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They never hold up if you take them to court. They never do. WWE is different because they have the money to either pay you off or tie you up in court. But TNA never win. Imagine anyone with a moral standing looking at them contracts wrestlers are made to sign? Because there's little industry in wrestling, the wrestlers have to sign anything. R-Truth, Konnan and Daffney signed those TNA contracts as well. And they all got settlements. Its the same with the trademarks. The ones who fight it, get their names. A lot of people dont think its worth the hassle, though. Wrestlers sign them and worry about it later. "Circling the pussy before you get to the hole" is the way Brickhouse Brown describes it.



I think it is different because while WWE do have something similar written in, they would never actually try to enforce it. Owen Hart, Droz, etc, they handled that financially. Even more minor injures they pay for without a fuss. It came up during Linda McMahon's senate run and her response was basically "well, tell me exactly when WWE ever left someone on the hook for medical bills" and no one could find any examples. Yeah, Vince is a prick, but he's not THAT much of one.


TNA is a lot more sinister because, as has been shown in the past, they will try to enforce it. Yeah, you would win if you took them to court, but how many people can afford a lengthy trial?

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Per Meltzer, Hogan gets $35,000 a show. I'm pretty sure Jesse didn't even make that in a year.

A regular PA on TNA's schedule wouldn't get close.


The best of it is that's probably Hogan's mate's rate.

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I'd love to know what sort of numbers we're talking about here, too, because it has to have been next to fuck all. PA is a low paid job, even if they were paying him double what they usually would, it must have been peanuts compared to what they throw at some people on their payroll. I bet Mr Anderson makes more for two tapings than Jesse would have done all year.


He might have been on his wrestling wage.

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TNA's hands were tied. They were not in a position where they could afford, right now, to keep anyone who they couldn't prove was pulling his weight. In his position, Sorensen wasn't, not in comparison to others who would be cut in his place.


Does anyone actually believe that TNA had to fire Sorensen or risk going out of business? They're spending over one million a month on taping on the road, but somehow getting rid of him is going to make a difference.

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For what it's worth Adam Pearce has teased on Twitter/Facebook that it's him. Which probably means that it isn't him.


And on a sidenote, speaking of Tomko he is scheduled to make his return to wrestling next month on this show.

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"TNA sources" are usually spin doctors when it comes to PWInsider. They are the only ones who phone into their conference calls. Their TNA sources are probably Jeremy Borash or Bob Ryder. They can say what they like on this subject, but TNA sacking someone for being overpaid is so laughable. Most of their company is overpaid.


Also, they've throw out a new video, building up the signing of a new bloke. When in doubt "BIG SURPRISE" time.



Jesse Sorenson posted this the other week, interestingly enough. Its his original Gut Check (the ones before it came to TV) contract:



Wrestling is so scummy.



TNA are scumbags, true. But why anyone would sign that is beyond me. Who wants to be on television THAT badly?

What's so bad about the contract??

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