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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I really didn't like the Cena-Wyatt match.   If there was ever a time for painting someone up with bruises and selling long-term injury, it would have been Cena post-Lesnar beating.  But no, there he is with not a scratch on him, and delivering a squash to someone who he feuded with only earlier in the year.  Cena's not a squash type of guy, it looked fake and did Wyatt no favours. 


I can see that this is leading to Cena taking another beating and then disappearing for a while, but I thought it cheapened what happened at Summerslam.


I'm still not feeling Reigns - they are doing everything right, but... it's almost like he's faceless in the ring.  He's got a physical presence, he's got some good spots, but there's no connection.  You know how Hogan can cast out a look and connect with the guy sitting right at the back of the arena?  He doesn't have that, yet.


However, I'm definitely warming to Rollins.  He's a greasy prick but he seems to deliver meaningful action and you get involved.  He also bumps beautifully, as a heel should.


Cesaro/RVD was like a funeral.  Nobody in the audience gives a shit about Cesaro, do they?

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^^Pulled because WWE went off the idea, and probably can't do it now anyway because it's a bit shaky to do an angry black mob gimmick. Kofi and Big E were tagging up managed by Xavier on the house shows last weekend, but as babyfaces.



Cesaro's the latest Benjamin/Morrison/Ziggler -- he's got enough to him that some people will convince themselves he's world title material, despite the massive flaws, and always blame WWE for him not making it. When he has a match with Cena, it reminds me of when they'd have Michaels/Angle/HHH go out there and make Shelton Benjamin look like a million dollars, but then Shelton could never keep it going when separated from the stars. Cesaro's a bit like Ryback as well, in that he needs a solid sense of direction and help from the creative team to get somewhere. He's not the type that can just do the 50/50 booking midcard stuff and succeed.

Edited by King Pitcos
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What happened to the militant black group? kofi was back to his usual dull shit this week.


The status of the stable with Kofi Kingston, Big E, and Xavier Woods has been a hot topic among fans this week. The group has been used at recent live events and in dark matches, both as heels and faces.


The members of the group have been told that they will still be used together in the future. WWE officials are trying to figure out how the group will be presented and how they want to move forward with it.


Source: NODQ.com - http://nodq.com/wwe/411169342.shtml


Basically, WWE officials want to put them on telly but are too lazy to write something for them to do, so they'll do a quick run on the house shows and it'll never be mentioned again.

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Fairly meh Raw.Best part was Sandow screaming ''Action!'' when he tried to body double for Miz.


Cena unintentionally holding that sign the wrong way round to close the show was funny too.


Was far too much TV time afforded to the Bella's again.

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Movie star Miz has been great fun, decent main event to an otherwise bland show and I agree with DCW on the Bella overload.


Hopefully I might get my wish and get to see Stephanie slap AJ Lee about and on that subject just how fucking ridiculous did AJ look trying to stand up to Stephanie?


This $9.99 shit is just embarrassing, it's fast approaching early Twitter pushing levels.

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This $9.99 shit is just embarrassing, it's fast approaching early Twitter pushing levels.

They might as well get a few of these next to the announce booths when they shill the network, such is their persistence:



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