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Like I said, it isnt working out. That doesnt mean it was a bad idea. If Batista's return had remained secret people would of lost their shit when he came out in the Rumble instead of shitting on it because of the overwhelming assumption that their favourite had a divine right to be the man. My point is, on the face of it, Orton vs Batista isnt a bad idea.


I don't get this logic. Fans get behind someone, that wrestler gets over. That's what a favourite is. Bryan's gotten over organically, so why denigrate what the fans are doing? This is how it's always happened.


I agree that they should've had Batista's return kept secret; it may have been the only way they could stop people booing him for coming out instead of Bryan. Orton/Batista isn't a bad idea per se, but they need more than a "not bad" idea to headline the biggest WM ever. Orton isn't hot enough at the moment to warrant being in any Mania mains right now, he's not even hated enough, and Batista, well - he's suffering from coming in during an odd period.


Only way to maybe salvage things, perhaps get Batista to snap and beat up Bryan..


Give her a bit of real heat, rather than xpac heat.

Heat is heat, theres no such thing as 'X-Pac Heat' and there never has been. Its a term invented by Internet fans and its utterly stupid.


Disagree - there is such thing, but it's just stupidly named. "Indifference" or "apathy" is a much better term. I wouldn't say that's what Batista's getting, though.

Apathy and Indifference are the opposites of Heat by definition. If its Indifference no one is getting hot or annoyed about anything.

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Apathy and Indifference are the opposites of Heat by definition. If its Indifference no one is getting hot or annoyed about anything.


That's what I'm saying - people have mis-named the reactions X-Pac was supposedly getting, calling it "X-Pac heat" instead of "apathy" (if that's even true at all - from what I remember he's always gotten some kind of heat).

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Its the idea that they never want John Cena to sell a lose because they never want him to come across like he's a moaner. Yet Daniel Bryan sells every defeat by saying "why me? What have you got against me?" etc. That was the basis on Bret Hart's heel turn. He walked out in a huff at WrestleMania 12, he returned and complained about everything and eventually snapped. Babyfaces shouldn't be asking for anything. He should have attacked Triple H coming out of the limo. He shouldn't be getting talked down to off Stephanie and challenging anyone to a match. He should be taking his revenge, not asking for it.



I agree Bryan should be more physical in his anger, but maybe they are holding off til closer to Mania? Besides, he doesn't actually have to say "Why me" does he, because the storyline has been blunt and obvious for ages - The McMahons don't rate him and have constantly screwed him out of the title. It's very different to the Bret situation, where he actually had a good point with the Monsoon "overtime" ruling and the Royal Rumble screw-job from Austin, but there was never a real "conspiracy" and everyone could see that. Bret had a few bad breaks and a shithead like Austin messing with him - not the whole upper management of the WWF screwing him out of the belt month after month.

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Yeah this is nothing like Bret at all. This is a case of everyone in a position of power going out of their way to screw Bryan over because they think Orton or whoever are more deserving.

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Apathy and Indifference are the opposites of Heat by definition. If its Indifference no one is getting hot or annoyed about anything.


That's what I'm saying - people have mis-named the reactions X-Pac was supposedly getting, calling it "X-Pac heat" instead of "apathy" (if that's even true at all - from what I remember he's always gotten some kind of heat).

He has, you're right, further proof that the expression itself is utter bollocks.


Back on subject, people are shitting on this fued but nothing short of Daniel Bryan winning the title at Wrestlemania will do for them. The problem in the situation is that WWE are running a storyline that the 'Higher Ups' are holding Daniel Bryan away from the main event, and people are getting worked. Worse, people like Mick Foley are getting worked who should know better. WWE book backwards from Wrestlemania and Triple H vs Daniel Bryan has probably been the plan for some time. Are we forgetting the potential that this match may be a fucking Barn Burner?


I'm sure Batista vs Orton hasn't worked out the way the bosses wanted it to but they may have something up their sleeves, a lot of people are operating under the assumption that they HAVE to add someone else to the mix. I wouldn't be massively surprised if those people end up disappointed.

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I think it depends on how much store you set by the internet news reports. If they're to be believed, it was supposed to be Trips vs. Punk, which would also have been amazing.


But yes, I think Bryan/Triple H is set to be a classic.

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Yeah this is nothing like Bret at all. This is a case of everyone in a position of power going out of their way to screw Bryan over because they think Orton or whoever are more deserving.

My point wasn't that it was anything like the Bret Hart angle. The point is, to get Bret over as a subtle heel they made him cry every week about things that were happening to him. So the fans would gradually see a change in the Bret Hart they loved and when he turned he felt it was justified. Because babyfaces dont cry and moan about it when things go wrong. Cena, Austin, the Rock, the Undertaker, Triple H, they dont get upset and ask why these things are happening. They dont challenge anyone to matches when you double cross them. They beat you up, they force their way through security guards, they demand you come to the ring and do it to their face. Yeah, everyone is against him. So do something about it then? Dont get go up to Triple H and say "what do I have to do to prove I'm ..." whatever.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I think they kinda have to do it this way. He's getting fucked over every week, and unless you turn him into the angry Stone Cold guy, smashing up Hunter's limo and attacking Orton with a chair, if he doesn't say anything, he's bitching out, and it's "Why isn't Daniel Bryan standing up for himself? All this bullshit, and he just takes it." And I don't think it's coming across as whiny to the general fanbase at this point anyway.

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I agree with Ian about his character, but aside from that I think the story they have been telling with Bryan has been masterful to be honest. Ever since SummerSlam, the angle has been that Triple H doesn't want the scruffy little underdog as the face of his corporation. They have been very explicit about that, blatantly playing up Triple H's historical reputation as the villain of the 'IWC' (urgh!) and in doing so playing right into the hands of the core of Bryan's fanbase. I find it mad that people have been blind to the long term game they are playing, instead crying about him not having had a long run as the champion already. Some of the booking ideas I have seen and heard from supposed smart fans are just mental, Bryan would have been champion for the last six months if a lot of people had their way, but what would be the angle going into the biggest show of the year if that had been the case? You simply can't book Daniel Bryan in WWE the same way he was in RoH- as the dominant 'Best In The World' champion, it's integral to his character that he is booked as the underdog in the big league. The story has been built brilliantly leading to this showdown with Triple H.

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I find it mad that people have been blind to the long term game they are playing,The story has been built brilliantly leading to this showdown with Triple H.


Wasn't it supposed to be CM Punk vs HHH at Wrestlemania though? It's hardly a long term game when they've changed their plans due to unforeseen circumstances.

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I find it mad that people have been blind to the long term game they are playing,The story has been built brilliantly leading to this showdown with Triple H.


Wasn't it supposed to be CM Punk vs HHH at Wrestlemania though? It's hardly a long term game when they've changed their plans due to unforeseen circumstances.

I knew someone would pick me up on that. Like Pitcos said, Bryan's story is so good that it's mad to think they were ever contemplating CM Punk vs Triple H instead, but what I am certain of is that the plan has always been that Daniel Bryan will get his big moment at WrestleMania, whether that be making Triple H tap out or raising the WWE title. I still think he might even do both.

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I find it mad that people have been blind to the long term game they are playing,The story has been built brilliantly leading to this showdown with Triple H.


Wasn't it supposed to be CM Punk vs HHH at Wrestlemania though? It's hardly a long term game when they've changed their plans due to unforeseen circumstances.


There is no long term plan for Bryan, they seem to be throwing shit at a turnbuckle and seeing what sticks. The half arsed joining the Wyatts for a week was mental. It served no purpose for Bryan or The Wyatts.


I also don't think that the Bryan HHH match has been built particularly well. Hunter seems to have had a whale of a time at his smarmy best with lines like


'Solid B star'

'great little worker'

and of course

'you're not worthy of me'


Bryans response has been to stamp his feet over and over and say I am so, I am so worthy of you. Listen to the fans. I am so.

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I find it mad that people have been blind to the long term game they are playing,The story has been built brilliantly leading to this showdown with Triple H.


Wasn't it supposed to be CM Punk vs HHH at Wrestlemania though? It's hardly a long term game when they've changed their plans due to unforeseen circumstances.


There is no long term plan for Bryan, they seem to be throwing shit at a turnbuckle and seeing what sticks. The half arsed joining the Wyatts for a week was mental. It served no purpose for Bryan or The Wyatts.


I also don't think that the Bryan HHH match has been built particularly well. Hunter seems to have had a whale of a time at his smarmy best with lines like


'Solid B star'

'great little worker'

and of course

'you're not worthy of me'


Bryans response has been to stamp his feet over and over and say I am so, I am so worthy of you. Listen to the fans. I am so.

I think you should go back to the other forum.

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Wasn't the original plan for Bryan at Wrestlemania going to be a match against a heel Sheamus?


That doesn't sound like they planned on giving him a big Wrestlemania moment. I still think he should win the title at Mania but a win over Triple H would still be pretty good.

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