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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Rarely have I been so confused by a character change or development as I am Cesaro's james bond/shit bouncer/personal security looking gimmick. What the fuck is going on here, he is so shit, and at the very least get some decent threads, looks like he bought that suit from fucking TK Maxx clearance sale. It's all so weird and just shit, he was blowing bubbles with his chewing gum aswel, wanker.


That was one dead crowd during the Uso's/Villains match, the Uso's need to piss off for a bit, focus on Total Divas or something then come back a bit darker and more edgy, not looking like an explosion in Crayola factory.


That frog splash by owens on the floor is so so stupid, I really hope it isn't a regular thing, but something tells me it will be, just no give at all on the knees.

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get some decent threads, looks like he bought that suit from fucking TK Maxx clearance sale.


I quite like Cesaro's gimmick in theory! But I fucking hate just how 007 it all is. The James Bond entrance screen he has is just 100% rip off!! He needs less corny Bond jazz and more hardman Statham business going on. But lets give him/the suit a break. It's a suit done up round the back by velcro :-D it's never gonna be Prada now is it.


When he shushed Miz and used his "when my hand goes up" line, that worked a treat. Lovely stuff.

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What about the tie he borrowed from a grown up?


Or the fact he was blowing bubble gum?


Listen. I hate Cesaro. I've been clear about it. But it could have been any act I prefer last night, whether that's AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose or David Cameron's gift-wrapped chocolate box.


The fact is, Mr Perfect set a high bar when it comes to gum in wrestling. And, if you're going to cross that rubicon, you have to accept that any less than a nonchalant, alley-oop style up-spit followed by a dismissive swatting away of the gum, like you've lost all respect for it now that it let you put it in your mouth on the first date, will make you deserving of a wide range of misfortunes.

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He didn’t even get that much of a pop last night. Imagine if Cesaro had walked out in London two years ago...or even a fucking year ago...six cunting months ago? The UK fans would have blown the roof off from.
I think Dazzler has made us all think twice and the UKFF is responsible for his dwindling pops. Watch him come out to crickets this time next year if we keep our feelings of disdain up.

It worked on that Def Leppard prick, didn’t it?

I’m a huge Burret Crub fan, so this whole Anderson/Gallows/Styles thing has transported me back to 1996! Watch them destroy my happiness in a matter of weeks though...

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Overall I thought this was an enjoyable show, everything throughout had purpose and the crowed were loud making everything better. They really should do at least one more raw in Europe before going home. These big US cities can be awful for sound these days and this makes a big difference.


Only complaint is were that I fought Barrett should've had one last horrah and cost the league of nations the match. Also even though Ambrose Owens was fine as a main event by that time I still felt burnt out..nothing new but 3 hours still too long!

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I have to admit, while I absolutely loved Cesaro's suit when he returned with it, it has worn a bit thin.

Probably because the useless fucker keeps ripping it off. Two for a hundred job them whistles.

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