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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I'd have them face off at Money In The Bank, and have AJ go over.


From there I would have them be separated by the draft, which gives AJ bragging rights about how he has a 100% record over Cena, and have Cena looking for any opportunity to get a rematch with AJ only to be denied because of the brand split (maybe have them clash backstage at a couple of PPV's).


Aslong as it is referenced fairly regular on TV then a showdown between the 2 during the Rumble match could be huge and then go on from there to the first big interpromotional (of the new era brand split) match at next years Mania.


Anyway, we all know how it will end up going, AJ beats Cena at MITB, Cena then beats AJ at the next 3 PPV's, will be the World Title picture come Survivor Series, whilst AJ trades wins/losses with Dolph Ziggler.

Edited by The King of Old School
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I was way too distracted during the AJ/Cena segment by Gallows awful trousers.


Wrestling fans are weird. Can you imagine people commenting on the clothes in any other type of entertainment show (Gok Wan aside).

More people moan when a new kit comes out for their team than in wrestling. Happens all the time in films as well. Look at the new Ghostbusters film. Aside from being women, the main talking point is how shit the proton packs and the suits are. If the Terminator wore a blue anorak, the poster isnt going to look nearly as cool. Anytime you market a show as this larger than life thing, the way people look is always going to be talked about. The look is half the appeal.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I was way too distracted during the AJ/Cena segment by Gallows awful trousers.


Wrestling fans are weird. Can you imagine people commenting on the clothes in any other type of entertainment show (Gok Wan aside).

More people moan when a new kit comes out for their team than in wrestling. Happens all the time in films as well. Look at the new Ghostbusters film. Aside from being women, the main talking point is how shit the proton packs and the suits are. If the Terminator wore a blue anorak, the poster isnt going to look nearly as cool. Anytime you market a show as this larger than life thing, the way people look is always going to be talked about. The look is half the appeal.



Absolutely, I agree 100%. My point still stands about wrestling fans being weird though. I'm one myself.

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well, we do when the female is Natalya..


amazing face/face dynamic for the Styles/Cena stuff, they were never going to stop if AJ didn't start speaking were they? Brock Lesnar guy needs to be shot in to the sun though, making a real fucking point of demonstrating that he's saying both chants. Fuck right off you absolute arse, hope he does something and gets put under house arrest.


Anyway, amazing dynamic for that, I was almost disappointed in the turn, but it was very well executed. Fucking Styles/Cena!! Already another PPV that looks set to put Mania to shame, bravo to them.

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I don't usually like to be negative but there was some absolute dross on the latest Raw,. However, the AJ/Cena segment was brilliant and was the golden nugget in a steaming pile of manure.

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Weird show, the AJ/Cena thing was my favourite WWE moment/segment of the year so far, everybody did stellar job. However I cannot allow that to overshadow what was some absolutely dreadful TV, the opening segment was awful, hard to watch for me, any appeal New Day had (which personally for me wasn't much) has just gone.


Enzo and Cass and Cena/AJ saved the show from being totally missable but I definitely wouldn't give it a thumbs up based on half an hour of good TV out of 3.

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I watched the show this morning and I swear to God I've already forgotten everything but the AJ/Cena segment. That was cool and I really didn't see the AJ turn coming. Not sure I like them trying to put AJ into a heel role for this match, but I don't think it matters in the end. The match will be what it will be and it will be awesome.

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I kinda don't mind having the AJ/Cena segment spoiled for me this morning because I got to read this thread and find out if the rest of Raw was worth watching. Because I was totally going to do it all this week. And now 2 and a half hours of my time is going down to about 15 tonight :thumbsup: .

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The AJ/Cena segment was fantastic, can't wait to see the match, but I agree they should be kept on separate brands after they split the rosters.


Last night again furthered my hatred of Dolph Ziggler, he's now got knock off HBK tights, recycling an 18 year old Chris Jericho promo that fell flat on its Arse as half the audience didn't get it, and he's pissed off because he lost to a low blow in a no DQ match, what a bitch, he's up there with Del Rio for making me want to turn off the TV, I really wish he'd just fuck and be the worst stand up comedian in the world.

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I'd kinda really dig it if they split up Cena and Styles before they have their match. Build it for the next few weeks, then abruptly end it with the draft. Then have them only interact when they do joint-brand PPVs, maybe have The Club vs Team Cena at Survivor Series, then have a match at The Rumble or something. It'd be a nice change from having them trade wins on Raw for the next 6 months like Ziggler and Corbin. 

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Anyone else wish Sami Zayn would do something about his overall look and attire?


I get that he's an everyman and all that, but from the neck down, he looks so amateur hour. He doesn't need a gym body or anything, but his current pale, skinny fat frame, with those Indyrific trousers looks a right state to me. They keep reminding me of a 90's Sparky Plug Holly.



As a contrast, Kevin Owens completely covering his legs with the undershorts gives him a little lift. The bare patches used to accentuate his stubbiness.

Edited by Silky Kisser
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The draft doesn't happen until July 19th, so I could see them doing the match with AJ winning through Anderson & Gallows interfering. Cena then says on RAW the next that he wants a rematch at the next PPV (Battleground on July 25th) which Steph says he can have...if[/] they get drafted to the same show.

Then, as has been said, you can keep it being referenced to leading to any co-branded PPVs. That is ofcourse assuming they're going back to having Raw and Smackdown specific events

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what's with the Charlotte thing and JBL's fake disgust. When JBL actually does the heel commentary act he was fucking put there to do, he's quite good, but he doesn't, and he's insufferable.

there are no heel commentators who are faithful to the role, and it's really annoying. only Lawler's barely trying right now and even he's like "Charlotte's gone too far here" on the last SD


Hope the Ziggler thing was the start of a heel turn with the straight-up nuts kick. I was screaming obscenities at how awful he is before that, going "YOU'RE NOT FUCKING HBK!" when he's on about stealing the show, which he never ever does, and trying to get cool points for knowing Jericho's best promo. I was gonna flip out when he started putting on the amateur gear, I genuinely expected that was some shit to cater to his ego, but thankfully then came the nuts kick. Still be better if Corbin just slayed him on their first match and that was that though.


The Use-NO's can get to fuck for beating BreezeAngo, terrible name aside the one worthwhile thing to come out of this 6 FUCKING MONTH Golden Truth build. Call them the Pretty Boys, give them music that isn't a terrible mash-up of two very different songs and give em a mini-push - they have very good chemistry with one another in their segments


yeah it wasnt a great Raw. Aside for AJ/Cena, only Enzo & Cass and the segments with the faces and heels for the 6 man saved the show

Edited by sj5522
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