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According to Meltzer she assaulted Reby in front of Reby's baby. Chucked the child's bag out of the locker room as well. Nutcase.

What is the story behind this? Why did Kong attack Reby Sky?


Wasn't the story that Kong didn't think Reby was "one of the girls" and shouldn't dress with the Knockouts?

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According to Meltzer she assaulted Reby in front of Reby's baby. Chucked the child's bag out of the locker room as well. Nutcase.

What is the story behind this? Why did Kong attack Reby Sky?


Wrestlezone gives some background here. Reby seems like the one in the right throughout, as Kong defends Sid for no-showing an event, talks smack about Reby while being friendly in her direct comms with her, and gets upset that a female talent working the same show as her wants to use the same dressing room.

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Hilarious that the most credible heel in the knockouts division being released. C'mon TNA, your once great knockouts division is now 2nd fiddle to WWE's women's division. Make it right!

Not much they could do about it really. This is the the third person Kong's attacked backstage in TNA. Even if Sky decided to let it go, the next person Kong went after would have a stick on lawsuit against them for unsafe working conditions. She's a liability.


Also, I'm not condoning assaulting anyone but how daft do you have to be to attack the wife of the World Champion and top heel? Especially when the top babyface is his brother? It's up there with Amy Zidian giving Stephanie McMahon the "who do you think you are to tell ME what to do?" attitude in stupid political moves. It's not like they were ever going to side with Kong over the Hardys is it?

Edited by unfitfinlay
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Hilarious that the most credible heel in the knockouts division being released. C'mon TNA, your once great knockouts division is now 2nd fiddle to WWE's women's division. Make it right!

Not much they could do about it really. This is the the third person Kong's attacked backstage in TNA. Even if Sky decided to let it go, the next person Kong went after would have a stick on lawsuit against them for unsafe working conditions. She's a liability.

Also, I'm not condoning assaulting anyone but how daft do you have to be to attack the wife of the World Champion and top heel? Especially when the top babyface is his brother? It's up there with Amy Zidian giving Stephanie McMahon the "who do you think you are to tell ME what to do?" attitude in stupid political moves. It's not like they were ever going to side with Kong over the Hardys is it?

Bubba The Love Sponge as well. Who was the other?
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