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I almost want to agree that Vince wouldn't buy the TNA library, but that said he did buy the XWF stuff, I think really just for that one Hogan match on the pilot for the hogan boxed set. Also with the network eventually needing more modernised programming to show (although way off right now) the TNA library could be quite handy

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I think he'd buy it. WWE have made good money out of DVD/Blu Ray sales over the years, and now with the Network they're betting even more heavily on the value of back catalogue wrestling. TNA has enough good stuff to make it worth their while.

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Depends on the cost. If TNA's library goes for about the same as the XWF footage, it's a great buy. But it's worth a fraction of what WCW went for. TNA has never done anything that's remotely essential to a WWE DVD, and the network is never going to struggle for footage.

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Yeah. The Network looks to be slow feeding content and you've got WWWF/WWF/WWE weeklies going back forever which will grow every week, 30 years plus of Georgia, JCP and WCW weeklies, and loads else too. There's no footage out there bar Memphis, which is in such a confusing mess it'll probably never be bought, worth paying any money next to fuck all for. By low I'm talking five figures or something, through bankruptcy. The TNA library has no real worth to WWE in my opinion.

Edited by PowerButchi
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Kaz and Daniels have gone by the looks of it. They aren't on the next 6 weeks of TV tapings and their contracts are up in April. 2 more bite the dust. What a shocking departure. They have made up 90% of the best moments in the last 2 years of TNA. When the Aces and 8s were kidnapping people and Sam Shaw was licking his fingers and Claire Lynch was dreaming of convincing people to have a go on the Popeye Ride, Bad Influence filled in the gaps of some horrible shows. This is a massive blow to the quality of their shows.

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Bonkers. They are one of my favourite tag teams ever, there was a period last year where I was tuning in to TNA just to see what they got up to, and they usually delivered a laugh or a light moment. Heartbreaking if they decide to go their separate ways now.

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They'll show up in ROH and New Japan and AAA and eventually for Jarrett's group I assume. They are that wonderful mix where they can work the Junior Heavyweights and the Heavyweights. They'd be comfortable working the Time Splitters or the Bullet Club, so I imagine they will be in demand everywhere. Not to mention I can see the big indies over here bringing them in. I can see everyone wanting them. With Kaz, Daniels, Styles and Shelley available, that's four guys I'd take in a heartbeat if I was running a promotion.

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A bigger loss than AJ was, for me. You could put those guys in just about any scenario and they'd come up trumps. There's loads of legs in having them go as a babyface tandem. Mental if they let them go. I can't imagine they're on mega money.

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I can comfortably say Kaz and Daniels were amongst the highlights of the last couple of live events I've attended.


This year when it became apparent there ain't gonna be any/many big names the first thing I did was check that they were still around and would be on the tour.

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This sucks. If they leave TNA its probably the last I will see of them, as I don't watch much outside the main two and a bit of Dragon Gate these days. Bullshit.


Its a shame they've already been branded with the "no thanks, lads" label by WWE as they'd make an excellent addition to the tag ranks.

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I'd not be surprised if at least one of them was offered a trainer role.


It's ironic some of the people WWE think are good enough to train the future stars, yet they'd refuse to actually use them as talent!

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Chris Daniels is in his mid 40s, Kazarian is 36, they'd have to go through NXT first as well to work out any remaining kinks, and WWE's already got their quota of small guys. I can't see WWE having any interest.

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