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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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WCW's videos were selling less in 2000 than FMW's releases. FMW mind you. The Best of Ric Flair and Kevin Nash was doing less than Onita's Sliciest Brawls or whatever the fuck they were flogging. That's WCW in a nutshell. Nobody wanted to buy their videos, nobody was buying their pay-per-views, Backstage Assault was probably purchased by 4 people, Watchdog were investigating them for fraud over how poorly recieved their UK tour was, their action figures were all over every cheap shop in the world even up to about 2004. That Chris Jericho dressed as a lion tamer was all over the place. Every avenue of the company was a massive failure. TV ratings were the least of their worries. They could have been watched by 8 million people, but if that 8 million people werent putting their hand in their pocket they were fucked.


WWF/WWE on the other hand is such a pop culture smash, that they'll always be making money. They are still releasing figures of Davey Boy Smith for example. In 2015 they have the ability to market people who died 13 years ago. They are quite the market men. WCW couldnt even sell shirts from people on their own roster during the wrestling boom period.


I paid 20 quid for that in Game! it was better than Mayhem at least

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I also bought it. Mayhem was better though. It had the spaceship Saturday Night arena.


It also had the slight glitch that it took ages to grab hold of anyone, think I bought Mayhem just so I could tape the entrance themes off it, nothing like listening to the NWO porno theme for 25 seconds then rewinding it to listen again, fuck mp3's

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Great to see Sting wrestle on Raw, shame he didn't wear his singlet and we had to make do with a t shirt, is that just a marketing decision or what? I mean, he's in great shape for a start.


Obviously he's losing on Sunday, as if I ever doubted that, and they gave him two token Raw wins. Sounds crap when I say it like that, plus they had to do it whilst making Rollins tap out.

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So Seth beats Cena, Sting & Sheamus at NoC you reckon? Sheamus can't really win here, unless he actually wins the belt which I just can't see, but if he doesn't cash-in at the end of the night he looks a dumbfuck and if he does and fails, he'll be a heel failing to cash-in on a smaller heel who already wrestled 2 presumably gruelling matches. Dead. Rest In Peace. He'll be looking across at Damien Sandow with envy in no time.

The only way I see Sheamus with the belt is if they know Bryan's coming back, cos Sheamus caused the injury in storyline, remember? Mostly forgotten and slightly convoluted so I can't see that, but what the pissing hell else would they do with him?

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Charlotte should have won the strap - the heat was in Nikki nearly being the longest reigning champion and losing it just short of the milestone in my opinion.
Surely in most any other circumstance, where it has been built for as long as it has with a smug heel, the babyface has to shut them up and spoil it for them, no? I mean that's just basic wrestling booking isn't it?


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Charlotte should have won the strap - the heat was in Nikki nearly being the longest reigning champion and losing it just short of the milestone in my opinion.

Surely in most any other circumstance, where it has been built for as long as it has with a smug heel, the babyface has to shut them up and spoil it for them, no? I mean that's just basic wrestling booking isn't it?



Sure, if it wasn't blatantly obvious by...about Payback this year or whenever she'd beaten Naomi and Paige for the gazillionth time that they wanted her to top AJ's reign. Just glad it's over and done with now.

A Nikki win at NoC would bring the heat back pretty nicely. It's not like it was a fireball. Though in honesty I think the Bellas offer close to nothing, people want to hate them but they can't really be arsed to make a noise about it - and they [bellas] seem like they'd much rather be adored for doing the exact same act. It's so whatever. Really can't wait for Sasha to become the primary heel in the division.


The deluded feminist in me wants Charlotte or someone to point out 'you know, Trish Stratus held the Women's title for 400-odd days, and Nikki will never compare to that' and then bring back the old gold and throw the glitter-tinsel belt in a WWE Exploding Trashcanâ„¢. I'd pop for that like The Rock waltzed in

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If you hadn't specified within the same hour, I'd have assumed it was me chatting shit elsewhere. This thought's been brewing a long time now.

By now I can deal with the word 'divas' as the brand its become as much as I hate it, it's primarily just that horrible belt, looks like you could leave teeth marks in it.

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Sheamus can't really win here, unless he actually wins the belt

So he can win really then.


Charlotte should have won the strap - the heat was in Nikki nearly being the longest reigning champion and losing it just short of the milestone in my opinion.

Surely in most any other circumstance, where it has been built for as long as it has with a smug heel, the babyface has to shut them up and spoil it for them, no? I mean that's just basic wrestling booking isn't it?



Rubbing it in people's faces that she's the longest reigning champion would also draw heat. Especially if she trashes AJ Lee. Ending the longest Divas title reign in history is putting over the next champ too.
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I think Charlotte is a much more natural heel so it makes for her to lose her program with Nikki, Nikki gets heat for beating Charlotte and keeping her long run going


From there you can have Paige or whoever win the title at, say, Survivor Series then have Charlotte attack Paige (or whoever) and team back up with Sasha Banks to feud with whoever the top 2 faces are

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I think Charlotte is a much more natural heel


I think Paige is a much more natural heel — I saw Charlotte's disappointment at not winning the title, and I bought it. I can just imagine Paige's screaming and pouting in the same situation — they haven't really given much of a reason to like Paige over her tenure in the company.

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