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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Nothing truly awful like Terminator Salvation.

Jai Courtney. Didn't even bother - unlike Yelchin - to be anything other than a generic wisecracking hero who is nothing like Kyle Reese. It's actually fucking tormenting me.


Bad Boys, Bad Boys. Whatcha goin' do...whatcha goin' do when they come for you?

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Nothing truly awful like Terminator Salvation.

Jai Courtney. Didn't even bother - unlike Yelchin - to be anything other than a generic wisecracking hero who is nothing like Kyle Reese. It's actually fucking tormenting me.


Bad Boys, Bad Boys. Whatcha goin' do...whatcha goin' do when they come for you?

Ha. I said something similar to my mate on the way back. For the most part the banter in the film is woeful. It's like they watched Guardians of the Galaxy two weeks before filming, and decided they wanted something like that so crammed in what felt like Jai Courtney's left over jokes from the last Die Hard film.
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So I'm the only cunt who liked Salvation then? It's by no means a great film but it was entertaining enough as a stand alone action film. Suffers from the Die Hard 4 problem of feeling like somebody tweaked a random screenplay to tie it into a franchise.

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So I'm the only cunt who liked Salvation then? It's by no means a great film but it was entertaining enough as a stand alone action film. Suffers from the Die Hard 4 problem of feeling like somebody tweaked a random screenplay to tie it into a franchise.

No, you're not alone, sarge. I enjoyed Salvation. I thought it earnest and I admired Anton Yelchin's performance in it.

Sam Worthington brought it down a notch whenever he was on screen, but on the whole, I enjoyed Salvation a lot more than Genisys or Rise of the Machines.

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Finally got around to watching What We Do In The Shadows tonight. Delightfully mental. Not a whole lot of laugh out loud moments, but I'm not really a laugh out loud person anyway. Was very amused throughout though and it's a fun way to kill an hour and twenty minutes.

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Wonderful isn't it?

You should check out Housebound too. I thought it fucking incredible...

It was top notch! Cheers man. Will add it to my list of movies to watch. Looks good from IMDB. Edited by sammorgz
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Just back from Ant-Man and it was a tremendous amount of fun.
I actually really like Paul Rudd for some reason. His charisma is seriously pounding off the screen in this one and although not quite at the enjoyment level of GOTG, it’s a stray pubic hair away from getting those kind of plaudits.
I just actually sat there smiling and happy through the whole thing, and that’s rare in this cynical world these days.


Good after credits scene involving

Cap and Falcon and the lead up to the Civil War


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Glad to hear you liked Ant-Man, other reviews I've read have been a bit mixed but I trust your opinions on films, so I remain looking forward to it.


Went to see Slow West tonight, excellent Western, well worth catching it if you see it showing anywhere. Fassbender's perfect for that genre.

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