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He'd fit in as well as he would have a few years back. He's a far better worker now than he was then, but he never shows it. And he never gets injured, which is amazing considering his WWE run. He's had some really good matches in the last few years, but he just doesn't seem interested. He stopped dying his hair and going to the gym. Apparently something happened in real life and he disappeared from TNA for ages. He went through a bit of personal strife, which is a shame. I've never been his biggest fan, but in real life he comes across as the nicest bloke, so to hear he has been having a hard time isn't good to hear. He's exactly like the Miz. He can be the worst bloke to watch, but away from the ring he seems like a great guy. His AOW interview is one of my favourites.


I think Anderson is one of those blokes who will show up in a Royal Rumble in about 5 years or something. One of those things like when Haku or Earthquake would return completely out of the blue and people will pop just for how much they weren't expecting it. I think he's someone who will be in the dog house so long they'll forget why he's even in the bad books. Like when Matt Bourne showed up in a gimmick battle royal a few years ago after years on the sidelines. They'll be like "isn't he in the dog house" and HHH will shrug his shoulders.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I don't care if Anderson did turn into Steamboat overnight or was cutting a promo more explosive than Punk's pipebomb, I wish he would just fuck off from wrestling forever. Every time I see him, my enthusiasm for wrestling as a whole decreases. I fucking hate the sight of him and nothing he can do will ever change that for me. Him turning up in WWE is probably my least wanted thing in wrestling, just go away and be a greengrocer or something, ANYTHING that means I never have to see him again.

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How were Tito and Rampage written out of TV?

Dixie said Bellator complaind about how much danger they were in.


Edit: That Styles promo was the dirt worst, wasn't it? What a terrible hook for next week.


Stop trying to be CM punk, it doesnt work/

Edited by Duke
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Not just that.


Spoiler for next week, but you really need to read this:

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Dixie turns heel on AJ, stating if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't (lol) be "where he is today". So they are now doing the CM Punk vs Vince thing (leave with the belt, contract is up, shoot promos etc) and also they are doing the Daniel Bryan vs heel owner storyline. I hate the writers of this company so much. They are shamelessly uncreative.


[close spoiler]



Also AJ doesn't drop "pipe bombs". He drops "bombshells". TNA really is Poundland WWE. They even have the knockoff Hulk Hogan as their GM, who used to pop up in the pound shop. Everyone had a snide Hulkster as a kid.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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My cheap Hogan had a red singlet. I think theres one in someones sig on here actually. Can't think who it is.


TNA's future - AJ vs Bully - Dixie costs AJ & is revealed as Aces & Eights leader which was her plan to get rid of Hogan - They drive Hogan out (contract expires) - Anderson returns because who else will have him - wins title - 1st defense is a rematch. Mid match because it's TNA and they have to steal everything from someone, Spike executives stop the match, pull the ring and set up down and kick everyone out. TNA dies. Anderson as champion is the final nail in the coffin.


Saying that there might be too much logic there for TNA to go that route.

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This is fucking amazing! From the Observer:

-- I wouldn't have believed this had I not seen it with my own two eyes, but I was sent a photo by reader Drew from Impact last night taken from behind the announcers, and they've got two monitors, one of which is showing Impact and the other of which is airing the NFL game. Tenay and Taz were watching the game all night while doing the show.


So know you know why Tazz was really good in WWE and sounds like he's watching something else in TNA. Because he is watching something else in TNA! I imagine when the football isn't on he's watching DVD's of Rising Damp and Open All Hours. Anything to pass the time away.


Seriously, though, this is pretty disgraceful stuff. Whoever give the go-ahead for the two lead announcers to have a monitor showing an NFL game while you are supposed to be at work needs sacking. But I imagine nobody cares. Which in itself is shocking.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Not just that.


Spoiler for next week, but you really need to read this:

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Dixie turns heel on AJ, stating if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't (lol) be "where he is today". So they are now doing the CM Punk vs Vince thing (leave with the belt, contract is up, shoot promos etc) and also they are doing the Daniel Bryan vs heel owner storyline. I hate the writers of this company so much. They are shamelessly uncreative.


[close spoiler]



Also AJ doesn't drop "pipe bombs". He drops "bombshells". TNA really is Poundland WWE. They even have the knockoff Hulk Hogan as their GM, who used to pop up in the pound shop. Everyone had a snide Hulkster as a kid.

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

is it really a heel turn? I sort of thought it was just more "shooting"


[close spoiler]

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<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Its a heel turn, by all accounts. I dont know if next week is her being a subtle heel, but its all leading to Dixie turning anyway. Brooke Hogan was meant to be the lead heel (really) going into BFG against Hulk. But Hulk and Brooke are on the outs. So instead they've been replaced by Dixie and AJ. You have to get a non-wrestler in these main event angles, you see. The world champion just isn't enough.


They've had the Dixie heel turn in their back pocket for a good 3 years now. I'm surprised she hasn't already done it. A Dixie and AJ Styles feud has the potential to be on another level of horrendous.


[close spoiler]

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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