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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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Indeed there is a thong there, guess the confusion is because it's tiny and flesh coloured. Is this the first episode without nudity then? I hope we get some more.

Edited by deathrey
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I can't believe I'm the filthy beast who's posting this, but it's a thong.


NWS obviously. Unless you're an actual brothel madame taking five minutes in the break room to peruse GoT threads.


Unfortunately I work in HR and not a brothel so probably safest I don't click it while I'm at my desk! Side note, I've just had a job offer this afternoon so I might not be working here much longer but probably still best not to get 'sacked for looking at GoT vaginas' as my reference.


Loads of great stuff this week and we've ended up spending a page of discussion on whether a gymnast had a thong on or not - not sure whether I should be embarrassed or not for starting that!?


Original point/questions stands then - first episode without nudity?

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Original point/questions stands then - first episode without nudity?


Let's have a look. I'm going to consider "nudity" to be "tits or bush minimum" for sake of simplicity. Not intended to be a list of ALL the nude bits, just establishing "YES there was nudity in this one" or not for each episode.


(completed with help from the GoT wikia)

e101 - Tyrion canoodling with Ros, Dany has a bath then gets titted up by her brother.

e102 - Dany gets rogered from behind by Drogo staring at her dragon eggs.

e103 - pretty sure there are some random naked whores when Baelish has Cat brought to him in his brothel.

e104 - Doreah has a bath with Viserys.

e105 - don't have to look this one up ; as a bare minimum, Jory gets an "eyeful" of a blonde whore's rack, ironically, as moments later Jaime puts a knife through his eye.

e106 - Ros flashes her thatch at Theon from the back of a turnip cart.

e107 - Baelish referees a little wrestle between Ros and Sahara Knite.

e108 - POSSIBLY NO NUDITY unless there are boobs flying around when the Dothraki are raping the Lhazareen women? I forget.

e109 - we meet Shae and her breasts.

e110 - Dany emerges naked from the smoke and ashes of Drogo's funeral pyre with her newborn dragons (also nude).


e201 - Ros instructs a noob at the brothel how to do it moments before Slynt and mates come looking for bastards to kill.

e202 - Theon humps the captain's daughter while explaining what a big welcome home he's going to get. Yeah.

e203 - Margaery tries to use her boobs to coax an erection out of Renly ; fails.

e204 - naked Melisandre gives birth to a demon shadow baby.

e205 - FAIRLY SURE NO NUDITY I could be wrong, but reading the recap I don't recall any nudity in any scene.



Reading that back... I can't believe I watch this show with my mum.

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according to this site I found via Google (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0944947/parentalguide), this week had ' absolutely no scenes involving sex or nudity' but it isn't the first.


It looks like season 3 was much cleaner than I seem to remember with no nudity in episodes 2, 4, 9, or 10!


108 had 'a fat man' which I presume was Hodor? 205 isn't listed so I guess that might be a nothing episode.


I haven't checked any of these...

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Another great episode. Not sure how I feel about the rape scene though. A strange departure from the consensual sex in the book, I'll wait to see how it plays out before I pass judgement. In other news Littlefinger's accent gets more ridiculous every season. And Sam can fuck right off.


Everything else I loved though.

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I'm getting very tired of the attitude of the special snowflakes out there who have read the books - I don't care if they've been out for however many years, you don't HAVE to spoil the series. And the attitude that reading some of the biggest fantasy novels of all time makes you a level above people who haven't read them makes you somehow special, is really bizarre.

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Yeah it's very weird. You don't seem to get this attitude with Harry Potter fans or Hunger Games fans for example. And as much as I love the books they are hardly high art/classic literature.

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