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Also, this is potentially the opening that Jeff Jarrett has been waiting for, the one he thought he was getting last year. That's if this whole debacle hasn't completely killed the hopes of another promotion getting TV. He's probably on the phone with networks as we speak.



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I heard it through the grapevine that TNA are throwing money at who they believe will be the saviors of the company





Tenay: "Hey wait Josh...that's...that's......VIRGIL~!, he's in TNA!!!!!!


and who's this.....




Tenay: IT'S EDGE~!, THE EDGE~! is here!!! in...TNA~!










Tenay: OH MY....IT'S....IT'S BRAY WYATT!!!!!!!!!!! can you believe it Josh?.....BRAY WYATT IS IN THE TNA~!!"




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So the website voices of wrestling on their podcast have claimed that they got this information from a wrestler who also apparently knew about Destination america canceling the show a week before Dave meltzer reported it. 


http://www.voicesofwrestling.com/2015/05/21/destination-americatna-nxt-takeover-bouncing-around-japan-more/ about 36 minutes in and around 41 mins is where they get to specifics 

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I'd certainly pay for a subscription service that gives me access to old TNA PPVs. Some of those things were great.


I think they actually have or did have a subscription service. Not sure if they do now though. TNA did have a string of solid PPV's back in I think maybe 2004/05/06 time frame when they did the AMW vs Triple X tag team match when Elix did the 'rana off the top of the cage. From the weekly PPV's that used to be on the TWC majority of those were hit & miss and the early one's with the Dupps, Puppet et al were Wrestlecrap at it's finest. Plus they had Tony Schivaone turn heel and cut a SHOOT~! promo. But in general, TNA doesn't have the same appeal as the WWE does with their hours of wrestling footage and unless they charged a low price I don't see many fans subscribing. 

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So the website voices of wrestling on their podcast have claimed that they got this information from a wrestler who also apparently knew about Destination america canceling the show a week before Dave meltzer reported it.


http://www.voicesofwrestling.com/2015/05/21/destination-americatna-nxt-takeover-bouncing-around-japan-more/ about 36 minutes in and around 41 mins is where they get to specifics

Just came to post this. Amazing. They're saying it possibly could have happened before the decision to boot them was made. That means it's two years in a row an email mishap has potentially got them thrown off a network.


She CC'd it to the President of Destination America, no less.

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  • Awards Moderator

I really liked TNA from 2003 through to probably around 2006/7. The X Division was great in 2003, I vividly remember the buildup to Ultimate X 2 and the rise of AJ Styles (who's still one of my favourites even if I haven't watched one of his matches for ages). You had that first Jeff Hardy run going into 2004 when they were on Fox Sports Net and first started the monthly PPVs, which were appealing at a time when WWE had recently brand-separated their PPVs so they were full of filler and matches with people like A-Train and Rodney Mack who weren't much cop outside of squashes and White Boy Challenges (I can't recall if Mack ever had a PPV match, actually, but he's just an example of the low point WWE were going through with PPVs at the time). You had people like Chris Candido turning up, as well as a good crop of 'home grown' talent. That good run of PPVs continued into 2005 when you had Sean Waltman coming in and having great matches, Samoa Joe turning up, Styles and Daniels having great matches against each other and as a team, the original LAX, etc. The TV I think was actually at its best when it wasn't even on TV and was a weekly video on the TNA website. It was a one-hour show and it worked. Rhyno was there, Sabu turned up, Abyss was quite good, and so on. Then going into 2006 you had Christian come in (which did feel like a big deal at the time) and the Dudleys as well, with Paparazzi Productions taking off as well (they coincided, didn't they?) and Nash doing, in my opinion, some career-best stuff with Alex Shelley. Then you get that massive first Joe/Angle confrontation at the end of 06. 


From then on, though, I started to lose interest, on a continual and gradual downward scale - I think my last 'ooh, TNA' moment was probably when they did Samoa Joe vs. Scott Steiner - and even by the time Hogan turned up I was interested but not that fussed. And so it continued until the last few years, when the only joy TNA's given me is when I read Ian's posts tearing them apart. There was a time when they had me caring, but that time is long gone.

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Paparazzi Productions taking off as well (they coincided, didn't they?) and Nash doing, in my opinion, some career-best stuff with Alex Shelley.



Yea, the Paparazzi stuff was really fun and IIRC it was Nash, Shelley & Sabin. Didn't "Macho Man" Jay Lethal get involved in the skits too?




Then you get that massive first Joe/Angle confrontation at the end of 06.


Yep, IIRC that was when Kurt legit headbutted Joe and busted him open hardway and that was probably the best or among the best angles TNA have had. 





Samoa Joe vs. Scott Steiner


That was a fun storyline between the two, not sure if it was meant to be intentionally funny but Scotty Stenier doing that wacky promo he did when he tried to calculate the percentage that Joe had of winning against him was hilarious.  

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Paparazzi Productions was Nash, Shelley and Johnny Devine from Team Canada. The skits then expanded out to the whole X-Division which had people like Low Ki/Senshi, Shark Boy and Lethal involved, and that in turn eventually lead to Black Machismo.

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What I've learned over the last year is TNA's former head writer and their president cant even e-mail people without fucking it up royally. This is why the company never succeeded. How are you meant to built stars when you cant even slag people off via a private e-mail without people finding out?

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I still think the best period of TNA was the fairgrounds weekly PPV era when everyone and their dog showed up and the writing was utterly Russorific. There were a ton of guys fresh off WCW and ECW to work with, a ton of Indy guys I'd only ever heard of in PowerSlam and plenty of living legends. It's the only period they've ever had when they actually lived up to their name and the only time I wanted to watch every week.


I tend to agree with Butchi that the tapes are porbably not a great deal of use to WWE but I do honestly think that a worst of TNA series on the Network or on DVD would be absolutely gold.

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