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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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How many episodes of Raw have begun with Seth and co?


Feels like the same thing over and over. Just babbling on about nothing interesting. I can't imagine trying to watch Raw live and sitting through it for 3 hours. I can watch it in about 30 mins on a good week and less on a bad week. 

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Surely Lana will be seeing some in ring action at Battleground in a mixed tag match.

That won't be happening unless its a singles against Summer, which is probable. Scariest thing about this angle is Rusev's injured, so they're really gonna drag this out until he's healed? God, the crowd's already turned with the "WHAT"s during Lana's bit, sad really. Doubly shit cos surely Rusev should be resting? Don't think he's missed a single episode.

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Lesnar is a lawsuit waiting to happen. But that is incredible strength.


Cesaro vs Cena may be my favourite match in the past few years, I really thought Cesaro had it and they were going to play Cena vs Owens on a mutual hatred thing. What a match.

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I thought Cesaro might win via interference or DQ, thereby making the Battleground match a triple threat, thereby avoiding having to have Cena get pinned again. Like when they made that match against Ambrose a Guitar and Baseball Bat on a Pole Match, or whatever it was.


Titus owning JBL on commentary, to the point where he actually had no comeback for about 30 seconds, was the highlight of the show for me. Show was better overall, but it helps so much when the crowd try.

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Rusev smashing up Pot noodle head with the crutch was the highlight of this show. Even that Albatross Summer Rae isn't holding Rusev back. I did chuckle at the flub "a witch of a Lana called woman" though.


How long was the over-run on this show? They struggle to fill three hours interestingly and they're going 10-15 minutes over.


The promise of videos from J&J's road trip was great. Finally they get it, I thought. Then we got a couple of cheap heat shots from Chicago. What a waste.


Not a lot bad on the show but nothing particularly interesting. Another really good Sheamus/Reigns match. Another really good Cena/Cesaro match. They just don't mean a great deal in the gran scheme of things. Not sure what the answer is because nothing will change while they've three and a quarter hours to fill.

Edited by tiger_rick
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The promise of videos from J&J's road trip was great. Finally they get it, I thought. Then we got a couple of cheap heat shots from Chicago. What a waste.


Wasn't the second one just them driving away from the scene of the first one? It was especially frustrating after they did that quite clever little animated insert of their "road trip" across the East Coast. Looks like someone had the idea and then forgot to actually film it, so they just had them driving around where Raw was instead. J&J security in Chicago traffic. Those guys!


How long was the over-run on this show? They struggle to fill three hours interestingly and they're going 10-15 minutes over.


It was about 15 minutes. It was a better paced show tonight, but they're just stuck. NFL start in two months, they're going to get boned. Surely at some point, Vince and the USA network are going to sit down and say, "this isn't working." The ratings aren't as good as the network wants, the shows aren't as good Vince wants, let's cut that 3rd hour. Granted, I think the rating will be up this week, and it was a better show than most recently, but they're on a downward trend.

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Had to rewatch the car door video again, but there could be a definite lawsuit there, as it looks like part of it goes over the barrier and clocks someone in the front row. It was a great visual, but surely there was only room for it to go wrong, one loose grip could've sent it anywhere, let alone someone of Lesnar's power being allowed to chuck it anyway.


Titus offering to hit JBL with the New Day's finisher was fantastic too.

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Was pretty bored by this weeks show, but Cesaro being given a clean finish to last week's match and a (overrunning) main event is a pretty good sign


Titus was beautiful, parring off JBL then actually calling the match. Wrestlers nearly always own the shit out of commentators at their own game


I liked the Kane in Hawaii pictures too. The exact right amount of effort put in (none, whatsoever)

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WWF Attitude was fucking great. Maybe not particularly fun gameplay, but the creative freedom you had was well ahead of it's time. I fully propose we hijack this dull TV show thread for debating which stock CAW character's voice/music/name etc was best.


For me, it's The Guvnor. What a great entrance theme he had. When I created him he had a balding head, white shirt, braces and a heart-attack inviting gut. I think I gave him the TKO as his finisher for some reason. He had a mean haymaker.


Edit: and the Into Dawada music (how the fuck have I remembered this pointless bit of information?) made it much easier to create the Mean Street Posse.

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