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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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It's a weird one isn't it - the company ethos is "no-one is bigger than the company". That would indicate that it's a team effort and if there's a good rating credit isn't attributed to one individual.


However, if you're in the last match on the card chances are you're to blame if it generates a poor rating or buy rate.

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This forum is the only wrestling related site I use on the Internet, so I'm still a little clueless as regards Wrestlemania. I'm just wondering if someone, though knowing how far he casts his net that probably means Ian, knows if there's been any more information on current plans for Mania?


It just seems, moving Kane into Bryan's flight path complicates things unnecessarily and makes it difficult to shift focus onto the presumed match between Triple H and Bryan. You have to guess that the logical evolution is that Kane costs Bryan at EC, and then you have Bryan and Kane as a serious angle before Mania. It makes me wonder if Triple H has done himself in, or just decided he can't be arsed, and that's why, first, Punk had it away on his toes and why, now, Bryan seems to have been lumbered with corporate Kane.

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Kane is just Triple H's way of fucking with Bryan and claiming he had nothing to do with it.

Indeed. Which is where the punk angle was going in the first place. Dealing with vega and sagat before fighting M bison

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I get that, but usually there'd be a PPV in between for that match to be tossed off, and the focus shifted on to the next chapter of the feud. As it is, unless he pulls double duty, Bryan's already tied up for the Elimination Chamber which means he'll have to end his beef with Kane on TV. They might use that to main event Network launch night, granted, but are they really going to leave Kane with nothing to do for Mania...?


Though, I've got to be honest, typing that has reminded me of Network launch night which is going to be a huge deal. I'm less certain that Triple H has called his match off, now. I was thinking there wouldn't be a natural stage for Kane/Bryan, but that Raw would do the job I guess. Still, poor Kane.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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That shit with Jerry Lawler and Barrett was the worst thing I've seen in ages. It didn't even make any sense. "I've got some bad news for you Barrett. I hope your not here next week." What the fuck does that even mean? What was the point? Who writes this bollocks?


And that was the worst possible way to debut Emma. They need her doing backstage skits, that's where she shines. Slowly introduce her weird fun character. Just standing out there dancing like an idiot in front of a shit crowd isn't going to get her anywhere.


I get that WWE is big on competitive matches these days but Shaemus shouldn't be selling for jobbers like Curtis Axel. He should be steam rolling through him. It's having matches like that every week for a year which got him so stale last time. He has a bit of momentum and crowd support since his return. They need to actually do something with him.


And I'm sure that Titus O'Neal will soon be joining Broadus Clay in the "guys who turn heel on their tag partners but are forgotten about a week later" Club.


Apart from The Shield/Wyatts which basically writes itself...fucking hell, these writers don't have a clue do they? They are so goddamn lazy and uninspired.

Edited by LaGoosh
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I don't know what happened this week but that was a poor show. It's frustrating seeing Sheamus back doing absolutely fuck all again. He's got back into the habit of trading wins with the ever so dull midcard. It's a Tuesday evening, I can't be arsed with a 40 minute Bryan Vs Orton match either. There was alot of shit on Raw this week including Zack Ryder, R-Truth, Curtis Axel, Christian, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods and The Brodus Clay Girls. Which was the majority of the roster who appeared on the show.


On a plus note I did enjoy the confrontation between Batista and Del Rio even if it was short. Also Orton held himself really well in the opening segment. I also hoped Ryback 3:16 would do something worthy of note but I was bitterly disappointed.

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I'll concede she maybe could have been gradually introduced in backstage skits, but the bottom line is the character is shit. At the best, she'll get a couple of months out of people doing the dance. And I'm not even convinced that'll happen either - it's just lame.

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I don't know what happened this week but that was a poor show. It's frustrating seeing Sheamus back doing absolutely fuck all again. He's got back into the habit of trading wins with the ever so dull midcard. It's a Tuesday evening, I can't be arsed with a 40 minute Bryan Vs Orton match either. There was alot of shit on Raw this week including Zack Ryder, R-Truth, Curtis Axel, Christian, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods and The Brodus Clay Girls. Which was the majority of the roster who appeared on the show.


On a plus note I did enjoy the confrontation between Batista and Del Rio even if it was short. Also Orton held himself really well in the opening segment. I also hoped Ryback 3:16 would do something worthy of note but I was bitterly disappointed.


Don't knock Cameron, normal routine watching Raw is fast forward, stop when she's on the apron with her arse against the other one, fast forward until someone decent comes out like Fandango


Also how bad must Ziggler feel taking the pin in a match where he's tagging with those two shithouses?

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