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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Someone needs a buzzcut. Terrible terrible barnet, but great pop.


I ruined the Dudley Boys return for myself by nipping out of the room thinking it was going to adverts and came back in as the graphic was on the screen.


Why was there no details on the U.S. title on the Rollins statue?

Edited by Nick James
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You can thank me for that later.





Excellent show. Genuinely suprised by the Dudleys return because I'd heard nothing at all about it. I knew somebody was coming out of that box. Cena seeemed utterly obvious but holy fuck I still went mental for Stinger.

Love that they did something, anything, to freshen up the Wyatts. Did bray say his name was Brawn Strawn? Black sheep, eh? Very clever.

Lesnar stuff was just bundles of fun. Credit to Bo too. And to JBL for the response to "That's not the Deadman" - "He's about to be a dead man"


New Day were ace. Eight man tag was fun. Jon Stewart stuff was shit but entertaining enough.


Show flew by. Best Raw of the year by far.

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What was up with top of stings facepaint? All we was doing was standing in a box and he managed to lose a third of it.


Big show leaving gifts where pretty cool, that he was gorilla pressed, even by two people was wasted on a segment most will forget shortly.

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The playing of the lowering of the flag song as the pin happened had me laughing away to myself, been best 3 days of wrestling in a long time

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