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As drawn out as the CM Punk/Heyman feud has been, Hayman and Ryback are great.


The "proposal" and Ryback looking over the moon throughout the whole segment were pure comedy gold. Ryback also has the greatest smile in wrestling.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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Wow. So it just goes to shit without Cena, then. Poor fucker's never gonna be able to retire.


I guess it might not have helped that they had the unconventional lead babyface set out his stall in direct opposition to everything Cena stands for. That feud really should've been based on mutual respect and competition, but maybe they thought they couldn't sell Summerslam without a bit of grit there. But whatever went wrong, this looks like it might be failing now. Did the NFL game (Dolphins @ Saints) have a lot of buzz around it? Was there anything else going on?


Shit, guys. I really hate that an angle I've enjoyed so much isn't drawing.

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I honestly don't think Cena's absence is making that much difference, it's just that for what should be a big, exciting angle, absolutely fuck all is happening. Bryan is cutting the same promos every week, Orton is boring as fuck, there's not been a single development in the Big Show storyline, and we have to put up with matches like Del Rio vs. Zack Ryder on a week to week basis.

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Could it not just be the length of the show that's dragging the rating down as well though? I can imagine a lot of casual fans probably thought "Fuck this" when it went to 3 hours, It's the main reason I don't watch Smackdown, it's just too much to sit down and watch nowadays


As pointed out above about the Bryan/Corporation storyline, the same things seem to happen every week simply because they've got so much time to fill, if they were in the 2 hour a week 98/99 TV schedule, even though it seemed like everything went too fast, this storyline could have big stuff happening every week and still feel fresh after its run 4/5 PPV's, as it is now if they don't pad out storylines by recycling angles/promos every few weeks then they'll be finished within a few weeks


On a more positive note, Summer Rae looked belting this week

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Small criticism, I've have loved to have seen Dustin be Dustin again. He was always best as Dustin.

That's an interesting opinion. Dustin is, and always has been, a fantastic worker but I always found him a little bland as Dustin. Goldust was a necessary step for him (I know you're not disputing that) but Goldust added colour to the blank canvas and gave him the springboard to put real character in his matches. His matches with Razor and Piper wouldn't be half as good if it was Dustin having them instead of Goldust.


As for the current angle, I think I'm probably with you in that he shouldn't be made up. He does generate great sympathy with his facials, as he showed in the Val Venis/Terri angle, and I think he would probably put over the 'failure son' shtick by looking pathetic and sad without the makeup.

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Right, I'm halfway through watching Raw, and this... this.... image just hit me (thank you Cobra by the way for capping it ;-)) But what the Hell is going on? Has Tito Santana suddenly been given a measure of control behind the scenes and resurrected his gimmick? Has someone just decided Hornswoggle is so bloody ugly that he has to cover his face up like a Mantaur tribute act? Has someone seen The Mark of Zorro and thought "we must get this gimmick on air NOW"? I get the colour pink, but are they really trying to kid people it's not Primo and Epico? What next? Hunico resurrected and repackaged as the New Ultimate Warrior? Jesus wept.


On another point, I agree with the above poster who said there's fuck all going on. Same promos from Bryan, Orton being as interesting as a snooker table, Big Show crying, Alberto Del Rio (just in general, he doesn't have to do anything). But the target audience now is conditioned to like Cena and expect him to be there - stands to reason there'll be a downturn when he's not on TV. I really don't want them to rush him back though - not because I'm sick of the guy (which I'm actually not), but they need to give him the time to heal up properly, otherwise his longevity is going to take a serious hit.

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Has someone just decided Hornswoggle is so bloody ugly that he has to cover his face up like a Mantaur tribute act?


Its Mascarada Dorada isn't it? I half think that the gimmick was designed to get him on the air doing something. Give it a little bit and he'll be one of the msot over acts on the show.


Edit: Mascaritaeven, I'm am idiot.

Edited by Vamp
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Has someone just decided Hornswoggle is so bloody ugly that he has to cover his face up like a Mantaur tribute act?


Its Mascarada Dorada isn't it? I half think that the gimmick was designed to get him on the air doing something. Give it a little bit and he'll be one of the msot over acts on the show.


Speaking of Hornswoggle, he's got to be on a shoogly peg if Dorada goes over gangbusters.

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Has someone just decided Hornswoggle is so bloody ugly that he has to cover his face up like a Mantaur tribute act?


Its Mascarada Dorada isn't it? I half think that the gimmick was designed to get him on the air doing something. Give it a little bit and he'll be one of the msot over acts on the show.


I couldn't tell to be honest - I just don't like the gimmick.

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The problem with bringing the three of them in though is that they only have 4 heel tag teams...3MB, Real Americans, the Wyatt Family and The Shield and they're not going to put them against The Shield or the Wyatt Family (although I would like to see Roman Reigns spear the midget).


So I can only see endless rematches between the three of them for the near future.

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Speaking of Hornswoggle, he's got to be on a shoogly peg if Dorada goes over gangbusters.

He might turn heel to feud with him. Although this bull one seems a lot less disabled, more like a normal fella but small. They probably couldn't wrestle each other, could they?

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