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TNA announced today that they will be doing a second PPV this year, Bound for Glory, on 10/4 fro the Cabarrus Arena in Charlotte, NC.The feeling is that running in North Carolina is their best bet because the Hardy Brothers are from that state. 


Tickets will be on  sale on 7/31.


There will be VIP tickets for the Main Event Experience for the show which will include a guided tour of the arena, backstage and production facilities, with Dixie Carter, lunch at catering with the entire roster and crew, a fantasy booking segment with a TNA writer and agent, and a walk down the entrance ramp and into the ring for a photo shoot while holding the TNA title belt.


Talent listed for the show are The Hardys, Kurt Angle, Ethan Carter III, Drew Galloway, The Wolves, Bram, Bobby Lashley, Brooke, Tigre Uno, Gail Kim, Rockstar Spud and The Doll House.


A special "sad bastard" deal there.

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It'll more go "And then we build him for a few months, then realise he's not under contract and he can't wrestle in the blow off as he turns up on WWE, so we just end it", "Wow, cheers Mr Gabruick".

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TNA is like a shit drug for me at the moment. I never watch Raw, NXT or anything current on the WWE Network. But yet, like bloody clockwork, I find myself watching Impact on a Tuesday night and actually enjoying it. Whereas there's nothing but negativity surrounding the company, the actual two hour block of programming isn't too bad. 

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EC3's handpicked title defenses the other week were fucking amazing. "Norv Fernum" is an amazing jobber name and it was nice to see Shark Boy too

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EC3's handpicked title defenses the other week were fucking amazing. "Norv Fernum" is an amazing jobber name and it was nice to see Shark Boy too


IIRC he was named thus because he looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo, whose real name is Norville Rodgers.

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So Bully Ray has walked out on TNA  already....so he lasted a week as the new GM. Jesus.


I hope someone at TNA is filming all this, would make a cracking fly on the wall documentary.


TNA have got themselves in a mess with putting everyone on a pay per appearance basis, as much as it means they don't have to pay people when they have no shows it also means people can just walk out on them as they aren't under contract.

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if you feel sorry for TNA always having to back out of storylines lately with the mass talent exodus, take a peak at some of what's to come. Impact taping spoilers obviously. My god if it wasn't for EC3 what would this show even be?


Scoop #16: "The Man" Jessie Godderz beat Micah
Scoop #17: Jessie Godderz is going to the finals of the tournament, but at Genesis he has to face Al Snow in an Elevation X Match
They had another qualification match (I suppose anyway) between Tigre Uno and Gail Kim of all people with the winner facing ABYSS in a BARBED WIRE MASSACRE at that Genesis show, which I assume is going to be a ONO.
Scoop #23: Chris Melendez wants a rematch with EY, EY will only accept if he puts his leg on the line, Melendez agrees


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Apparently, this also happened:



Jarrett announced at the start of the show he was done with TNA, then announced himself as the new authority figure a few segments later.  Quick to change his mind, wasn't he?



I almost wasn't going to spoiler tag it because, really, who actually cares?

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Those last two posts sound like a parody of results from TNA tapings based on how silly things might go in their current circumstances.


The fact that they appear to be true is bonkers.

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I actually wasn't aware at first when I posted, an Elevation X match is a scaffold match (shaped like an X). this company is incredible. Write the parody screenplay now!

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