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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Yeah, not a good show at all. Everything feels really stale and boring (outside of The New Day who are at least trying) and most of the show is just poorly written and structured.


Have to laugh at the tweet they sent out advertising HBK, Flair, Lesnar and Taker for next weeks Raw. Undertaker does not have a twitter account, so they have linked to some random blokes twitter instead!


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Is Austin not going to be on the show now?


I know he's doing the podcast, but he was originally advertised to appear on the actual RAW show as well, been years since Austin showed up on RAW, can never get my head round why. They have him in the arena for these podcasts yet never have him come out.


Considering the amount of cameos literally every other megastar has done over the last few years its crazy not to see Austin at all

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It's Austin's decision not to over expose himself. They probably put an idea to him every time he's there but he turns it down. He's still very protective of the value he has as Stone Cold Steve Austin and rightly so. He isn't interested in appearing on Raw or PPVs unless there's a creative direction that benefits everybody. So the fact that we see so little of him tells you what you need to know about their creative team.

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He probably thinks, like us, that the shows are shite at the moment and decided to just do the podcasts. He wouldn't be needed in any Lesnar/Taker situation on Raw and probably doesn't want to piss around with the New Day in a joke segment, so what does he do?

Austin and New Day together would be fun, but as you say Austin probably doesn't want to waste his time doing such a segment on the show.


The New Day/Orton/Ambrose segment at the start of Raw was one of the only highlights of Raw this week (with Orton and Ambrose cracking up, about 3;50 into the video):

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I wasn't mad on the idea of Lana running back to DomesticAbusev, but I would've accepted any build, anything resembling a pay-off. But we got TM fucking Z. Like we didn't already know they were the real life couple when this shitfest angle began. And who got the face turn from this? Summer Rae

creative overhaul now now now

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Summer's promo on Rusev was very good I thought. Summer is quite under-rated I think. She's not too bad in the ring with the right opponent and can cut a decent promo. Hopefully she doesnt just drift into obscurity now and finds a new man to get revenge on Rusev or something.


Other than that, and New Day, yeah, pretty uneventful Raw again.

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 Hopefully she doesnt just drift into obscurity now and finds a new man to get revenge on Rusev or something.

I'm here to show the world

I'm here to show the world

Come on

Bring it on

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Roman Reigns facial expressions and promos are very poor. I'm a big fan and really want him to succeed but he's not going out of his way to prove many people wrong that he's got the overall package. Great matches alone won't make you a star.

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I'd of preferred for WWE/Rusev/Lana to have kept there engagement quiet and so that the storyline on Raw could have been played out as it felt on Raw they almost had to change the storyline abruptly without it really making sense because of the real life news breaking that Rusev and Lana are now engaged.


It goes to show how un-important that storyline must have been in that WWE weren't willing to protect it and instead let real life events mess things up on TV. How insensitive of Lana and Rusev to get engaged in the middle of a storyline were they are supposed to be feuding against each other.

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They didn't have to change the angle at all. It getting out on TMZ that Lana and Rusev were engaged shouldn't have made any difference whatsoever to what they were scripting on TV. It's 2015. Everyone knows what wrestling is. They understand that these people are just playing characters on a show. It becoming public knowledge that Rusev and Lana are a couple in real life is no different from it being public knowledge that Cena and Daniel Bryan are with the Bellas. That doesn't stop them from scripting Cena as a babyface, Nicki as a heel, with neither character ever interacting with the other on-screen. Plus, if this stuff does matter, and they want everything to be consistent both on and off-screen, then why the fuck is Dolph Ziggler hitting on Nicki Bella on Total Divas, yet is supposed to be in a relationship with Lana on RAW?


The only explanation I can come up with is that they're such marks for the mainstream press that once TMZ reported on them they couldn't resist incorporating it into the show, despite the fact that it made no sense whatsoever and ended up harming Rusev even more than this horrendous storyline already has.


Their handling of Rusev since Wrestlemania has been criminal. He's one of the most promising and talented guys on their roster and this dog shit writing team have done such a bad job with him that you'd be half tempted to think they're doing it on purpose.

Edited by Supremo
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The only explanation I can come up with is that they're such marks for the mainstream press that once TMZ reported on them they couldn't resist but to incorporate it into the show, despite the fact that it made no sense whatsoever and ended up harming Rusev even more than this horrendous storyline already has.

I think you've hit the nail on the head here. It's a real shame.

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Last night felt like a burial, not to use the word lightly. I know Ryback's a strong lad and everything but was that like a 2-3 minute win? Owens v Kalisto probably lasted longer. Shameful

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Speaking of fucking up a push or burying someone, it's just been announced that Ambrose & Orton vs. Harper & Strowman is the Kick Off match next Sunday.


Dean Ambrose went from main evening the show last year to being on the Kick Off show twelve months later. There's almost something admirable about that.

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