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Looks like Pritchard's on his way out anyway (from PWNet):


The restructuring within TNA has led to a number of wrestlers being released from their contracts or the company allowing talent contracts to expire. It is also affecting the office side of the company. Multiple sources report that Bruce Prichard, Sr. Vice President of Programming and Talent Relations, was among the office personnel asked to restructure his deal. Prichard is said to have rejected that request. It is believed that his days with TNA are coming to an end barring an unexpected twist.


That's some good news then. He's been a shit talent relations guy, by the sound of it. I wonder who'll get that job, Al Snow.


Based on what I've seen of Gallows, he couldn't be a mouthpiece for Aces&8s the way Anderson is. Don't get me wrong, I hate Anderson but he's playing a particular role right now on tv, and I don't think Gallows could play that same role. Plus, his look is terrible.


There are plenty of people on the roster who deserve more tv time than Anderson, but D.O.C isn't the top of that list.

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Fuck me there wont be anyone left soon.

Not really. They had about 60 people under contract, which is way too many to begin with. Now they're down to 40 something, which is plenty for a 2-hour show.

Edited by pgi86
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TNA have a loyalty to a lot of wrestlers too, so we'll be seeing the likes of DOC and Matt Morgan going long before So Cal Val or Eric Young or any of the other useless people they keep around. What confuses me is they've let DOC go but kept Mike Knox.

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Fuck me there wont be anyone left soon.

Not really. They had about 60 people under contract, which is way too many to begin with. Now they're down to 40 something, which is plenty for a 2-hour show.

Even if its been the same people for years on end just in different roles? How many times can you push AJ Styles?

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Fuck me there wont be anyone left soon.

Not really. They had about 60 people under contract, which is way too many to begin with. Now they're down to 40 something, which is plenty for a 2-hour show.

Even if its been the same people for years on end just in different roles? How many times can you push AJ Styles?



Atleast once more i really cant see him not winning the belt by the end of the year.

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when is hulk's deal up ?

He re-signed for 2 years in October 2011. Unless they restructured the deal since (which is doubtful), it'll be October its up. His contract expires just before Bound For Glory, which is good for Hogan and a bit mental for TNA. I remember last time his deal was up, it was a week before his match with Sting.


I hope for their sake Hulk doesn't bail on them before their biggest show of the year. Especially since they usually build the show around him.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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There should be a sweepstake for long it will take AJ to get the belt again and another one for how long it'll take for him to feud with Daniels again and perhaps a final one for how long before he teams with Daniels again.


They should give him a cartoon gimmick where he's barely recognisable. If he runs around dressed as a postman or something he might be interesting. "Special Delivery" AJ Styles who delivers letters to all the wrestlers, when he's a heel he delivers junk mail and the babyfaces kick the shite out of him for it, and when's a face he delivers your game from Amazon but a heel has broken it on the way and "Special Delivery" AJ Styles stands up to the heel, and gets the shite kicked out of him. One day AJ goes to Hogan's house but Hogan's guard dog Rick Steiner bites AJ and they have a feud over it. Then another day AJ delivers letters to a megalomaniacs house, falls into the pool and get's attacked by the heel's pet shark Shark Boy. Over the next few weeks, hwoever, AJ befriends Shark Boy, turning him back to the Shake Boy we all know and love.

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Special Delivery" AJ Styles who delivers letters to all the wrestlers, when he's a heel he delivers junk mail and the babyfaces kick the shite out of him for it, and when's a face he delivers your game from Amazon but a heel has broken it on the way and "Special Delivery" AJ Styles stands up to the heel, and gets the shite kicked out of him. One day AJ goes to Hogan's house but Hogan's guard dog Rick Steiner bites AJ and they have a feud over it. Then another day AJ delivers letters to a megalomaniacs house, falls into the pool and get's attacked by the heel's pet shark Shark Boy. Over the next few weeks, hwoever, AJ befriends Shark Boy, turning him back to the Shake Boy we all know and love.


The master of the 'Postal Strike'!

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Now that woudl be awesome. Hulk falls ill and is unable to make a month worth of iMPACT!, he's still in charge but unfortunately Hulk doesn't understand e-mail and, as part of his illness, loses his voice so the only way he can contact TNA to make matches and decisions is by post. AJ is pissed with Hulk though and goes on strike, refusing to deliver an yof Hulk's letters! TNA falls into chaos.

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