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Are they doing Orton/Byran too soon? If they're going for Bryan eventually overcoming the corporation I would've liked to have seen him get put through Roman Reigns, Show or Ryback even. It's a bit too soon for Orton to lose or for Bryan to get screwed again at the first PPV since dropping the belt.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Nah, it's WWE in 2013, you need more peaks and valleys than that. Slow burning this thing too much will kill off its momentum. Bryan needs to come within an inch of tapping or pinning Orton clean as a sheet before getting screwed to really hammer home that he's the absolute best. They're absolutely right to ride the momentum in the wake of Summerslam, especially as after Sunday we've got two more B-PPVs before Survivor Series. Battleground will have a multi-man tag or Bryan in a non-title match, Hell in a Cell will spawn from that and probably not be Orton/Bryan again. They need to keep rolling with the main story for this month, then take it off the boil for a while to either build it back up over the next 2 PPVs for Survivor Series or play the long game for Wrestlemania.

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Survivor Series in November is anyone else seeing


Orton/Shield/Lesnar vs Big Show/Punk/Rhodes/Henry or Ziggler/Bryan?


I can see it myself. HHH is doing what's best for business which would mean enlisting Heyman and Lesnar despite hating them (much like he dislikes Orton in a sense) and after Big Show snaps on the Corporation and goes on a wrecking spree they need to bring in someone to contain him. Punk would be the obvious next to stand up to HHH/Vince/Orton and their ideals on how superstars should look to be champion after the angle last year. Rhodes is bound to get some form of push from being involved how he was last week and the reactions he's getting.


All that's left is Ziggler or Henry to take the 5th spot. I doubt they could draw out Ziggler vs Ambrose for 3 months plus he's still in the bad books for that backstage spat with Orton so I can't see him getting there. Only issue is how Henry would fit into this now he's back.


Maybe have Show/Reigns/Rollins vs Bryan/Ziggler/Henry at Battleground with Show finally turning on the corporation and siding with Henry. Have those two go against The Shield at Hell in a Cell take the belts which leads to HHH making the call to Lesnar?

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I was beginning to like Cesaro before he got the ol' de-push and now I'm starting to go a little erect for the bald. Awesome things like jumping Swagger's shoulders for the boss stomp or calling Santino a "piece of shit" or swinging him around for twenty minutes and fucking off selling any dizziness. Orton vs Goldust was obviously great but Santino/Cesaro was probably my favourite match of the night.


Enjoyed the opening barbs. I generally don't have a problem with 'insider' shit and I thought HHH was hilarious. He still has a habit of talking too much but he's gold at the moment is Trips. He's lack of vulnerability is one of the things I usually hate about him but it works with him as the corporate prick hiding behind a pack of dogs. I'd happily never see Edge again though. Enjoyed the Goldust vids, why don't we see more Dustin? He's still better than most of the roster. Good promo too. Nice to see Bray out there working with someone decent and looking strong. Big Show's starting to look like a right bell. I don't know how much impact turning him (again) will have at this stage.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Survivor Series in November is anyone else seeing


Orton/Shield/Lesnar vs Big Show/Punk/Rhodes/Henry or Ziggler/Bryan?


I can see it myself. HHH is doing what's best for business which would mean enlisting Heyman and Lesnar despite hating them (much like he dislikes Orton in a sense) and after Big Show snaps on the Corporation and goes on a wrecking spree they need to bring in someone to contain him. Punk would be the obvious next to stand up to HHH/Vince/Orton and their ideals on how superstars should look to be champion after the angle last year. Rhodes is bound to get some form of push from being involved how he was last week and the reactions he's getting.


All that's left is Ziggler or Henry to take the 5th spot. I doubt they could draw out Ziggler vs Ambrose for 3 months plus he's still in the bad books for that backstage spat with Orton so I can't see him getting there. Only issue is how Henry would fit into this now he's back.


Maybe have Show/Reigns/Rollins vs Bryan/Ziggler/Henry at Battleground with Show finally turning on the corporation and siding with Henry. Have those two go against The Shield at Hell in a Cell take the belts which leads to HHH making the call to Lesnar?


I doubt the WWE would want to use Lesnar in a multi man match. While it would be nice to see I think that the WWE will only use him in a one on one situation, or in a very strong tag team (and by that I mean 2 on 2) scenario. Also, I think the dates they have left for him mean that he could only be used for the Rumble-Mania period.


As I said, it's a nice idea but I don't think it will happen.

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That opening was great.


I have a question, though. Are Triple H and Edge great mates? Or do they genuinely think each other is a prick? Because there was definitely something on those promos. I mean, they were unusually catty with one another.


And, when was the last time someone called another guy a 'dick'?


I love that Triple H is growing more deluded, and embracing the 'evil boss' persona each week. He's turning into a mafia boss. Soon, he'll be wearing a fedora and calling people 'wise guys'.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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That opening was great.


I have a question, though. Are Triple H and Edge great mates? Or do they genuinely think each other is a prick? Because there was definitely something on those promos. I mean, they were unusually catty with one another.


And, when was the last time someone called another guy a 'dick'?


I love that Triple H is growing more deluded, and embracing the 'evil boss' persona each week. He's turning into a mafia boss. Soon, he'll be wearing a fedora and calling people 'wise guys'.


I remember reading that there was a bit of tension between the two a few years ago. It might be total bollocks but you never know. Plus considering how long both were in the main event they didn't have that many matches against each other. I can think of the Rated RKO vs DX feud and I think they had a one month feud in 2008. I thought it was a good opening segment mind, if they don't like each other in real life it certainly added to the opening.



The crowds in the last 2 or 3 months have seemed so much better than the last few years, consistently loud and into the show. It makes such a difference when the crowd are into it.

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It's been reported before (and only a few years back, not back in 2003 when Triple H was evil) that Triple H wasn't a fan of Edge. Edge was talking about it in interviews or something, not naming Hunter but alluding to him trying to sabotage Edge's career.


AJ was on fire on commentary. I like her angry rather than her overacting at being crazy/insecure/paedobait.


Really enjoyed Santino vs Cesaro. They've got good chemistry. Cesaro's last match I enjoyed was against Santino as well, about a year ago on Smackdown. It was great to see Santino back, I was laughing as soon as his music hit.

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Really enjoyed Santino vs Cesaro. They've got good chemistry. Cesaro's last match I enjoyed was against Santino as well, about a year ago on Smackdown. It was great to see Santino back, I was laughing as soon as his music hit.


Didn't you enjoy Cesaro against Kofi on main event earlier in the year? I remember that being fantastic, maybe the best match I've seen from both guys.

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I take back what I said in an earlier thread about wanting to see an RVD/Ryback feud.


Cor, that match was shit.


It didn't help that old clumsy bollocks nearly knocked Rybacks head off early on, and Ryback spent the rest of the match swearing and trying to splatter RVD. Just shit.


Oh, and did Big Show/Steph really do their backstage segment in front of a massive canvas case marked 'backstage set'?

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Really enjoyed Santino vs Cesaro. They've got good chemistry. Cesaro's last match I enjoyed was against Santino as well, about a year ago on Smackdown. It was great to see Santino back, I was laughing as soon as his music hit.


Didn't you enjoy Cesaro against Kofi on main event earlier in the year? I remember that being fantastic, maybe the best match I've seen from both guys.

Only the ending, I think. The one where he kicked him in the back of the head? I love Kofi, but not enough that I'll track down his matches from Superstars and Main Event unless they mean something. Loved his match with Miz on that show last year.

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A week or two ago I was talking to my mate about how you don't see people get chucked balls first into the turnbuckle post anymore, and Ryback went and done it! Won me over, at least.


Goldust throws some class punches doesn't he? I'm surprised he's not around backstage more in a trainer capacity because he was class last night.


Ending was the right thing to do, if it ended with Orton stood tall again then it'll have ran a bit dry.

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Quite an enjoyable show. I'm guessing the ending means that Orton is retaining, which is the right thing to be doing, all things considered. They made Bryan look like Superman with that ending, beat Ambrose then took out Orton.


You can tell Triple H is relishing playing a baddy again and in doing so he's playing up to and 'working' a lot of the internet gossip (that has followed him for over a decade) into his current character. Not sure what to make of the Triple H/Edge back and forth, I guess the cattiness was excellent, even if the exchanges were a bit clunky... at the very least the fans were into it.

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