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Can we talk about Ziggler a bit?  I think he's really fucking good, seems to have more enthusiasm and old school wrestler pizazz than most of the rest of the roster, he's got a great look, bumps like a motherfucker....  but (maybe I'm wrong) I get the impression that a fair few on here are a bit lukewarm on him.


I think he's probably not quite world champ material but he's as good a performer as they've got.

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Reading through the thread earlier, I was thinking there was a distinct lack of Ziggler mentions.


I think the guy's great, like a cross between a young Shawn Michaels and Curt Hennig, but lacking their charisma. I think he'd find that though if they put some faith in him and he was allowed to build up some confidence in himself that they'd do something with him.


I do think he needs some coaching, too. He's the sort of guy who'll do this huge bump moments into a match and he needs someone to reign him in a bit and learn when to use his spots. He'd be a great project for a road agent to take under their wing in that respect.

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Ziggler's a good Intercontinental level guy, but nothing more than that. He doesn't have the personality or aura that Mr Perfect and early Shawn Michaels had, but then he doesn't have the same protective booking that they had, either. He's a decent wrestler to bump around for your top guys or to put on a solid midcard workrate match. He's not a star. Wrestling the same matches ten weeks in a row does him no favours, mind.


Ziggler is the second best current midcard titleholder they have.

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Maybe it's just me, but I though Ambrose's double-arm DDT to Cena at the end of the show looked awesome. Far better than his headlock DDT has ever looked. Hopefully he'll start using that as his finisher instead.


I've also liked the fun, goofy stuff they've been scripting for Ambrose. It's silly, but never to the point of being stupid or annoying, and it's seemingly gettig him over with the crowd too. It really feels like they're on to something with Dean and I can see him being this year's Daniel Bryan come Wrestlemania season, where fans start rejecting others in favour of him.


Also, this is probably a really weird thing to enjoy, but that tiny segment following Ambrose through the train station felt really fresh considering how little of that they do these days. It feels like you hardly ever see angles outside of the ringside area or backstage. Everything feels confined to the same setting, so to see Ambrose strolling around somewhere else, looking like a megastar in those shades, felt different and fun.


If nothing else, it feels as if the Dean Ambrose character is lending itself to having the writers try different, goofy stuff, which I'm massively in favour of. It's where the Roman Reigns character does nothing for me; it's just the same stuff we've seen time and time again.

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I don't mind Ziggler in the way that I resent some of the guys taking up TV time but he has the worst gimmick. It's Val Venis levels of bad and until he can jettison it he'll be stuck where he is.

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I don't mind Ziggler in the way that I resent some of the guys taking up TV time but he has the worst gimmick. It's Val Venis levels of bad and until he can jettison it he'll be stuck where he is.


...what is the gimmick?

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Also, this is probably a really weird thing to enjoy, but that tiny segment following Ambrose through the train station felt really fresh considering how little of that they do these days. It feels like you hardly ever see angles outside of the ringside area or backstage. Everything feels confined to the same setting, so to see Ambrose strolling around somewhere else, looking like a megastar in those shades, felt different and fun.



I agree apart from the bit about him looking like a megastar.  He looked like just another passenger to me.

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I'd have Rusev win the US title and just retire it/re-christen it the Russian Title or something to that effect. At least for a while you can then have an actual midcard title in the form of the IC belt, and the US Title be a prop to get Rusev extra heat. Fuck it, have Rusev 'melt down' the US title into a trophy to carry round or something to that effect as a way to retire it.


Have Rusev win the US title then come out at the next night's Raw and state that he is bringing back the European title. We never see the US title again.


Have a little programme of feuds with fellow Europeans over the title before eventually having a unification match with the Intercontinental title.

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I'd have Rusev win the US title and just retire it/re-christen it the Russian Title or something to that effect. At least for a while you can then have an actual midcard title in the form of the IC belt, and the US Title be a prop to get Rusev extra heat. Fuck it, have Rusev 'melt down' the US title into a trophy to carry round or something to that effect as a way to retire it.


Have Rusev win the US title then come out at the next night's Raw and state that he is bringing back the European title. We never see the US title again.


Have a little programme of feuds with fellow Europeans over the title before eventually having a unification match with the Intercontinental title.



So you'd deactivate a title just to deactivate a title?

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Ziggler defends the IC title against Bo Dallas on Main Event this week. It's Bo's first shot at a main WWE title, and Cesaro rips on Byron Saxton on commentary. Worth seeking out if you have the Network - and it's the beginning of the show.


Second edit: the perils of mobile internet..

Edited by gadge
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