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Over on Twitter, Bischoff seems to disagree with the reports that his TNA deal is up in early 2014: "Proving once again that so many wrestling "news" sites are a joke, reports of my (BHE's) contract w TNA expiring in 2014 is bullshit. But these sites and the scum that live off them by publishing b.s. as fact is nothing new."

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Could TNA bring in Monty Brown for a short run? Wiki tells me he "retired" in 2011 but at 42 and working as a personal trainer, could they do a mystery partner and bring in Monty Brown for a short run.


Having a look through TNA Alumni, here's a list of plausible people who could TNA could do with right now:


Monty Brown

D'angelo Dinero

Low Ki



Lance Hoyt (IF his NJPW run has made him any better)




All potential heels who could help TNA out in the short run. Tomko/Knux as a tag team would be great feud for GunStorm, Rhino/Roode feud would work pretty well too. Perhaps run Samoa Joe over Monty Brown for a one night stint. (Make a feud up with Joe being the best TNA has had in the past 8 years can beat anyone) or even perhaps have Joe vs. Liger in a rematch for 2005 Bound For Glory. Perhaps have Abyss reappear and issue an open challenge for his Legends title to have Lance Hoyt answer it as Sacrifice 2005 was a good little match between them.


But you shouldn't be thinking like this for you A* PPV of the year.

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I dont think we'll see Abyss as a regular ever again. He looked so slow and broken down when he wrestled a few months back, that you have to think the reason he's doing the comedy character full time is because all those brutal matches have caught up with him. It would make sense. He's 40 now and he's put on a load of weight. And he wasn't exactly working the safest of style. I've never been his greatest fan, but he's been a good servant to them, and I dont want to see him in a position to end up like Foley in his late 40s. I honestly dont know if anyone who attends Impact knows or cares about Monty Brown. If it was the Impact Zone maybe, but the people who write for TNA and the people who watch TNA are a completely different audience to that of 2005. The fans dont react when Magnus comes out, a lot of weeks. I dont see what you are going to do with Monty Brown. And would Lagana, Bischoff or Matt Conway give a toss about bringing back Monty Brown?


Its a shame really. For all TNA's faults, Bound For Glory always goes in with a storyline where you expect something big to happen. Even if nothing big happens. There's always the "what if?" discussion before it, but this year its really underwhelming. But, if you take the "biggest show of the year" tag off it, Bound For Glory doesn't look to bad on paper. AJ vs Bully should be good, if they keep well away from a screw job finish. Roode vs Angle will be good. The Ultimate X will probably be spectacular, Gunner and Storm will probably have a great match with Daniels and Kaz (if thats where its going). I haven't got high hopes for Sting and Magnus, though. I remember when they tried this with AJ Styles and the fans booed AJ. Legend vs Young Guy is always risky business in front of a live crowd. And Magnus hasn't got the fire a young Sting had. Magnus always comes across as a bit dull. Hope I'm wrong. TNA need a new star right now.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Roode vs. Angle? Where's that come from?


I totally agree about Magnus vs. Sting. I really like Magnus, but he's nowhere near popular enough to get the crowd behind him over Sting. If they really want to establish a new upper card face, putting him against Sting is just mental.

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Roode vs. Angle? Where's that come from?

Roode has been crying for weeks about Angle going in the Hall of Fame, next week he's going in the Ego Hall of Fame (which will probably lead to Angle's return) and Roode used the ankle lock as a finish on Impact. Sounds like the match is a dead cert, although nothing has been announced. I imagine it will though.

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I've noticed over the last few NXT tapings that a few of the iMPACT ZONE superfans have found a new home in the front row opposite hard camera at Full Sail University.


The old guy with long black hair & beard sat next to his chunky lady friend have been there for a few months now and the creepy little guy with a goatee who takes a lot of photos has set up camp there too recently.

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I've noticed over the last few NXT tapings that a few of the iMPACT ZONE superfans have found a new home in the front row opposite hard camera at Full Sail University.


The old guy with long black hair & beard sat next to his chunky lady friend have been there for a few months now and the creepy little guy with a goatee who takes a lot of photos has set up camp there too recently.

Do you find TNA that bad that you pay attention to the fans at ringside?

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I've noticed over the last few NXT tapings that a few of the iMPACT ZONE superfans have found a new home in the front row opposite hard camera at Full Sail University.


The old guy with long black hair & beard sat next to his chunky lady friend have been there for a few months now and the creepy little guy with a goatee who takes a lot of photos has set up camp there too recently.

Do you find TNA that bad that you pay attention to the fans at ringside?


As my avatar might suggest, I have always noticed recognisable faces sitting at ringside.

There were the regulars in the ECW Arena back in the day, Vlad & his mates at old WWF shows, and a group of people in the iMPACT Zone among others.


I find the current group of WWE ringside regulars very interesting too. Brock Lesnar Guy, white suit Cena fan, beardy bloke with trophy wife & creepy kid, etc.

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