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Right, I think this is very very creepy and is sexual assault waiting to happen.

My gf joined a local group for chronic pain, she has Fibro and looks for ideas on therapies.  The bloke who runs this group has about 1200 friends and 20 or so are men.  He calls group members his special ones and replies to their posts and comments with kisses and huns.  He posted a list of different massage techniques that he does, my gf trained in holistic therapy and didn't recognise a lot of his "Techniques"

A quick google revealed that some of them were vaginal massages to release pent up energy.  So she asked him what reason does he have for offering these services in a group for chronic pain.  He PMd her going on about his training etc and totally avoided the question.

Honestly, he is like a cult leader and some of the people treat him as such.  I hope we are wrong but we both think this is going to end in a mass sexual assault.  The women in the group seem to be very vulnerable and with self esteem issues, usually down to Depression and anxiety that their lifetime of chronic pain, and this fucker preys on it.  

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Is he not breaking any laws? Convincing vulnerable women that him providing vaginal massages will help relieve pent up energy doesn't sound kosher. If he's a therapist, he'll probably be part of some governing body within that industry. Although if he's not, then that's even more worrying...

Edit: Christ it seems it's a thing. Just googled it (incognito mode obvs). Some charge £50-300. I don't even know why I'm surprised.

Edited by PunkStep
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1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

The women in the group seem to be very vulnerable and with self esteem issues, and this fucker preys on it.  

This is exactly what it is. It's entirely possible he's so wrapped up what he's doing that he's convinced himself that he's genuinely helping them, but no, he's going for easy targets that won't ever challenge him because "they agreed to it". Nobody forced them to join that page, nobody is stopping them from leaving, they went along with it, they could have stopped it at any time, etc.

I know a guy who's part of the polyamorous scene, and for all his claims that the other women are all his "girlfriends" and not just a way of justifying fucking around when his wife's not around (who isn't poly), he's constantly trying to pick up other women and seems to be attracted to (attracted to / targets, same difference) women with some sort of disability or disorder. One of his regulars (and is herself poly) is bipolar, and at a time when she was on medication that wasn't working well and she'd be posting utter gibberish, and then apologising for that days earlier jibberish in a manner fitting of a suicide note, his response would be "I'll come see you this weekend and make you feel better, if you know what I mean. ;)".

Your fella is doing exactly the same. He's going for soft targets, and many will go along with what he's suggesting because "you do want to get better, don't you?"


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I wish I could say "report him to Facebook" with a straight face, but they'll do fuck all about it. Your options will be a direct choice between "This person is presently streaming himself piercing my gullet with a rusted cutlass" and "This person has hurt my prissy-wissy feelings."

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He has now set up a private group called "Chronic Pain and Intimacy" so that any discussions about how pain affects your sex life can be kept away from the main page and be in confidence.  My gf wasn't added.

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Without having seen what this guy has posted in terms of exact wording, I'd say this is the sort of thing I think should be performed by women (of course, this isn't 100% safe - I know there are a few predatory women out there, but in comparison to the number of predatory men, they're very few indeed). Having followed Keith's posts on here and on Twitter for a while now, I trust that this guy probably sounds very sleazy and predatory indeed. 

Unfortunately, this is exactly the sort of thing predators choose - something that gives them full plausible deniability when challenged. Like a disturbingly real-life version of the "Sex Inspector" t-shirts. And the problem with this industry being so unregulated is that it's very difficult to get the law involved, because there are no other professionals or governing bodies who can oversee and judge whether or not his practices are legitimate or not.

Edited by Carbomb
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26 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

Like a disturbingly real-life version of the "Sex Inspector" t-shirts.

Hiding in plain sight. Like Ian Hislop said of Jimmy Saville, "he had the perfect cover, in that he disguised himself as a creepy predatory paedophile". You just assume no one would be so brazen.


the problem with this industry being so unregulated is that it's very difficult to get the law involved, because there are no other professionals or governing bodies who can oversee and judge whether or not his practices are legitimate or not.

This is the issue. You don't, as far as I know, need any kind of qualification or background checks to be able to call yourself a "therapist". Especially with quackery like this. Textbook case of exploiting vulnerable women for his own ends - though, psychologically, I'd suspect he doesn't even think of it as assault himself, he probably justifies it to himself that he's actually helping them.

It reminds me of far too many professional photographers I've dealt with - again, there's a lack of regulation, and anyone who can afford a fancy camera can create a Facebook page, stick a watermark on a photo and start calling themselves a "professional". Way too many of them seem to have portfolios made up of little else other than photos of young girls in very little clothing - good work if you can get it, I suppose - yet them presenting themselves as a "professional" makes people think it's all automatically above board and kosher.

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