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I would much rather sit through JR's musings than Jericho's hilarious intros. To be fair, I tend to skip everything leading up to the interview unless it's Austin. But JR is laid back which often lends to me forgetting / not being bothered to buffer. Jericho is so painful he leaves me no choice.Ā 

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The part where both men are talking about the potential evolution of the Cena character is probably better than anything WWE will eventually do with the angle, as it's a risk. I truly hope I'm wrong, as it would make for some excellent TV and you know Cena is going to create great content with it; potentially the best promos of his career.

Austin's idea of Cena taking off his wristbands is simple but brilliant. He then continued with "and he should wear tights", which I didn't quite follow.

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I would much rather sit through JR's musings than Jericho's hilarious intros. To be fair, I tend to skip everything leading up to the interview unless it's Austin. But JR is laid back which often lends to me forgetting / not being bothered to buffer. Jericho is so painful he leaves me no choice.Ā 


Agreed. Jericho's intro's (those f***ing guest voices he puts on do my nut in!) are horrible horrible audio which I've learnt to always skip through but I tend to find his actual interview segments good. Not without fault for sure (I hate how he cuts for a sponsor but continues the convo as if he's back in the room with his guest) but JR's intro and interview annoy me in equal measures. It's as if he's rang someone up and just said "hey do you want to ring in and then listen to me answer the questions I give you for 45 minutes?" JR's phoning it in, he really is. His standards are so low. Austin has promised Undertaker but he has to be face to face. He had the same stand point for Foley. I don't believe for a second Austin would've have allowed Sting to ring in like Jim did.

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Listened to both parts of Batista and Jericho. It was really good, but Jericho is difficult to tolerate sometimes. He's got this snivelling aspect to him, like he's the really uncool kid palling up with the cool boys. And he always comes off like a complete arse-kisser, but not just his interviewee's arse, his own as well.


Batista sounded a bit of an idiot talking about his cage match with Jericho and his decision to bleed that cost him a hundred grand, it was interesting though. Going on about how the business needs it in the big storyline situations, but I don't remember Batista vs Jericho being some kind of big heated feud. They got put together for a match on a B-pay-per-view and then a cage rematch on Raw just for the sake of a Raw main event. Getting reprimanded for bleeding broke Dave's heart and ultimately led to him leaving.


The good news is he wants to come back to WWE, the bad news is he seems quite arsed off about creative (to the point where he wants creative control if he comes back) and about idiot fans chanting random nonsense during shows.

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Listened to Colt's podcast with Jim Ross tonight, and its one of the worst constructed interviews I've heard. You have a guest like JR, who's been active in the industry since the late 70's, yet I didn't feel I learnt anything and was just a wasted hour really. Surprised as I used to really enjoying listening to Cabana's shows every week.

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That was mostly JR's fault, I thought. He did exactly what he does on his own shows, talking right over the other guy- ignoring questions and going off on boring, rambling tangents instead, putting forward questions then answering them himself. Almost felt sorry for Colt because he was trying to be too respectful so didn't stop JR or try to reign him in.

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I can imagine the Triple H one being funny as fuck or awful. The NXT conference calls he does are usually really boring because he's got to answer everything responsibly, but most of the people on the call are dirtsheet idiots and he has to be diplomatic with their stupid questions. Now and again though, he'll give a sarcastic answer that makes them look a fool. I'd love it if he did the same to Jericho.

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