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When did so many knobs start going to wrestling shows? What a waste of spunk so many of them were last night. Last years post-Wrestlemania Raw was the worst thing to happen in years in my opinion. Can you imagine what they're going to be like this year?! I'm going to watch the show on mute.


Chicago next Monday..complete hi-jacking of the whole show is all but assured surely unless Cry Baby Punk returns.

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Batisata/Orton is the Main Event, thus it'll be what the show will close with.

Bet it won't. Partly because of how raw went, but also because they're not that stupid. They've learned their lesson on that front in previous years

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When did so many knobs start going to wrestling shows? What a waste of spunk so many of them were last night. Last years post-Wrestlemania Raw was the worst thing to happen in years in my opinion. Can you imagine what they're going to be like this year?! I'm going to watch the show on mute.


Chicago next Monday..complete hi-jacking of the whole show is all but assured surely unless Cry Baby Punk returns.


doesn't really matter when you do it in the show


'Cult Of Personality' plays, cut to


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The logical thing would be the Wrestlemania 10 scenario of Bryan beating HHH earlier in the show( which as a match I reckon will be pretty damn good) and then being added to the title match later in the show.


The way they are building it though, seems to be as they wont advertise it beforehand and have Hogan announce Bryan is in the match on the night.


I really do think Bryan/HHH will be excellent but Bryan needs to be added to the title match.


Show was maybe a bit of a letdown, but there was some good stuff on the show.


Was great seeing Hulk back, Personally I don't want to see Hogan again until Mania now, Too much of him will be overkill IMO, save him for Mania and listen to the pop.


Taker looked like a badass, the whole final segment was perfect and was what it needed to be, I would of Taker of wrestled Cena but this should be pretty good and will prob end up being match of the night.


Anyone got any guesses on what midcard matches might happen at Mania, Wouldn't surprise me if they go with Sheamus/Rusev. I really hope they add some kind of Mania spotfest match this year.

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Undertaker v Lesnar is the biggest match.

No idea what they will do with Batista v Orton but if they want Bryan in there then they have to start presenting him a bit better. Right now he is nothing more than an annoying wee loser who gets what he wants by whining and moaning,


Batisata/Orton is the Main Event thus it'll be what the show will close with.


Them using the term "main event" doesn't necassarily mean it'll be on last. In the past few years they've used the term "main event" for several of the big matches. Alberto Del Rio vs Edge is referred to as a main event match even though it was the opener.

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Undertaker v Lesnar is the biggest match.

No idea what they will do with Batista v Orton but if they want Bryan in there then they have to start presenting him a bit better. Right now he is nothing more than an annoying wee loser who gets what he wants by whining and moaning,


Batisata/Orton is the Main Event, thus it'll be what the show will close with. Certainly the Lesnar/Taker match will be wonderful, but they will want a Main Event that is not totally shit on.


I don't think it matters what they do with Bryan at the moment, he's the most over man in the company.


Absolutely no chance the show will close with Orton v Batista. None.


If Bryan was the most over man in the company then he would not have been booked so half arsedly since Summerslam. He would have been protected and promoted far better than he has been.

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Being over has nothing to do with how you are booked. His reactions show the fans are still well into him. Not sure how that's anything controversial to say.


But they are not well into him enough to give Vince the ratings he wanted after Summerslam to see Bryan gain his revenge. Fuck sake 2 years ago we had fans chanting we want Ryder over and over again.

Was he the most over man in the company.


Take away this yes yes yes thing and Bryan is just another mid card babyface.

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Being over has nothing to do with how you are booked. His reactions show the fans are still well into him. Not sure how that's anything controversial to say.


But they are not well into him enough to give Vince the ratings he wanted after Summerslam to see Bryan gain his revenge. Fuck sake 2 years ago we had fans chanting we want Ryder over and over again.

Was he the most over man in the company.


Take away this yes yes yes thing and Bryan is just another mid card babyface.


The catchphrase creates that Main Event character though. With your logic I doubt without his catchphrases and mic work The Rock would have been anymore than a 'mid card babyface'. WWE backed themselves into a corner by bringing Batista back really. If they'd known the reactions that Bryan was going to get at the Rumble and afterwards and similarly how Batista has been booed I doubt they would have put Batista straight in the title picture. Batista vs Orton is better suited as a middle of the card Wrestlemania match, not for the belt. Also Bryan and Ryder are different. They pushed Ryder and as soon as they did his stock with the fans plummeted. He hardly got reactions anymore. Bryan is still getting continuous positive reactions whether being pushed or not. I'm not even that much of a Bryan fan but what you're saying is retarded.

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This conversations been done to death, and back again.


The situation is that they went to the effort of putting a crowd over last year as an attempt to harness that energy as something they could control, instead they created a monster and when the live crowd isn't diluted enough by kids and parents Dem Wans (cheers Pitcos) take over and sabotage the show, trying to get themselves a piece of the action.


It isn't a particularly tangible gauge of popularity, as it isn't something that translates to cash readily. Or, even television ratings. Dem Wans (seriously Pitcos, I can't thank you enough) are the one's who will then go home, stream the show, pirate the PPV and not buy a shirt. In which case, how high can you prioritise their opinion? Is having a cheery live crowd worth losing actual, proper cash? Especially when, they're exactly the type of crowd that if you give them what they want, it becomes 'establishment' and they'll start wanting something else.


If the nobs in the audience carried their fervour over into spending money on something over than live tickets, then they might have a chance of influencing the show. As it is, they're just spoiling it for everyone.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I've only watched some of the highlights on YouTube but that Batista promo was great. It was pretty sensible to go a sort of Cena route with him.


The fans are the heels to be honest. It's been like that with Cena for a while but now it's spread all over the show. So be it. As long as the WWE don't take too much stock in it it'll be fine. Those aren't the fans they should be listening too as they'll be fickle as all hell.

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Is it really just "those fans" not buying Batista though? He's dying a horrible death in front of every single crowd. The hardcores might be more vocal/annoying recently, but they're always the first to get behind/turn on something and the rest eventually follow.


It's not as clear cut as internet fans being the loud minority any more, a fair amount of the wrestling fan populous are "smarter" to the business now. Your average casual fan nowadays at least thinks they know the difference between the "workrate" of a Daniel Bryan and a Ryback.


It's becoming a dangerous game to be basing half their business on an internet streaming service and do all their social media shite, yet be so dismissive of what the "internet" is saying, despite how daft it can be at times.

Edited by Benno
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Being over has nothing to do with how you are booked. His reactions show the fans are still well into him. Not sure how that's anything controversial to say.


But they are not well into him enough to give Vince the ratings he wanted after Summerslam to see Bryan gain his revenge. Fuck sake 2 years ago we had fans chanting we want Ryder over and over again.

Was he the most over man in the company.


Take away this yes yes yes thing and Bryan is just another mid card babyface.


The catchphrase creates that Main Event character though. With your logic I doubt without his catchphrases and mic work The Rock would have been anymore than a 'mid card babyface'. WWE backed themselves into a corner by bringing Batista back really. If they'd known the reactions that Bryan was going to get at the Rumble and afterwards and similarly how Batista has been booed I doubt they would have put Batista straight in the title picture. Batista vs Orton is better suited as a middle of the card Wrestlemania match, not for the belt. Also Bryan and Ryder are different. They pushed Ryder and as soon as they did his stock with the fans plummeted. He hardly got reactions anymore. Bryan is still getting continuous positive reactions whether being pushed or not. I'm not even that much of a Bryan fan but what you're saying is retarded.



Retared, nice.


The catchphrase does not create a main even character, because Bryan isn't a main event character. The comparison with the Rock is miles off, The Rock had incredible charsima, great mic skills, the ability control a crowd to an almost Hogan level and was good in the ring.


Bryan is great in the ring and has one catchphrase, which incidentally can easily be copied, Big Show had the arenas chanting along with him as well when he adopted it.

Bryan is useless on the mic and has zero charisma, you keep telling crowds that Bryan isn't good enough to be the face of the WWE, keep presenting him as a loser who gives up when the going gets though, by that I mean he lost feuds to Orton and Wyatt and instead of seeking revenge, whined and moaned about it, and eventually, fans will believe it.

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