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Am I the only one who thinks that the crowd who hate Cena because he's an 'unbelievable good guy' and has been the top face for too long will just cheer Cena's heel turn anyway.


That's part of the reason I think ending the streak would be the best way to do it to try and negate that effect. Everyone seems to have such a hard-on for the streak that if someone ended it, the reaction would be "you utter cunt" - so I'd give that reaction to Cena.


Who has a hard on for the streak exactly? I've never seen anybody online cry about the possibility of it ending, and the "CM Punk" chants this year were filling the arena 50/50 with Taker chants.

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I have a hard-on for the Streak. Undertaker's my fave and I would never want him to lose at 'Mania. Once, I might have considered it if it could have made someone's career, but I don't believe that could ever happen now. The current landscape doesn't allow it, chances are whoever did it would be trading wins and losses with their next opponent for several months following Mania, and the streak-ending would have no lasting benefit.


So nobody should ever end it ever, partly for that reason, but mostly because Undertaker really is my fave and it's his thing and I always get invested in the Streak, especially the really close near-falls, and if one of those near-falls became an ACTUAL fall, I'd be distraught.




This is probably mentioned already somewhere in this monster thread but here's a list of all the stupid stuff TNA have ever done.


Not to say WWE are squeaky clean but there's some shocking stuff in there. Worst of all is the repetition, doing the same dumb things many times.


That was a brilliant read up until it got to 2010, from which point it all got a bit judgemental and opinionated. I think the straightforward, simple descriptions of events in the 2003-2009 sections are what makes it all so funny/ridiculous. After that it seemed to get a bit carried away with itself (and did it mention the Jesse Sorensen injury at all?)


From the start up until the 2010 bit begins, however, it's a mesmerising read, you really can't believe all of that stuff happened.


One thing I thought would have come up that didn't, however, was Roxxi Laveaux's head-shaving. I remember that being a very difficult watch, unnecessarily so - didn't her head get cut open mid-shaving?

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Who has a hard on for the streak exactly?


The company, its fans, the countless people who turn up with their "how many it is now+1 - 0" signs and little tombstones with all the previous victims names on.


The current landscape doesn't allow it, chances are whoever did it would be trading wins and losses with their next opponent for several months following Mania, and the streak-ending would have no lasting benefit.


Not if it were WWE Champion John Cena, they wouldn't. :cool:


So nobody should ever end it ever, partly for that reason, but mostly because Undertaker really is my fave and it's his thing and I always get invested in the Streak, especially the really close near-falls, and if one of those near-falls became an ACTUAL fall, I'd be distraught.


Thanks for proving my point. Millions of people across the globe in the same boat as you would be distraught. John Cena, you cunt. :cool:


That was a brilliant read up until it got to 2010, from which point it all got a bit judgemental and opinionated.


That's TNA to a tee though isn't it? When you get to 2010 people who previously were fair-minded about the product turn into dickheads who think Hogan and Bischoff have ruined it, and that the matches were better when the ring was a different shape.

Edited by air_raid
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People have a hard on for the streak because its the only real thing in wrestling. Nothing really means anything in the grand scheme of things. Except for beating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. It's the biggest prize you can get, made bigger by the fact it can only happen once. It's a real once in a lifetime thing, and every fan knows that.


People cheered Punk because they wanted him to be that guy, I doubt many people in that crowd would want it to be Cena.

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Fuck it, it should be Mark Henry.


And it should be in the first match of the night, and the remaining 3 and a 1/2 hours would be spent watching Menry walk really fucking slowly to the back trash talking the audience.


I'd buy it. Twice.

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Am I the only one who thinks that the crowd who hate Cena because he's an 'unbelievable good guy' and has been the top face for too long will just cheer Cena's heel turn anyway.

They'd certainly boo Sheamus or whoever took Cena's face of the company role before long. There's not a new Cena that's going to move numbers in TV, attendance, PPV and merchandise. There's not a new Cena that's going to wow massive sponsors and put the hours in promoting the company the way he can. Business-wise, there's no gain from it other than a massive gamble that someone (like the little beardy man who has been leading Raw to some of its worst ratings failures in Cena's absence) would become a megastar on Cena's level from it. And if that gamble doesn't pay off (spoiler: It probably wouldn't pay off with anyone currently on the roster) then they're screwed.


Until there's a new Cena, they need Cena to be Cena.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Buying it twice won't make up for nobody else buying it


Mark Henry on top was a draw, yo. So him ending the streak would surely be the first thing ever to break the super duper 2,000,000 buys mark. And that's just domestic.

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Buying it twice won't make up for nobody else buying it


Mark Henry on top was a draw, yo. So him ending the streak would surely be the first thing ever to break the super duper 2,000,000 buys mark. And that's just domestic.


He was a decent draw a few years ago on the B Show. He was hardly anything special and he is worth his weight in dogshit now. I don't understand how it took the guy ten years to learn how to be intimidating. Fucking look at him, yet somehow for most of his career was been a joke. Mental.


Throw in the fact that he is made of glass and has a shit move set, he's lucky to still have a job let alone end the streak

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