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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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Since this was going to be my last ride of my shift


I didn't pick up any more passengers that shift.

No shit? After the last passenger he didn't pick up any more? Even the idiot that wrote it gave up paying it any attention by the end.


I have/had numerous twats on my FB who would post this shit, and when taken through Snopes explanations, countered with "Well I know it's true". I've kept one because he's a mate, just gullible, but all the fools that I went to school with who do this are sacked.

I'm the same, but one of them I'm studying at Uni with, so I'm rather stuck talking to her at least for the next two years as it's likely I'll end up doing group work of some kind with her. She even tried saying that Snopes wasn't a newspaper, and therefore wasn't a legitimate source. Yet was happy to believe that her mate who just copied a status off another mate can't be wrong.

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I ignore all friend requests I don't want until whenever I remember to refuse them en masse. And as for bullies from school, not a chance. Adult life is for getting shot of those idiots.

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What about adding Facebook people who bullied you at school? Would you add them? I'm thinking yes, but I love making them wait a bit (six months).


Oh dear, bAz :/ Hate to tell you that you've probably just popped up on their recommendations, and they've gone "oh I remember that guy - add". They won't notice that you've "left them hanging". Probably completely unaware that you considered them a bully tbh..



I ignore all friend requests I don't want until whenever I remember to refuse them en masse. And as for bullies from school, not a chance. Adult life is for getting shot of those idiots.


Everyone can be a bit of a knob when they're a kid. People change / second chances and all that.. I'm interested to know what people are up to. It's just interesting how people turn out. Obviously I guess it kinda depends on how badly you didn't get on with them. But I'd still be curious, regardless.

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Fair enough. I'm talking about people who genuinely made my life utterly miserable for ages. I was a prime target due to Asperger's imparting my social skills and giving me a posh voice, so I got it pretty bad for ages. I don't hold any grudges or anything, but I just have absolutely no interest in how those people are doing.

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I've not had any from anyone I'd consider a bully, but I have had the occasional request from people I didn't get on with.


I've had no contact with them for the best part of 20 years, and no pleasant contact beforehand, so I'm not going to start now. It's not a matter of baring grudges, it's just that I don't see the point.

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Rather than adding people, I think culling is the way forward. There's only really maybe 20 people I'm actually interested in seeing updates from, and they get drowned in amongst the people who post 10-20 times a day. Just finding out what my closest friends are up to on Facebook is hard enough.

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I used to ignore requests, rather than refuse them. Somehow though, people can still see some of your posts if they have been left hanging (or they could, I don't know if there are settings to avoid it now). I had a network of spies for ex girlfriends viewing my account through this technique until I learned that if you don't want them, fucking bin the request straight away.




Edit - double post fail

Edited by Richie Freebird
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Rather than adding people, I think culling is the way forward. There's only really maybe 20 people I'm actually interested in seeing updates from, and they get drowned in amongst the people who post 10-20 times a day. Just finding out what my closest friends are up to on Facebook is hard enough.


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Rather than adding people, I think culling is the way forward. There's only really maybe 20 people I'm actually interested in seeing updates from, and they get drowned in amongst the people who post 10-20 times a day. Just finding out what my closest friends are up to on Facebook is hard enough.



:p On some days, my Facebook feed goes - Houchen, Houchen, ButchReedMark, Houchen, ButchReedMark, ButchReedMark, my mate Dan. I love you both dearly, but I see you guys on here too!



Does anyone know how to get Facebook to show you "Most Recent" by default, rather than sorting "Top Stories" whatever the hell that means? I have to change that every time I open Facebook, it's really annoying.

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