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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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I mean, it blows my mind how active on Facebook the Year 7s and 8s are at my school. They have thousands of friends on all forms of social media, and are constantly using it at home (and in school!). They add all the older kids, who just accept them, and it's a constant competition about who gets the most likes etc., and holy shit if they fall out on social media - you get Y11s weighing in on Y7 fights, often helping to organise them! Y7 organised a 'fight club' on snapchat ffs. 

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I wish there'd been a better way to advertise and publicise fights when I were a lad — I can't find anyone that saw my shoot snap suplex, or the time I hit a wall-assisted enziguri on Andrew Scott. 


I can only think that the world would be a better place if more people had seen my picture perfect Scorpion Death Drop on Luke Rodgers outside the science block toilets too.

Edited by Gus Mears
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Posts like this make me glad phones just texted and played snake (if you were rich) when i was at school, a bloke i used to work with who was 20 had ridiculous amount of friends, something like 2000+ easily and was on his phone on facebook at every given second



I went through a period of adding lots of people from school to see what they were up to — I got rid of them incrementally through the years. First, the EDL members, then the people who were incredulous when I messaged them — probably a reflection on me — I got at least three "why are you messaging me?" Well, I'd say it's because we are "facebook friends". Then I found the people who did nowt. Eventually, I had three or four people left, who I would actually consider going for a drink with, and one lad who was just too entertaining — he had thousands of friends, and nearly all of them seemed to be strippers, prostitutes, and random tarty-looking lasses whom I have to assume he'd never met. I wish I'd contacted him, he claimed to be a test pilot.

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Yeah, I remember saying to my brother that his then 10 year old son had sent me a friend request. My brother did say that he and his wife would monitor everything he did on there by sitting with him as he checked, but I swear a lot and post a lot of shit. I told him that I'm one of the good guys.

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One of my mates has a facebook account set up for his son.  Basically he's set it up ready for him when he's old enough, and tagged him in events and photos and what not to look back on in years to come.  I can't work out if that's a good idea or not?

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I'd say the average age for a kid to have Facebook now is around 10, based on what I've noticed anyway. I did a workshop with my staff on social media and am looking to roll it out to parents soon but I'm not hopeful on the impact tbh.

Edited by MungoChutney
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  • 3 weeks later...
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I'm feeling Bill's pain regarding parents on social media. I made a new account entirely for family who kept asking why I'm not on Facebook. My mum keeps sharing posts from a page called "Jews News" and they're all various variations on the same theme - refugees being Muslim terrorists who should be shot.

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I really want to kill mine but it's the only way to keep in touch with friends in the UK, also honestly lot's of Vietnamese girls i'm friendly with pop up pictures in bikini's every few weeks and i'm only human.


There are definately some types of people I fucking hate on facebook these days, those who need to be super socialist and liberal and post so much shit propaganda stuff. Heaven forbid you are not fully in the left lane...that must mean you want to send the population back to serfdom. The "teacher" life motto's little bits of advice that I didn't ask for. The performer video cunts and of course the sycophants who like everything they do.


There's a guy who goes out with an ex colleague of mine called Jeremy Ginsburg. He professes to have become "Famous in Vietnam" basically by being on a few reality shows. Truthfully he's had about as much success outside the bars he performs crap gigs in as a forgettable mid season big brother contestant, but him and his misuses continue to promote their shit, his "book" and other bollocks across the net like they have the answers for life which seems to be live of your parents money and sell a few things online/ freelance until daddy dies and makes you rich! It just annoys me how in your face he is when it's just the same 20 people sucking his dick online, the guy has done seriously nothing worthwhile for humanity yet preaches like a fucking inspirational figure. If you want to get wound up youtube search the cunt

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