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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Has a bit of everything that story doesn't it. Vince being a proper villain complicent with steroid use and backing his "boy", Brock white knighting how popular Bryan is. A secret informer from the *inside*.


Absolute bollocks mind, but a well put together narrative.

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Has a bit of everything that story doesn't it. Vince being a proper villain complicent with steroid use and backing his "boy", Brock white knighting how popular Bryan is. A secret informer from the *inside*.


Absolute bollocks mind, but a well put together narrative.


What's also a nice touch is he white-knights Cena too, so it doesn't sound too smarky.


The UFC/steroids thing sounds like it could be legit, especially with all the problems the UFC have had recently. Not saying the above article is true, but I'd imagine the UFC would be a bit paranoid about PEDs right now.

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It worryingly does add up, doesn't it? Perfectly reasonable explanation for Brock going spare. IF this is true, then the wise move would be to chuck Bryan in the main. They're fortunate that it's a viable plan b. Whatever they do, keep Brock on board- it's a disaster if he misses the show, not Reigns. Take him off of Mania.


It might hinder his monster push, but hey, that's his own doing. They could get awful PR for keeping him in the main. Then they can try and continue his push as soon as his suspension is up and once Mania has blown over.

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I can't see anyway they backtrack now and put Bryan in, he lost at the Rumble and lost fair and square at Fastlane, The only Plan B at this stage I can see is Rollins announcing he wll cash in at Mania and make it a triple threat that way.


Orton and Rollins isn't officially announced yet despite it obviously heading that way so wouldn't have to hastly cancel that, not sure where theat would leave Orton but that is another issue.


I still say its all crap thouhg, wasn't Lesnar issue business and not creative anyway?

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Well, his reasoning for being pissed at the supposed drug test fail is that it might affect him possibly going back to the UFC, so that's business. Not creative.


Can't see anyway a Reigns failed test would affect Lesnar anyway in any talks he has with UFC from here on out.


Sorry Brock your opponent failed a drug test, we are gonna knock a couple of 0's of your deal now, Brock going back to UFC would be huge they know that, he knows that one failed Reigns test wont change that in the slightest.

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Well, his reasoning for being pissed at the supposed drug test fail is that it might affect him possibly going back to the UFC, so that's business. Not creative.


Can't see anyway a Reigns failed test would affect Lesnar anyway in any talks he has with UFC from here on out.


Sorry Brock your opponent failed a drug test, we are gonna knock a couple of 0's of your deal now, Brock going back to UFC would be huge they know that, he knows that one failed Reigns test wont change that in the slightest.



The whole thing is probably bullshit, I'm just saying that's the reasoning that's been put forward. Plus, with all the UFC fighters getting popped for PEDs recently, it's not that far fetched that Brock wouldn't want anything to do with Reigns if he's failed a test and it's then covered up and eventually comes out.

It really sounded like Brock tried to use this as an excuse to change his opponent for Mania but Vince wasn't gonna bite. 


No, because that's creative and as others have mentioned, Brock doesn't really give a fuck who he faces as long as he gets paid, from a creative standpoint.

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I dunno how they'd get to this, but if it's true that Reigns has failed the wellness tests, since it might be our last opportunity to see it, I'd love for them to go with Lesnar vs. Orton.


Not sure if it screams "WRESTLEMANIA MAIN EVENT" but it's one of the few top tier matches left. Orton could win, Rollins to cash-in to keep their rivalry alive, and set up their summer programme.

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I get the impression that Reigns would serve a 30 day suspension as standard, which ends just before Mania. Hence how Vince can justify having him at WrestleMania and also hence why Brock would be informed of the said failed drug test.


Edit- when I say I get the impression, I'm sure that's what the guy said on reddit in the initial post

Edited by PunkStep
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