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God, I remember that! I thought the Piper impression was great, especially the "Hey, ya fuckin' Nazi, how ya doin'?" The Robot Chicken guys are clearly big fans, given they had Lanny Poffo in there.

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The crowd was really behind AJ so it could've been a great moment for TNA but alas it was'nt to be, Roode should've got the title cos least he is credible and was a decent champion and the feud with Angle could've been a decent title feud to keep the company ticking over til shit gets sorted


The likes of Spud, EC3 etc are good but its hard to build them up on a dodgy foundation, if this was even a year and a half ago they might of stood a better chance of being taking serious instead of being 'cheap talent'


I like Samual Shaws american psycho stuff but he needs more than wrestling in street clothes but I do like his front choke finish its seems a the type of thing a killer would use.


Like the end of the Aces and 8s stuff Im hoping they can start to move on from the AJ stuff cause it was dragging for ages


The do need some new blood or bring back in names that have vanished like Kenny King, Rob Terry, Brisco, Bischoff etc not that they'll draw ratings but least it might stop the same feuds over n over

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I was very surprised at the general apathy towards TNA in this years UKFF Awards.


It's one thing to have nobody nominated for Best Wrestler, TV show, event, match, etc.

But when you're not getting any voted for worst event, match, etc. either then it shows that nothing left much of an impression last year.


Hogan vs Bully and Gail Kim vs Taryn Terrell got one nomination each for feud of the year, Bad Influence got a few nominations for Tag Team of the year, and Mr Anderson was up a few of the negative awards, but that was pretty much it.


What would regular viewers say were the best TNA matches of the year?


I stopped watching around May/June, the best matches I remember before then were Bully/Hardy at Lockdown and the Gail Kim/Taryn Terrell last woman standing match.

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The best matches (or at least most memorable) tend to come on PPV. And TNA only had 4 PPVs last year (and there will be less, if any this year). So its hard to say. The TVs sort of all blend together. TNA's best pay-per-view match might have been Gail Kim vs Tiffany. That match was excellent. The sad thing is, losing 8 PPVs has murdered the structure of their TVs. They seem to build to nothing anymore. So you get months of people wondering if Joseph Park is Abyss and you cant see any end in sight. All that comes out of the promotion is negative these days.


On another topic, Jeff Jarrett and Dorian Roldan are meeting in LA today. Wonder what that's about. The Jarrett promotion might need its own thread.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I realise it's against the grain, but I enjoyed that main event on yesterday's show. It was different, and more memorable than a straight singles match probably would have been. Reminded me of the Undertaker vs Yokozuna match from Royal Rumble '94, with the wave of guys taking him out. Massive sympathy on AJ, setting up a bunch of pure scoundrels for him to go after if he comes back any time soon (which had to have been at least part of the intent when they taped it). I also liked how, for once, a company explained why the other faces weren't running in for the save, by tying them up with various problems earlier in the show. Not sure how Magnus can stride out in Britain as a babyface now though after all that, they must be going down the full-on heel route with him over here.

Edited by AshC
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I'm enjoying TNA's output a lot recently and deffently not as fristrated as others about thier product. There is a distinct lack of star power but I would deeply regret if they addressed that by signing a lot of big name talent -if they could afford it and the names were around to hire-. I just wish Magnus was given a far, far better theme tune that that weird managled rubbish he has right now. Aside from that I think he can certainly grow into a good champion for the company.


Also I just read that American Wolves look to be signing for the company but I know that's going to get mixed reviews.

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