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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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Please be careful: some hackers have found something new. They take your profile picture and your name and create a new FB account. Then they ask your friends to add them. Your friends think it is you, so they accept. From that moment on they can say and post whatever they want under your name. Please don't accept a second friendship demand from me, I have only one account.


I've had this posted at least twice a day on my feed for the last week.


Strangely though, this did happen to one of my Facebook friends. Some people have way too much free time.

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Please be careful: some hackers have found something new. They take your profile picture and your name and create a new FB account. Then they ask your friends to add them. Your friends think it is you, so they accept. From that moment on they can say and post whatever they want under your name. Please don't accept a second friendship demand from me, I have only one account.


I've had this posted at least twice a day on my feed for the last week.


Strangely though, this did happen to one of my Facebook friends. Some people have way too much free time.


Yeah, one of my friends had this happen to him on a couple of occasions. Mind, he's one of those types who send friend requests to every person he's ever encountered or happened to walk past on the street once, I think the odds of something like that happening are probably higher when you have about 1400 'friends'.

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Necknomination is doing the rounds on my Facebook. Fed up of it. Let the troglodytes kill themselves.

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I've not seen too many Neknominations on my timeline, mainly just ones that people have shared. Downing a pint is nothing new with students, it's when you start making ridiculous mixtures and adding shit that you shouldn't be drinking. One utter clot I go to uni with missed a few days last week because he decided to be 'a right lad' and have a few shots of bleach in with his drink. Banter~!!


Though I will say that it's been quite nice to see a handful of videos shared of people deciding against doing the drinking challenge and instead using the money to buy some food for someone living on the streets. Some good, no matter how small, has come from this stupid game.

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Ive not seen anyone on my facebook drink bleach or anything like that, its amazing anyones that stupid and still alive as an adult. Most of the 'nuttas' have just been downing pints with all sorts of alcohol in them mixed with milk and other stuff. Almost all of them dont neck it and then still nominate people anyway.


One of my friends did refuse to do it and instead posted a video of him sipping a cup of tea for a few minutes, the comments were filled with people calling him a pussy and even a few women in their 40s telling him to 'be a man' and just do it. One of the women even filmed her son doing his nomination and could be heared in the background going 'go on son' and when he'd finished 'well done, im proud of ya son'.

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Someone should down a bottle or two of brewdog abstrakt .


That's blasphemy in Brewdog fan circles. You would be hung for downing one of their masterpieces of craft brew goodness.

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I've seen mentions of this Neknomination business, and what little I've seen of it just seems... I don't know - I can't think of any derogatory term or expletive that will suffice.

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Going around mine. Then posted by my own mother to my wall with the comment, "interesting."


Now, a number are OK, I guess, if a little optimistic.


But numbers 4 and 5?!


Not vaccinating your children is at best irresponsible and at worst criminal. Vaccinations are proven to work. Homeopathy is absolute nonsense (and cannabis, which does have medicinal properties, shouldn't be put under the banner of homeopathy as it undermines years of trying to have it recognised as having medicinal value.)


I can't believe that shit.

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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That's a ridiculous list. The only ones I agree with are the first one (to a very limited degree - there are some things you just cannot get locally or from small businesses) and the seventh one.


Number three is possible to a degree for some energy, but the initial outlay is huge - my parents have had solar panels and a thermodynamic system installed, which means they now no longer pay anything energy-wise in central heating or hot water bills. But it cost in total about 20K. According to their calculations, it should take between eight to ten years for the system to save an amount equivalent to the cost.

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