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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Haven't enjoyed a RAW as much in a long long time. Surprised to see some negative comments about the Rollins heel turn, I never saw it coming and loved it. Mr. Showtime makes a good point regarding Randy Orton though, he should be chompin at the bit to get in the title mix like Batista, maybe Triple H can guarantee him a MITB spot or something. Best not to over think those things though and just enjoy it for what it is.


Anyone else dig the Cena / Stephanie exchange? I was mildly surprised at how entertaining and at times funny their exchange was. And Cena's such a pro when it comes to deflecting the "Cena sucks" stuff from the crowd isn't he?

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I'm definitely happy at the Shield splitting as there's nothing left for them to achieve. They've held the tag titles, fought the Wyatt's and The Uso's countless times, fought the Authority etc, they have no next step.


I'd love to see this go to Reigns vs Rollins first with Ambrose falling off the map slightly. His character was too easy to turn, Reigns is a hoss that can become a main event star like Batista in 2005 from the Evo split. Have those two go at it with Ambrose nowhere to be seen and then have him come back even more crazy than before that his friends all turned on him/left him and if nobody can be trusted then nobody is safe. The psychotic character just out to hurt people would work well for him.


Somewhat hoping for a Reigns vs Lesnar match at WM to finish off this whole thing and the arrival of a new star. If Lesnar does come back and take the title, having him remain undefeated from what seems like just after last WrestleMania when he lost to Triple H until then would be huge for Reigns to go over, especially with the names Lesnar would have knocked off.

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Forgot to add how much I love Rusev, at the minute. His match with Big E was what he needed and all these pro-Russia/anti-USA segments are really adding a bit of depth to a bloke that was floating about having mundane squash matches. He's no longer an unwelcome distraction from staring at Lana's arse.


Hopefully they keep it up. He's made for a feud with John Cena.

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Just glad it wasn't Ambrose who turned.Can't stand his promo style as it is and didn't want to have to endure him and HHH's heel promos for 15 minutes on each Raw for the next few weeks.Hopefully they get behind Rollins now and push him strongly,cos he's great fun to watch.


Will Bryan actually be back for MITB?a stretcher match with Kane doesn't sound too interesting for him to return to.

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I can't wait to see Seth in a suit next week.


OK this in fact will be my major gripe about Rollins turning. Next to Orton and HHH in theirs he's going to look like someone who's borrowed their Dad's work suit for prom.

Another reason to hate a heel. Not necessarily a bad thing.

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I think Rollins makes a great babyface but the heel turn could be great. He's clearly a fantastic wrestler, him being a corporate heel and potential corporate champion sounds so much better than when it was Orton.


I enjoyed most of the show but when is Del Rio leaving? It can't come soon enough, He's as boring a character as I've ever seen in wrestling. He must be the least over multiple time world Champion in history.

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I enjoyed Payback on Sunday and didn't really expect too much on Raw this week. I was in work at 5am so a quick glance at Facebook on my phone when I woke up (forgot to watch out for spoilers) and I found out Batista had quit. Then at work one of the guys said to me Twitter was on fire with something that'd happened on Raw, when he told me it didn't involve Batista and to stay away from Twitter and Facebook I was very intrigued, then one of the other guys told me to avoid everything and watch Raw as soon as I got home.


Got to say I thought Raw was pretty good but obviously the show stealer was definitely Seth Rollins turning on The Shield and apparently becoming Evolution's newest member. I love all three guys in The Shield, they are all such good wrestlers and it was kinda mixed emotions when I saw him hit Reigns with the chair, I was obviously shocked, I felt gutted first of all that the group of three of my favourites and in my eyes a group of three of their top wrestlers was breaking up, no more awesome six man tag matches with them, but I also felt excitement, a new chapter and hopefully al three guys will be getting a push now to the next level.


Imagine Rollins vs. Bryan in a WWE Title match, or Reigns facing Lesnar for it somewhere down the line. Ambrose could turn into such an awesome character too, becoming an unhinged, crazed psychotic type of guy, who feels betrayed by his closest ally. Just thinking of all of the possibilities is awesome.


I wonder what they will do attire wise too, obviously Rollins will get suited up and I think he'll look awesome in the company of Triple H and Orton but I hope he doesn't go too far, cutting his hair or shaving his beard as a few people have mentioned online would really take away from it I think, it makes me wonder what Reigns and Ambrose will opt for attire wise too, or whether they will even stay together, or get a new member. This has been so awesome and looks like it could be even more so, even if it does mean the end of The Shield.

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Will Bryan actually be back for MITB?a stretcher match with Kane doesn't sound too interesting for him to return to.


It's better than the other announced alternative, having the ladder match be for the belt instead of we the viewers getting the dramatic shot in the arm from a guy hovering around with a briefcase and the champion being in constant peril, every minute of every show.


It has to be the eventual comeuppance for that Seth 'Devious Bastard' Rollins. Also, I can't wait to see Seth in a suit next week.


I don't know how eventual it will be. Strikes me as something for Reigns to do between now and SummerSlam, and his apparent match with Hunter.

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The comments on Rollins' most recent Instagram post:



Why did you quit the sheild



Good luck in your singles career



Guys this is gonna work out just like it did with d-bray and the wyatts he's getting inside the heads of hhh and randy...



Butthurts. Butthurts everywhere.



Why you do this sh*t , Seth ? I love shield , but now Shield is end ...



I'm not english but italian



Stop hating on Seth. I'm fricking heartbroken that the shield are done, believe me when I say that 😭😭😭. BUT , If you truly Believed in the Shield and was a Rollins fan before this , you wouldn't have all this hate on him. You could clearly tell he didn't want to sell out on Dean & Romans. Why would he? They're practically brothers. I will Still and will always #believeInTheSheild no matter what . #ComeBackSeth💔😢.



yea ur right @crazyxchick



Crazyxchick i'm not english but italian



Believe in Seth Rollins



Fuck you



@giants_thunder02 ik I am I've been watching and seeing how this business worlds






Dick head












Bitch ass u fucking fake 😡👏



Maybe Triple H threatened him on his career? I believe in Seth Rollins and Im sure he wouldnt just leave the shield? Especially after Roman got really deep saying "Evolution arent like brothers. Us three in the ring are like brothers." That just made me smile when he said that but when I found out Seth betrayed them, I cried. The Shield will be the death of me, Im telling u



Why why why

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