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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Decent show for the most part. Couple of boring matches and some of it hampered by the formulaic writing but two excellent matches between Ambrose/Rollins and Cena/Zayn and a memorable debut for the latter really picked things up. Cena was incredible on the mic. He's easily one of the best ever.


New Day were great and so were Kidd & Cesaro.


Not a massive fan of Ambrose being added to the triple threat but the alternative of him having a massive opportunity and losing again was too dire to contemplate.


Who the fuck saw that Truth/Stardust match last and thought that needed to happen again? Horrendous.


Really desperate to see Reigns turn. They're ruining him week by week.

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I know it's in no way Sammis fault, but I'm sure Vince had a wry smile when his shoulder died via excessive rabble rousing.


"These damn millennials can't even pump up a crowd without falling apart". At least he finished the match though. That's got to be something. Let's hope it doesn't make a difference. Sammi has the best babyface routine I've seen in years.

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Cena v Zayn was fucking great. I've watched Zayn wrestle a little but I'd never seen him execute that outside the ring DDT by diving through the ropes in the corner, what a move

Edited by sj5522
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I felt terrible for Zayn. This was his big moment, after delivering like a hero for what feels like an eternity in NXT, the perfect crowd for the perfect debut, and then he gets so overwhelmed that he screws his arm up during his entrance. What rotten luck. Without even knowing the details you could see the look on his face when he was tapping the ring posts before getting in the ring, realising that he was fucked. Poor guy. I had flashbacks to Eddie's WWE debut, where he came in with all this fanfare and then injured himself in his first match.


Sami deserves all the credit in the world for continuing on though, and all things considered it was still a really good match. I was surprised at how big he looked in there against Cena, too. Neville has looked like a midget against almost everyone thus far, but Sami looked as tall, if not slightly taller than John.


Hopefully if he needs time off they can do some type of underdog storyline so that he stays in the mix and has something ready for when he comes back. Particularly now Daniel Bryan looks to be on his last legs there's a perfect spot for Sami as the underdog babyface. His music also remains the best in the business. I love him.


Cesaro and Kidd have quickly became one of my favourite parts of the show. They always have brilliant, fun little matches. And doing it with The Ascension is a genuine accomplishment, Those ten forearms in the corners by Cesaro was a great addition. Hopefully that becomes a regular spot.


I echo everyone else's thought on Ambrose being put into the Payback main event. Whilst on paper I'm happy to see him doing something other than continuing to flounder in the mid-card, it definitely feels obvious that he's in there to take the pin, and pitting the Shield guys against one another should be saved for a big Triple Threat match, not thrown away on a nothing show, with Randy Orton randomly added to the mix.


Maybe they'll just turn the match into an angle, turn Roman and Dean heel, and reunite the Shield against Randy.


But yeah; good RAW. At the very least it inspired me to comment on it. That's a rarity these past few months.

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WWE is desperate for some good heels. I would love for Reigns and Ambrose to turn heel and join the authority. Then we can have a slow build Batista style turn for Roman that might gain him the acceptance he needs to be "the guy".

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If Zayn needs time off to rehab before getting back to the main roster then WWE needs to do some video packages about who he is, his accomplishments in NXT and a hearty endorsement from John Cena. Sami could be massive, given the opportunity.

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I think eventually he'll take on the mantle that Daniel Bryan has had the last couple of years of the sympathetic babyface. It's hard not to root for the guy he's that likeable. So long as they don't make him look a pillock, like they did with Bryan sometimes, I reckon Zayn could be a huge star

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Was Sami Zayn's self-injury the silliest since that time Randy Orton broke his arm by doing his pre-RKO histrionics?


Great match, but I'm a bit fed up of Cena's workratefests where he whores out multiple finishers on these random Raw matches. And what a star he was on the mic beforehand!


New Day have gone brilliant as well. Loved them getting to mix it up with the big boys.


Ambrose being added to the title match was weird, but I'm definitely interested.

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Great match, but I'm a bit fed up of Cena's workratefests where he whores out multiple finishers on these random Raw matches. And what a star he was on the mic beforehand!



Not that I ever believed Cena would lose the US Championship in one of those matches, but a good few of them have been very high quality matches and the huge positives its doing for the US belt is obvious. Hope it carries on for a good while tbh, keeps Cena as a big guy while not over-aggravating the anti-Cena lot who have seen him with the World title one too many times, he can put over talent like Zayn and maybe even lose it on Raw in a huge shock. Kevin Owens may well be the next big heel in WWE, perhaps him.

Edited by sj5522
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while not over-aggravating the anti-Cena lot who have seen him with the World title one too many times

Is anyone still complaining about that? He's held the big titles for 8 months of the last 4 years. He's had a load of runs but they're almost always short.
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I think Cena's Open Challenge has become a fun part of every show. Its the most I've enjoyed him in ages. It's funny though because the idea is to obviously recreate Kurt Angle's Open Challenge, in which Cena originallydebuted, and he's doing such an excellent job of it that he's even getting everyone to kick of his finishers, just like Kurt. What a tribute!


I'm fascinated with how it's going to end though. Surely the natural conclusion is for someone to make a huge debut and beat him for it? But who? Sami in Montreal would have been perfect had they not already booked the I Quit match and had Sami not injured himself coming to the ring. I'm genuinely interested in how it's going to play out. I hope it doesn't just fizzle out.

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I checked out the Cena Open Challange, seeing as Cena v Zayn is a match I've been looking forward to for a while now. While the injury was weird and silly, I thought it added a lot to the match and it creates a nice wee story down the road for the pair of them - chances are WWE forget all about it, mind.


When it comes to promos it's mental how far ahead Cena is of every other full-timer. Nobody is even slightly close to him and it's been that way for years now. The Open Challenge is both a clever and lazy idea, as it helps boost the midcard shite without actually putting too much work or thought into them.

I fear this ends with Jericho coming back doing his 15 year old schtick and beating Cena. What a waste (unless Jericho gets good again, of course). I hope they don't get bored with it after a month, as they can do all sorts with it. Maybe even have 'Taker be the one that finally ends it come 'Mania, setting up the big showdown we've been after for the last 5 years.


What's the latest with Booker T's man, D Bryan?

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