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New Japan iPPV thread


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It's great fun now. NJPW isn't shite Japanese wrestling. It's good american wrestling.


It's no Negro NAvarro, Negro Casas or Black Terry though. I saw an awesome six man the other day.


While NJPW is fun, it doesn't even nearly compare to 2011 Monterey. Lucha is the best thing going today. Those three names I mentioned above are why. Combined age of about 150. And still the best workers going, People say Lance Hoyt can work now, he's a poor man's Mark Jindrak.


But seriously, as good as NJPW is, CMLL has far more talent currently. Again, Casas, Navarro, BLACK TERRY. All they need is Finlay, Lawler and Dundee and that'd be the most untouchable fed work wise.

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No, don't get me wrong, I saw the last two i-ppvs and enjoyed the product, I think it's just the thought of endless one on one heavyweight matches wrestled with a similar template that puts me off. I could gladly watch NJPW at the moment, I'm just not sure I could watch the whole G1 climax. I caught the first day but it took me several days to get through it.


Since I'm guessing you saw the awesome CMLL vs. Independents six man from earlier in the year I think they're doing another one soon. I annoyingly can't remember when. I've started watching CMLL a bit more sparingly (because their product burns you out if you watch too much of it, and TripleMania left a sour taste in my mouth about lucha in general) but there's a possibility that for the anniversary month they're going to put on Atlantis/Ultimo Guerrero vs. Sombra/Volador (presumably leading to Atlantis vs. Ultimo Guerrero), Negro Casas vs. Rush and Blue Panther vs. Averno (possibly with submission rules). Knowing CMLL they won't go through with that but that's a mouth watering trio of matches. CMLL has a sound roster, it's just a shame they're clueless how to book and how to present themselves. They've had a bit more direction in the past few months (I haven't watched much of their most recent stuff to be honest, been too distracted to sit down and watch much wrestling) with a bit of a youth movement and then solid feuds built around a cage match but they still ignore their own bookings, over egg things like the mask vs. mask match and have so much TV its hard to know what the hell you should pay attention too, especially since the smaller shows tend to have more time to breath and thus end up with better matches than the main shows. They don't have the direction or the strong overall product that NJPW has.


I'd love to see Finlay in CMLL. When he's not working Panther, Casas or Rush he could beat the snot out of some of the worst offenders of the purely spotty guys.


I actually quite enjoy Mark Jindrak in CMLL purely for the reason that he seems to be the sexiest guy Mexican ladies have ever seen. Him being in a trio with a man pretending to be gay (or at least I'm sure I've read that somewhere) and Rush who nobody likes, which is called a name that one of the announcers refuses to say (Love Buffet) is great. But he's not Lance Hoyt. Lance Hoyt rides a motorbike and everything. If I was 11, which of course we all are when we watch wrestling, I'd want to be Lance Hoyt rather than the guy who swivels his hips a lot. Sure, the women scream a lot more for Jindrak but every 11 year olds knows that having a cool jacket is way cooler.

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assuming there aren't any three-way (or more) ties at the top


Lolz. I assume having a six-way tie was the only way to make the maths work after Tenzan's injury, but not understanding the commentary hurt here. I had to pause the show before Naito-Anderson and write out a league table to work out the head to head results if Naito won.


From what I can gather, nobody in the crowd had a clue which is why there was a big gap after the match finish and then them announcing the results of the maths and everyone popping.

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I had to pause the show before Naito-Anderson and write out a league table to work out the head to head results if Naito won.


Silly banana, you didn't need to do that. Every year since the abandonment of "official" semi-finals (2010) the last match of each group on finals day has settled the group winner while everybody else with a chance of winning a group bottles it. Some fucking ridiculous results over the years to guarantee that particular trend - Hideo Saito beating Nagata, Yujiro cleanly pinning Makabe, Strong Man pinning Goto two years ago, Shelton pinning Kojima and Yano pinning Marufuji last year.


But no, the natives are clueless and never figure out who's won the group until it's spoonfed them. They're an amazingly naive lot anyway, that's why they always buy the nearfalls for the moves that the wrestlers never win with instead of their finisher. They still think Nagata might elicit a submission with his armbar or Tana might win with a Sling Blade for instance. No chance.


How was the pop for Naito at the end live?


Epic. The chants of "Naito!" were fucking deafening in the nosebleeds.

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I've just watched the final, and after having a pretty tepid G1 in my opinion, Naito really pulled his shit together. Sure, tanahashi was in there, so you can never be 100% sure it's not just down to him being mega, but the finishing straight was absolutely insane. It was the commentators that got me - no word of a lie, his screams of "Naito! NAITO!" nearly drew a tear out of me, I felt so happy for the guy.


All in all, a stellar tourney. Not sure if you could really do a best-of. Do they release the shows on DVD?

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I've just watched the final, and after having a pretty tepid G1 in my opinion, Naito really pulled his shit together. Sure, tanahashi was in there, so you can never be 100% sure it's not just down to him being mega, but the finishing straight was absolutely insane. It was the commentators that got me - no word of a lie, his screams of "Naito! NAITO!" nearly drew a tear out of me, I felt so happy for the guy.


All in all, a stellar tourney. Not sure if you could really do a best-of. Do they release the shows on DVD?


They'll put out a commercial set that has most of the matches clipped, a few of them in full.


As for TV versions, assuming these all broadcast in Japan, I'll have them soon. Would really suck if the iPPV versions ended up being the only ones available, but I doubt it (knock on wood).

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Ishii vs Makabe from Day 8 was pretty awesome, well worth watching. I enjoyed Suzuki vs Ibushi and parts of Tanahashi vs Okada from the same day as well.


No love for Nakamura/Naito? Maybe it was the atmosphere of being in Sumo Hall where Naito is heir apparent, but seeing him pull that one out sparked my engine too. Actually, I enjoyed it more than Tana/Okada since it kept me guessing, whereas the parity booking of New Japan almost guaranteed the draw in the main event, and when Hash started working the leg it only underlined that they were going broadway. I didn't have a problem with the draw as a result but it was really disheartening that it was so predictable.


Cool, I'll give day 8 a look. Is it fair to say that Ishii was the mvp of the tournament? All of his matches seemed good so far.


It is fair, given that from his standing in the company you would not expect him to produce matches the quality of his bouts with Tanahashi, Shibata and Makabe (and the ending to his match with Okada in Yokohama was pretty sparkling too), even though his match with Suzuki last month might have drawn the attention of some people to the fact that "hey, Ishii can go." There were plenty of other good/dramatic matches, my favourites being the final (obviously), Okada/Kojima and Nakamura/Ibushi, but Ishii was the most consistent player of all. Penultimate day in Ryogoku was great with 4 matches ranging from "very good" to "dynamite" in my book, but the Osaka show was probably the best.


It's official now that Naito is wating for Wrestle Kingdom to take his title shot :




I would hope that if Destruction is going with Okada/Kojima, Tanaka/Naito and a possible Tana/Shibata rematch, then the fracas between Ishii and Ibushi at the end of the random six-man might mean (I hope) they have a match too, if New Japan even intend on continuing to use Ibushi, and his entry in the G1 wasn't purely returning the favour for Okada wrestling him in DDT this weekend. The 37 year old hard-hitting Charismatic Bowling Ball vs the clean cut high flyer is one I'd love to see.


They'll put out a commercial set that has most of the matches clipped, a few of them in full.


And those sets to buy "officially" set you back approx

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Nakamura vs Marufuji and Sakuraba vs Nagata should be belters too. Just a shame that Naito v Yujiro is a waste of time, it's impossible to suspend your disbelief that Yujiro has got any chance of winning a title shot for Wrestle Kingdom, or that they would cut Naito's balls off at this point.


Also I said this of Alex Shelley the other day :

New Japan are trying to restore his love by making him and KUSHIDA wrestle Rocky Romero & Alex Kozlov roughly twelve thousand times.


.... I didn't even realize Splitters/Hooligans are going again at King Of Pro-Wrestling. Give it a rest, lads.

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The full card



Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan


0. Manabu Nakanishi, Super Strong Machine, Jushin Thunder Liger & Tiger Mask vs. Takashi Iizuka, YOSHI-HASHI, Jado & Gedo

1. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Title: Rocky Romero & Alex Koslov © vs. Alex Shelley & KUSHIDA

2. Toru Yano vs. Minoru Suzuki

3. Hiroyoshi Tenzan Return & Takaaki Watanabe Farewell Match: Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Takaaki Watanabe vs. Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr.

4. Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma & X vs. Prince Devitt, Karl Anderson & Bad Luck Fale

5. Tomohiro Ishii vs. Katsuyori Shibata

6. Yuji Nagata vs. Kazushi Sakuraba

7. NEVER Openweight Title & Tokyo Dome IWGP Heavyweight Title Contendership: Tetsuya Naito © vs. Yujiro Takahashi

8. IWGP Intercontinental Title: Shinsuke Nakamura © vs. Naomichi Marufuji

9. IWGP Heavyweight Title: Kazuchika Okada © vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi


Should be a much better show than Destruction which was pretty much filler. Nagata/Sakuraba and Okada/Tanahashi should be great but Ishii/Shibata is the one i'm looking forward to the most. Marufuji/Nakamura could go either way and i really don't give a crap about Naito/Yujiro.

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