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Is tinder smart phone exclusive? Bit unfair to us folk who still have a phone with buttons. We have needs too....cash being the main one


You can get a decent smartphone for cheap nowadays. I bought a Microsoft Lumia a few months back for 40 quid, with a ten pound top up!

Edited by Ladiesman345
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Is tinder smart phone exclusive? Bit unfair to us folk who still have a phone with buttons. We have needs too....cash being the main one

You can get a decent smartphone for cheap nowadays. I bought a Microsoft Lumia a few months back for 40 quid, with a ten pound top up!

If the website's anything to go by, then Tinder's not available on Windows.

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Glad this has come up, saved me starting a thread I was already half way through writing.  I love that BTTF day is being celebrated, if that's the right word, but what it is doing is drumming home one of my biggest pet peeves.

I've often said the thing I hate the most about the things I love, is the other people who love the things I love, because something like this that is meant to bring fans together in celebration, but just descends into a dick measuring contest with "I've seen it four millions times so i'm a better fan than you" type posturing.


Now, i'm prepared to accept that this is entirely in my own head, but i read every "Did you know Marty McFly was originally played by Eric Stoltz for a few weeks" post in the tone of a condescending holier than thou person who wants you to know what a poor excuse for a fan you are.


I'm the same with anything, music, movies, TV, because I dont own the ultimate edition of Hercules in New York on Blu Ray, or don't have a rare japanese import of an album with an obscure demo track on it, I somehow enjoy material less than you do.  Well, I do. OK. 


Sorry, had to get that off my chest.  As you were.

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Top post Matrix.


I'm going to the trilogy showing tonight and I'm fully prepared for the mixture of people who actually love the films, people who have seen them because they've been told they have to and, as you mentioned, the ones who feel the need to prove they and only they are the franchises ultimate geek boy because they read the IMDB Trivia section before they came out and the ensuing nerd-off that will follow. My mate had to cancel in the end but we were having a sweepstake on the number of people who will go in some sort of BTTF tshirt (Flux Capacitator motive, the blueprints of the Delorean etc.).


I'm quite happy to just sit there with a drink and some popcorn and watch the movies, leave the peacocking to the hipsters

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Amen brother.  Thank god i'm not alone in that.


I'm prone to being incredibly unreasonable at times, it's always something that's ground my gears.  RIght down to dressing up.  I'll bet you some prick will have a home made hoverboard or something.

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Getting bored of this Back to the Future shit now.

Bore off! This is a once in a lifetime day!

Be as that may, you have to admit that social networking has been unbearable today. At least it isn't as bad/frequent as May the Fourth/Forth. That's developed for more than it should have.

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