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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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They are on the cusp of finally getting Roman Reigns to the level they want him to be. He's worked bloody hard to get back on track after the fans turned on him at the Rumble but he's put in some blinders ever since. His match against Lesnar at Mania in particular doesn't get the credit it deserves.


However it's vital they continue to make him look strong. Having him side with the Authority or have the rug pulled from underneath him by Ambrose makes him look like a chump all over again.

Maybe having him defeat Rollins then turning on Ambrose who is out to congratulate him would be a good way to go? At least then he's a bad ass heel and you've got the Shield 3-way pretty much good to go from there.

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There's no way they are turning Reigns heel at this point. It doesn't matter if the fans like it or not they intend on pushing him as a babyface going forward.


I think it actually makes sense to turn Ambrose heel at this time. His character has been stuck in limbo for a while. This will be a good way to push him into the main event scene.

Edited by The Clint
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what I'd book: Reigns wins at SS, Ambrose wins Rumble. They celebrate on Raw afterwards until Roman takes Ambrose out with a superman punch + beat-down

Edited by sj5522
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Roman turning on Ambrose could make Ambrose more than Reigns. He had that angry, betrayed lunatic character down so well with Rollins and having Reigns do it too could make him a top tier babyface out for vengeance.

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Barrett's celebration after the match was boss. Jumping round the ring then rolling up the ring then holding hands with Sheamus while having his belly slapped by Rusev. They should make a European stable with those three, Cesaro and Neville. I know people have spoken about it before and some aren't overly keen on it but I reckon it'd work.

They should have the Europeans v the Americans at Survivor Series...

That's not a bad idea. They could compete for the Zack Ryder Cup...


I will find my own way out.

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It has be to be Reigns turning on Ambrose, the fans aren't going to accept anything else. Hopefully WWE has the sense to give people what they'd want to see rather than force feed them their own vision.

While it's obviously bollocks that you should just "give fans what they want" I do agree with this. Reigns against a heel Ambrose is just asking for fans to pick a side and a good proportion will choose Ambrose. Turning Reigns has the same effect but you don't mind if Reigns is a heel with some support because it doesn't damage his babyface aura. With the best will in the world, Ambrose is never going to be that guy so he can handle it.


Personally, I wouldn't turn either at the moment because they could easily co-exist as top babyfaces. It does seem likely that Ambrose will though. I just don't see any benefit in that. It's nothing to do with what fans want. You build to what fans want and convince them to pay for it, not just give them it. I see no money in this.

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I wouldn't turn either of them yet. Reigns to win the belt at Survivor Series, Ambrose to win the Rumble, and do the Bret/Piper build for WrestleMania. Maybe even do that story in the match as well, Roman is tempted to cheat but doesn't and ends up losing.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Whenever I talk about booking I feel inclined to pull out the same quote.


"A good Booker gives the fans what they want, a great Booker manipulates the audience into what they want and then gives it to them."***


This is one area WWE really need to fucking work on. They just can't manipulate their way to the desired reaction. Maybe WWE have that stupid defeatist attitude that some fans are just cunts, but a lot if the solutions are so obvious. The Reigns boos aren't because he's shit, it's a protest into turning him into the thing the fans don't want to see him as (not helped by the fact he was shit at being Cena V2.) Once he has been his awesome self for long enough the fans will be back with him


***Paraphrasing because I can't remember the exact quote because I'm para

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The trick is pushing someone while convincing teenage cretins you're burying them. That's the way to develop a solid #2 babyface, anyway. They've yet to figure out how to make a new #1 without upsetting those same cretins. I saw a thing the other day (maybe on here) about WWE's problem being that they're trying to be all things to all people and avoid offending anyone instead of committing to any particular direction, and that's why it's all so bland and meandering.

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The trick is pushing someone while convincing teenage cretins you're burying them. That's the way to develop a solid #2 babyface, anyway. They've yet to figure out how to make a new #1 without upsetting those same cretins. I saw a thing the other day (maybe on here) about WWE's problem being that they're trying to be all things to all people and avoid offending anyone instead of committing to any particular direction, and that's why it's all so bland and meandering.


You seriously need to stop blaming cretinous fans and start blaming the company. You might have a valid point if Reigns was a flawless wrestler who the fans are just being cunts to, but he's not. He's a great wrestler with a genuine superstar look, but his promos are still often awful and he's still finding his confidence in long in-ring promo sessions. He might be amazing eventually, but he's not there yet. 


Meanwhile they had/have Dean Ambrose. Super popular, cuts a great promo, unique character, wrestles a great main event match and the crowd are begging for him to be a bigger deal. But WWE just want Roman in that spot instead. You have a crowd that clearly wants to boo Roman and cheer Ambrose, so we'll almost certainly be given the opposite. It's madness. No need for a "pretend burial to trick the morons" just a guy who's plain over as fuck because people like him and think he's exciting, different and charismatic. No, we can't possibly have that!


Why not run with the natural acceptance of the fans, then if/when both guys get to that top tier, you have the option to switch them over anyway. They'll get their super popular Roman, after a great couple of years as a badass heel. Roman really should have been the one to be the Corporate sell-out rather than Rollins. Have Triple H be Paul heyman to his Brock Lesnar for a year and do the eventual Batista/HHH style split, rather than this awful situation where Triple H is playing amused/disappointed Dad to Rollins' idiot, lucky-champion character.


It's like swimming upstream on purpose and complaining that the current is being an arsehole just to fuck with you.

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You say that, and there might be some truth to it, but it ignores the key point which is the 'smart' fans have called themselves 'smart' for so long that they now believe it, and think they're smarter than the bookers.


'Someone's getting pushed?! That must be a malign plot to keep MY favourite down, I'm not falling for that. Sly as a fox, me' is the attitude that's killing them.


The fans murdered dead about 6 months of television chanting for Bryan, a bloke in his mid 30s who's far too beaten up to be anybody's next big thing, never really suited the big belt and looks like a pork scratching.


CM Punk upped sticks and left of his own accord, burning every bridge and said he was sick of the industry and even some of his own fans; yet the old Fy Slox's weren't having that. They continued to spoil unrelated segments chanting his name because they were so sure they knew better.


Could the WWE have done, and still do, more for Roman for example?! Of course they could, but it's made infinitely more difficult when the fans, particularly their taping audiences, are desperately looking for conspiracies behind every corner.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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The trick is pushing someone while convincing teenage cretins you're burying them. That's the way to develop a solid #2 babyface, anyway. They've yet to figure out how to make a new #1 without upsetting those same cretins. I saw a thing the other day (maybe on here) about WWE's problem being that they're trying to be all things to all people and avoid offending anyone instead of committing to any particular direction, and that's why it's all so bland and meandering.

Maybe that's why they buried the super over Ryback.

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Maybe that's why they buried the super over Ryback.


They buried the super over Ryback because at the time, they had the balls to go through with a plan. They knew they were doing Rock vs Cena II at WrestleMania, and Rock vs Cena gives you a bit of security to fuck everything else over for. But even killing Ryback was done partly out of fear because rightly or wrongly, they thought CM Punk wasn't good enough to draw top dollar against The Rock without the LONGESTCHAMPEVARR gimmick. And in a sense, it's lucky they did it, because if they hadn't fucked Ryback in the cell, the Shield probably wouldn't have been as big as they are. They'd have interfered at Survivor Series, and Ryback as a still-matters guy would have clattered them by the February.


Now, they don't have a Cena vs Rock safety net so they're spinelessly spinning plates, to their detriment. They'll sign off on Brock Lesnar squashing Daniel Bryan or John Cena to build him up to lose to Roman Reigns, then lose their bottle at the last hurdle because it'll upset the divs too much to go through with it. So they go "let's just have Rollins do a JBL for a bit, we'll figure it out later" and they still don't seem to have figured anything out. They think "the divs love Ambrose, let's pal him and Roman around until they forget they hate Roman" and that hasn't done anyone any favours. It's been going on for months and the same wankers are still upset that evil Vince loves Roman when he should love Dean instead. And despite Reigns and Ambrose being a good dynamic, they're almost never given anything interesting to do, so they're in no better a position than they were a year ago. And they're still reliant on John Cena as top man, ever risking the chance of him having to retire before being able to pass the torch to the new anointed one.


The relative steadiness of the network and the TV deal means they're quite safe at the minute even if ratings and live events are shit, so maybe none of it even matters to them.

Edited by King Pitcos
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