lot higher too - plenty of your "haters" loved the guy. Then he got pushed above his station and above some favourites and the worm turned.


I hope you're right about Jordan though. He's got the lot. I hope he can avoid being Cena'd.



Roman being pushed over Bryan really was his downfall, but the manner in which they pushed him was awful as well. That comes back to my point about the booking letting him (and lots of others) down. When Roman was red hot, he was part of The Shield. That period was really well booked for a lot of people. Bryan, The Shield and The Wyatts were all as over as hell, and we thought we were looking at a new crop of top guys (except Eric Rowan). Instead they managed to split both groups and botch the aftermath of pretty much everyone. They put all their eggs in Roman Reigns basket and they tried to push him over the most beloved face of the time (little Bryan).


The fans in every arena in the country didn't turn on Roman because hardcore internet fans told them too, they did it because a couple of years ago the fans all said "we love Bryan, he's the best" and the WWE said "no he isn't, have Roman instead". By the time they realised it was turning Roman heel it was too late to turn the tide back and they've failed to do the obvious and actually turn him heel to cash in on the hate.

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Jordan should be a lot safer than Cass for the Eddies not turning on him if he gets a solo push, but I wouldn't bet money against them turning. Whoever gets the push instantly loses approximately 48633883262 Internet points for the anti-WWE sentiment someone beautifully discussed earlier, and the "buried" former partner gains those points. I'm not sure what total that loss would leave Jordan with. But those type of fans are forever going to try and rebel against what Evil Vince wants, so the trick is to push Jordan while making them think Evil Vince doesn't want to. There are short-term little workarounds, but they're no help in the long run.


Even Ambrose has dropped millions of Internet Points since winning the belt, to the point where he's getting booed against Smackdown's top heel/Internet babyface AJ Styles. And he had loads of points -- he was "buried" by Vince, he worked the indies, extra points for deathmatch cred, and bonus points for having a shit look. I wonder whether Cena's been brought in as a crutch in the current feud, just to give dem someone to cheer Deano against and stop Amboos becoming a permanent thing. If Ambrose can fall out of favour, anyone can.

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Even Ambrose has dropped millions of Internet Points since winning the belt, to the point where he's getting booed against Smackdown's top heel/Internet babyface AJ Styles. And he had loads of points -- he was "buried" by Vince, he worked the indies, extra points for deathmatch cred, and bonus points for having a shit look. I wonder whether Cena's been brought in as a crutch in the current feud, just to give dem someone to cheer Deano against and stop Amboos becoming a permanent thing. If Ambrose can fall out of favour, anyone can.




He had cooled off from being a red hot crowd favourite months before they put the belt on him. He'd been sodding about in the mid-card for ages or losing to main eventers like Roman and Lesnar clean. Then he won the belt doing the babyface MITB cash-in, otherwise known as the pussies way to win a belt. Poor timing on putting the belt on him, plus shitty booking after the fact. The crowd were red hot for him to win the belt a year ago, once again WWE strike way too late and in too half-arsed of a manner.

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if I was in the equally enviable and unenviable position of WWE bookmaker, I'd side with the internet fans tbf. There's no real figures to back it up but I think the internet is way more crucial to the company than the television figures could ever be in modern times. 

My wrestling fandom, I have to recognize, has been affected by being exposed to TWC 10 years ago but with that said, I only got back into the stuff after hearing American Dragon just main evented Wrestlemania. Cena can only do so much, so In terms of fickle mainstream crowds, who do you chuck at them other than wrestling fans' favourite wrestlers? It's not like there's some Ready Made Superstar waiting in the background, being held back by AJ Styles. There is Reigns, and while 'internet fans' could be blamed for his current position, I think it's something that can be fixed over time through a heel turn pretty easily

Edited by sj5522
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It's sad that we've gone from a time where you can almost pinpoint the defining moments that careers took off, to being able to pinpoint where and why they died before taking off.

Edited by FelatioLips
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Chris Jericho is carrying this entire company at the moment. This character could be my favourite thing he's ever done. Every time he's on screen I end up grinning like an idiot. I love the list, I love the finger point, I love the way he keeps calling Kevin Owens his best friend, I love the daft overacting. He's the best thing in the whole industry right now.

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Some people are obsessed with wrestling fans on this forum. It's weird.


Some people are obsessed with defending the honour of the sweaties in the crowd. Now that is weird.


Decent show this week I thought. Nothing really happened but it was all harmless. Jericho & KO and the resulting match was obviously the highlight but I really liked the Cesaro & Sheamus stuff and not just because I predicted it yesterday. The squash match they could argue over was fun. Jericho's line about lap sitting was funny but I liked KO's "Go Rebuild, redesign and reclaim your couch" to Rollins too.


The opener was hot, Brian Kendrick's promo was good and Steph's demolition of Mick Foley was decent too. Not particularly enjoying the serious Foley but he was good in that backstage bit with Cesaro and Sheamus. They're keeping up the intrigue oover whether Steph is a devious cunt and her responses all make sense. I just wish it wasn't based around Seth Rollins because if that guy never appeared again, I wouldn't care even a teeny bit.


Kofi managing to bust his face open breaking up a pin was fucking mental.

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I download Raw and skip through most of it, can't imagine how bad it must be to watch live. I just played the file and the first 28 minutes of the show was Rusev Vs Reigns?!? With adverts that must have been around 40 minutes at least. The show feels so lazy, everything is stretched out just to fill time. I feel like I'm becoming Vince Russo because I don't care about most of the matches at all.


Cesaro is so cringey. "Hey if you want them to be quiet why don't you just fsdff tell em one of your funny Irish jokes"


*no crowd reaction*


If you're going to improv, make sure it's good. I can just imagine Vince backstage reacting to that line.

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