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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I did love the 4 horsemen imagery and the raising of the dead at the end, but are white walkers scared of water!? One row boat and they didn't chase it down. I didnt like the white walker king's (?) Bart Simpson haircut!


You know that was his crown right or has my sarcasm detector broken?

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Jon's sword (Longclaw) is made of Valyrian steel and was the previous Lord Commander's sword (Jeor Mormont, Jorah's dad).  Now we know that Valyrian steel can kill the walkers it's probably worth noting who else we know has some - Brienne and Joffrey has swords forged from Ned Stark's Ice, and I presume Tommen now has Joffrey's one? Also I think the dagger Little Finger has from Season 1 (the one used to attack Bran) is Valyrian steel, but it hasn't been mentioned since.  I@d imagine some of the other big house's have one that we just don't know about yet (I'm thinking particularly the Martell's in Dorne)


Sam's dad Randall has a Valyrian Greatsword called Heartsbane that we'll likely get to see next season if casting rumours turn out to be right.


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Everyone whining that Arya is boring right now.... I believe this "learning stealthy killing" is laying the groundwork for her big payoff which will be sneaking back into Kings Landing to thrust Needle into a soft part of Cersei.


At this point with telly overtaken books for several characters' arcs, I do declare my belief that the story ends with Queen Daenerys of the House Targaryen, first of her name, reuniting North and South by marrying Jon Stark (as named by King Stannis), Lord of Winterfell. And they make Tyrion Hand again.

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Everyone whining that Arya is boring right now.... I believe this "learning stealthy killing" is laying the groundwork for her big payoff which will be sneaking back into Kings Landing to thrust Needle into a soft part of Cersei.


At this point with telly overtaken books for several characters' arcs, I do declare my belief that the story ends with Queen Daenerys of the House Targaryen, first of her name, reuniting North and South by marrying Jon Stark (as named by King Stannis), Lord of Winterfell. And they make Tyrion Hand again.

I think Jaime will kill Cersei!


I really hope Daenerys gets offed before she becomes Queen of Westeros, just because she irritates me.

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I think Jaime will kill Cersei!


I've got a horrible feeling based on no logical reasoning, that Dan & Dave have sent Jaime to Dorne so they can kill him there. For a laugh, or something.


I think there's something intensely annoying lined up for all of us one way or another. Maybe Samwell will survive. Maybe the "Bran wargs into Dany's dragons to roast White Walkers" will come true and we'll find it shit, because Bran is shit. Or maybe they'll have Jaime end up with Brienne...... ugh.

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To be fair, they probably realised that they couldn't outswim a row boat.



They could if no one is bloody rowing! I can't be the only one to notice that they made all that effort to get to the boat and then just sat in it like a bunch of fannies? The Giant strolled past them for fuck sake!


Anyway, I'd imagine that the White Walkers let them go to send a message. The Night's King wanted them to see just how easy it is for him to raise the dead so they'll go back to Castle Black spreading the story and demoralizing the rest of the realms defenders.


It was an excellent episode though. The show seems to have developed a pattern where a season is slow all the way through then just kicks into high gear in the last couple of episodes.

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There is no way GOT ends well for the 3 "Heroes" 


Jon, Dany,  Tyrion all living happy ever after?  Its never that simple. Someones going to die sooner or later.


Also whats the bets on the Mountain coming in to save Cersei? Last time we saw him he was twitching on the table. a half dead frankenmountain killing the high sparrow would be great tv.

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So long as he squeezes a few more heads (the trick is to not stop until you hear a pop) I'd love a Mountain return.


My wife wants to Tyrion to end as King of Westeros at the end of the whole, quite how you get to that I've no idea. It would be a right convoluted mess and he'd probably be the only person in the GoT universe in order for it to happen

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I thought they stopped rowing because they were in shock at seeing the Night King raise all the people they had just killed. It wasn't dumb it was totally believable. The look on Jon Snow's face is one of someone whose brain can't believe what they have just seen. I think that is probably fair given the circumstances his character finds himself in.

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I want Jon to slip Dany his length before Varys reveals he just Skywalkered his own sister.


Dany's current slice has to be behind those terrorist attacks right?


I thought that Giant was a right tight fuck not giving them a tow to the boat.

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I want Jon to slip Dany his length before Varys reveals he just Skywalkered his own sister.


If you subscribe to the theory that Jon is the secret lovechild of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, that makes Dany his auntie. I chose to not add "blissfully unaware that he's her nephew" to my prediction above on the grounds that a) not everyone has heard the theory and b) some of us that have heard it, myself included, think it's bollocks.

Edited by air_raid
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I would strongly suggest you watch the latest episode Keith. I just finished it and it definitely won't bore you. It's a must see.

Will do

"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"

Anything modern zombie related bores me and this was no exception to be honest. Plus the heavy handedness of the "Oh, she's a mother, she wouldn't harm children" of the Borgen Wildling was bollocks. An entertaining battle, the white walkers looked badass, but not enough to keep me interested.
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