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Giving this all of 5 minutes of thought it would be good if Ambrose just completely disappeared for an age whilst Reigns continued to fight the good fight, leading up to a week where Reigns is particularly overwhelmed with Ambrose emerging from the crowd looking haggard (with a big fucking beard) to make the save. Reigns and Ambrose embrace, I fill my pants. Simple.

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Will Bryan actually be back for MITB?a stretcher match with Kane doesn't sound too interesting for him to return to.


I really like this match, not because I think it'll be massively entertaining, but because Kane is enough of a pro that I think Bryan could work it with him less than 100% and be okay afterwards. A Stretcher match can have a lot of bells and whistles in it. Run ins galore, maybe Kane falls through a couple of tables, and Bryan could out-wit Kane by knocking him onto the stretcher for just a few seconds to get him over the line.


I'm glad that Cena stuck up for Bryan on Raw, about time somebody did. The babyfaces in WWE have looked really shit over the last year or so in not having the balls to stand up to the Authority. Maybe Cena/The Usos could help even the odds against Kane/The Authority/Evolution at MITB.


The impact of Rollins' turn was lost on me, because my stream fucked up at the worst possible moment- Shield were doing their promo, it froze, came back to Rollins standing over Reigns and Ambrose while Evolution magically appeared at ringside. Ambrose has won me over as a face, and Reigns is boss, obviously. Curious to see where it heads, but really bummed out over those technical difficulties.

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And besides, it's wrestling. Who gives a shit about logic?

There needs to be logic. They can get away with wrestling logic but it needs to be explainable somehow. The motivation gives ammunition to the babyfaces for their response. Breaking up one of the best factions in the company's history without a reasonable reason would be shitarsery of the highest order.


The turn itself was fucking wonderful. It was a bit obvious once Seth grabbed the chair because I'd seen all the activity on here - I knew some shit was going down. Brilliantly done though, he looked like a massive, massive cunt. Ambrose sell was beautiful and the chairshots were brutal.


I am gutted about it though. I only wrote this yesterday:


The main event was awesome. God I'm going to miss Shield 6-mans when they're gone.


Where this goes now is intriguing. I want to know why Rollins turned. On Sunday night, he beat the shit out of Evolution so why, 24 hours later, did he join them? Maybe he only hates Big Dave? Speaking of whom, how incredible was his suit and mint green shirt combo? Loved the "Bluetista" sign too.


Do The Shield replace Rollins? Do they split now? Do we get a handicap match next? Have they the patience to keep Rollins vs. Ambrose and Rollins vs. Reigns for big PPV matches? When will we finally get Trips vs. Reigns? Can Rollins now take the title off Bryan? That would open up a load of possible title matches.


No doubt the decision was a great one, it's created a world of possibilities. Here's hoping they can follow it up and it's not long forgotten in a month.


Can't really remember the rest of the show but when you've got an incredible opening, a brilliant finish and a segment in the middle as great as Steph and Cena, the rest barely matters.

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And besides, it's wrestling. Who gives a shit about logic?

There needs to be logic. They can get away with wrestling logic but it needs to be explainable somehow.


Which is what I covered later on in that post that you cut off to make me look bad. I know all the tricks, sunshine!

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And besides, it's wrestling. Who gives a shit about logic?

There needs to be logic. They can get away with wrestling logic but it needs to be explainable somehow.


Which is what I covered later on in that post that you cut off to make me look bad. I know all the tricks, sunshine!

You said "if you must apply logic". I was explaining why we must! And apologies, there was no intent to make you look daft. Your posts do that well enough on their own! ;)

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I'm hoping that it's a swerve and the Shied are looking to bring down Evolution from the inside. If it's not though, I can't see a logical reason for Rollins turning.


That's because you're a moron. And besides, it's wrestling. Who gives a shit about logic?


To quote the Burbs, “Bout a nine on the tension scale sunny!”


I’m not against the turn, or breaking up the Shield. All acts have their shelf life. What I was against was the sudden turn and the lack of logic in the turn (sorry mate, wrestling should be logical). What happened on Monday night was the equivalent of Lionel Messi , while playing for Barcelona, beating Man Utd twice, and then signing for them when Wayne Rooney had also spent the previous 2 matches attempting to end his career.


Would a better story line not have been, when Extreme Rules ended Triple H then stated that he had infiultrated the Shield. That one member had been bought. Then spent the rest of the build teasing different members were going to turn. You could then have done a final angle were it is strongly implied that Reigns is the traitor. Then Rollins could have turned at the PPV, costing his team the match, and the next night on RAW he could have said that Triple H had promised him a title shot and the world. Batista could have stormed of in the huff after not getting what he wanted and Orton could still act like the jealous brat of the new kid on the block.


Smackdown Spoiler:

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

On Smackdown on Friday Rollins says that the fans don’t deserve a reason for him turning. This probably means that the writers can’t think of a logical (there’s that word again) reason to explain the turn.

As I said, I’m not overt to them turning the Shield. But there needs to be a build and a reason for the turn to take place. Not just a sudden, out of the blue turn because the company doesn’t have any fresh feuds for the group!


[close spoiler]



Oh, and the point about Rollins leaving the Shield. If you remember Rollins walked out on the six man to force Reigns and Ambrose to unite as a unit (which they then did). He never turned his back on the group.


Let the slaughter commence!

Edited by Chest Rockwell
spoilering idiot
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There has to be a balance. Logic is important but if it's too logical, you lose the element of surprise. Sometimes the logical build whets the appetite for an inevitable outcome. IMO, this works much better with a babyface turn. Other times a turn with questionable logic but a massive surprise can do business. This is better for heel turns.


Sometimes, like the Hogan turn in 1996, you get both. That's a rare "holy grail" type moment.

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There has to be a balance. Logic is important but if it's too logical, you lose the element of surprise. Sometimes the logical build whets the appetite for an inevitable outcome. IMO, this works much better with a babyface turn. Other times a turn with questionable logic but a massive surprise can do business. This is better for heel turns.


Sometimes, like the Hogan turn in 1996, you get both. That's a rare "holy grail" type moment.


Yeah, I can see where your coming from mate. However, on the flip side to the Hogan turn (and remember, the superb promo stating why he was turning) there is the Austin turn at WM17. No reason given for that, a whole in the logic and a downturn in business. (I loved that Austin charector though).

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Looks like I've joined team moaners because I thought this was an absolutely fucking terrible show. Shit, inconstant writing is to be expected, but it's difficult to be a "only watching for the matches" type of guy because the quality of week to week TV matches has fallen off a cliff since Mania for a variety of reasons (no Bryan, Shield tags a rarity, the return of the awful RVD etc). Every act feels like it's stagnated or been misused and nobody's particularly over any more (Steph excepted). I mean John fucking Cena gets moderate reactions. They had show in Chicago with a fairly dead crowd. In Chicago.


I actually agree with Mr Tibbs on the split somewhat. The turn was so poorly timed I don't know how they'll explain themselves out of it in a way that doesn't feel like a horrible TNA swerve. I don't buy that The Shield had nothing left to do either. They're top guys now, but they're hot as a babyface act. It didn't need fixing. All three could end up getting a bit of damage. They could have got more involved in singles feuds while building up fresh opponents for the big tags. Plus, as good as Rollins is, I'm not sure stripping him of his strongest assets - the exciting, high risk babyface flurries - and propping him into a prominent position with two guys that get less heat than anyone else on the roster relative to their position, is a good idea. Another thing is that Rollins is a fast-forward bad level promo for me and the thought of him, HHH and Randy Orton carrying 15 minute segments is . . . well, I don't even want to think about it.


I don't know. Maybe it can work, but I'll be surprised if it's anything more than underwhelming, possibly worse. 'Just have to wait and see how it plays out" territory is never a good sign.


Love Rybaxel though. :love:

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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What happened on Monday night was the equivalent of Lionel Messi , while playing for Barcelona, beating Man Utd twice, and then signing for them when Wayne Rooney had also spent the previous 2 matches attempting to end his career.


Think it's more like a situation we will see with Atletico Madrid this summer. They beat Barca and Madrid to the title. They Knock Chelsea out of the Champions league. Won't stop them loosing a lot of there star players to these teams.


I think the reason given will be money, opportunities and the feeling like the other members of the Shield were getting more attention than him. That's logical.

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I can't wait to see Seth in a suit next week.


OK this in fact will be my major gripe about Rollins turning. Next to Orton and HHH in theirs he's going to look like someone who's borrowed their Dad's work suit for prom.






I stand happily corrected, that man can most definitely wear a suit.

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Then Rollins could have turned at the PPV, costing his team the match

What, so the match would have ended in the first minute? Or he would have still done all the same moves on Evolution and then in the last minute of the match changed his mind? You're an idiot either way, and don't post Smackdown spoilers in this thread. Now fuck off.

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Then Rollins could have turned at the PPV, costing his team the match

What, so the match would have ended in the first minute? Or he would have still done all the same moves on Evolution and then in the last minute of the match changed his mind? You're an idiot either way, and don't post Smackdown spoilers in this thread. Now fuck off.

Agreed. The fact that the turn has caused this much intense discussion shows its a win for WWE, everyone is obviously interested to the point that they want to watch Smackdown and, as a consequence, RAW as well. Great turn, great work.


You may have been a little harsh there, Pitcos.

Edited by Whiskey_Jim
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