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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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Unless the rest of them get leaked.


I haven't watched them, I always think I won't bother with it this year, now I'm thinking maybe I'll watch the first one. Like I did last year, and the year before that, and the year before that.

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"Are you a virgin?"






Melisandre is the best.


I would most likely take on the Lord of light as my saviour, between that shadow baby and Thoros of Myr bringing that guy back all the time it's the only one which shows results. Plus there's a chance Melisandre might take a fancy to you, though that doesn't totally seem to work out for that person.


Also why on earth would anyone live anywhere but Pentos? Look how majestic it looked in that scene with Varys and Tyrion, Just cross that narrows sea!


(For reference here is a googlemaps of the known world. It's out of date and contains SPOILERS!! But I will leave it if you want

http://quartermaester.info/ )


I'm all for equality in nude scenes, but this episode was heavy on the male nudity. Ever since she became Khalessi, it seems Daenerys is too proper for nudity. At least we got some hot Tyrell arse!


I love that this show is an event, the days after with podcasts and videos really make it a cool shared experience.

Edited by Ron&Hermione
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There's a fantastic official app with a fully interactive updated map and a shitload of character, house, location bios. Problem is, it's not available in the UK Google market. I had to get one of those unblocker thingys and create an American Goggle account to download the fucker. Worth it, mind.

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Thanks for the heads up, didn't know about that at all! Rather annoying it's not available in the UK but not difficult to get the U.S one at least. Spent the last 45mins on the thing, absolutely brilliant. For anyone interested you can block spoilers on it.


Up until now I've just been going on asoiaf to look everything up, this is so much better.


Also for those who want some house histories I highly recommend comicbookgirl19 on YouTube, bloody fun videos.

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Enjoyed the episode last night. Must resist urge to watch the next three online. 


Theory for folks who have read the last two books - 



Anyone think Sansa will replace Jeyne Poole in the Ramsay/Winterfell story line? It would make things a lot more exciting and I can't think where else her and Littlefinger might be headed.


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so glad it's back and I thought it was a thoroughly good opening episode - my thoughts below in spoiler tags
couple of thread suggestions:
- firstly can we have the title changed to Season Five (like we did last year) or just to 'TV discussion'? (unless anyone wants to use Stumobir's new thread but there's enough discussion in here that I think we should stay here)
- can we keep ALL book talk out of this thread, there is a book thread somewhere if you want to discuss changes and it's not worth the hissy fit if someone lets something slip
- although we're moving at TV pace, if in doubt spoiler tag it!


The Good:
  • Kevan's back! and Lancel but I don't care about him so much
  • The opening flashback Cersei scene was really good, and I liked the tension with her & Jamie
  • The Tyrion/Varys stuff was good.
  • Loved the scene with Dany & the dragons, with the masked killer and this it looks like she's losing control a bit which could be interesting knowing that Tyrion/Varys are now looking for her and pretty good political players
  • Mance Rayder & Jon Snow. Actually, everything that happened at the Wall was really good and that last scene was great. Mance kept his dignity and Jon showed he's not scared to push against Stannis

The Bad:
  • Brienne and Pod, I like them but that scene was quite awful. I think it was made worse by Little Finger and Sansa casually riding by the bottom of the road.
  • Loras Tyrell, I like 'book Loras' but TV Loras seems to just be the token gay character and I can't invest in him at all or find anything to like which is a shame.

The Rest:
  • Sansa - no idea where they're going and don't really care at the moment! I'm sure that will change as the story progresses but an easily forgettable part of the episode, along with Robin Arryn falling over a lot

I think that's most of it!? Stellar opening and looking forward to Arya's season introduction next week and also the introduction of Dorne following Oberyn's death last season.


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