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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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It's a funny one.


I remember attending me and a colleague went to a WWE house show about 5 years ago and we were sat near some kids that loved HBK etc. We got involved in some banter with their dad about how JBL was a wrestling god, dad was agreeing, and the kids were convincing us HBK ruled.


All light hearted.


The otherside of the coin is being sat beside a drunk that's yelling that "Cena's a cunt" while swaying about spilling his pint (perhaps the first he's ever had going by the reaction it was causing his body to have).


I go to a lot of non-wrestling shows with my family and friends, and the other day it was hinted "maybe we should all go some time see if it's a good night out". But the risk of being sat beside folk that can't handle their booze, that you'd think hadn't seen a woman before, that shout remarkably strong things spanning rude to racist has made me can the idea of that ever happening.

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Looks like a 6 on 6 Survivor Series match is happening at the PPV, that looks like all sorts of fun. Shield/Wyatts vs Punk/Bryan/Rhodes/Usos. Hopefully the next saga with the Authority (shot) doesn't overshadow it.

Isn't it more likely to be 5 on 5 if there are only 5 obvious faces, with someone dropping out from the heel side? My guess would be Ambrose, who could defend his title and further boast about being the only champion in The Shield. On hang on, just realised you probably meant Rhodes as the team, I read it as Cody. Maybe 6 on 6 after all then.


Either way, that match has the markings for being an absolute belter and I'd be very interested in seeing The Shield and the Wyatt Family side-by-side. Look at the talent in that match- everyone that isn't called Rowen (also still need a bit of convincing on Bray Wyatt in-ring, too) can go out there and go like a mother.

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chanting we want Hunico


I hope they were serious. I would have been.


Also, who's going to own up right here and now to getting the "PURPLE AKI" sign on Raw?



I went last night and it was awesome .. People sayin it was too long for real I didn't wanna leave the place although I was on the floor seats and I was right by the guy with the purple aki sign, was a nice guy what's the crack with the sign then

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I remember the RAW TV taping last year being sat by the obnoxious cunt on the planet letting out a mono-tone continuous boo during the Brad Maddox speech. No one else in the entire arena was letting off a similar reaction but he claimed to be joining in with the show. Truthfully, he was a trainee from a school thinking he knew everything about wrestling and was trying to 'get himself over' with the surrounding fans. He even shook hands and introduced himself to everyone around before the show like he was in a locker room. This may be mistaken for just being a nice guy, it wasn't, he was an arse.

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Did anyone else's recording sort of mess up? I recorded on my Tivo box but it stopped during the Show/Orton segment, then restart a bit later when Ziggler come out.


There has been a new virgin media TiVo firmware update rolling out this week (Adding Netflix) Maybe you were unlucky and it happened during your recording (?)

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Did anyone else's recording sort of mess up? I recorded on my Tivo box but it stopped during the Show/Orton segment, then restart a bit later when Ziggler come out.


There has been a new virgin media TiVo firmware update rolling out this week (Adding Netflix) Maybe you were unlucky and it happened during your recording (?)


Ah, if it didn't happen to anyone else then, this was probably it. :devil:

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Seeing it live, I thought The Shield's entrance was cool as fuck. The three of them have a really great presence. One day, I can imagine that being an awesome baby face entrance.


Roman reigns stood next to me and that just reaffirmed to me that he's going to be 'the man'. For me, not since big Dave has a man looked so fucking cool and at the same time like he could tear my face off with his teeth.

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Didn't someone get thrown out during the ryback match .. Couldn't make out what went on.


Nope, a lad dressed as Goldust and another lad dressed as Kane (who pulled off the angry Kane walk perfectly) decided to have their own match at the back of the floor seats, which (sadly) ended up being more entertaining than Ryback vs. R-Truth.

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